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FreelinkingTest.php in Freelinking 8.3

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  1. 4.0.x tests/src/Unit/Plugin/Filter/FreelinkingTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\freelinking\Unit\Plugin\Filter;

use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup;
use Drupal\filter\Plugin\FilterInterface;
use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;
use Drupal\freelinking\Plugin\Filter\Freelinking;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Prophecy\Argument;

 * Tests the freelinking plugin.
 * @group freelinking
class FreelinkingTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * Freelinking filter plugin.
   * @var \Drupal\freelinking\Plugin\Filter\Freelinking
  protected $filter;

   * Translation interface mock.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface
  protected $translationInterfaceMock;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Mock string translation service.
    $tProphet = $this
      ->will(function ($args) {
      return $args[0];
    $this->translationInterfaceMock = $tProphet

    // Create a freelinking plugin mock.
    $pluginProphet = $this
      'title' => 'Dummy',
    $mockPlugin = $pluginProphet

    // Create a mock of the freelinking plugin manager.
    $managerProphet = $this
      ->createInstance(Argument::type('string'), Argument::type('array'))

    // Create a mock of the current user.
    $userProphet = $this
    $container = new ContainerBuilder();
      ->set('string_translation', $this->translationInterfaceMock);
      ->set('freelinking.manager', $managerProphet
      ->set('current_user', $userProphet
    $definition = [
      'id' => 'freelinking',
      'title' => 'Freelinking',
      'description' => 'Allowms for a flexible format for linking content.',
      'type' => FilterInterface::TYPE_TRANSFORM_IRREVERSIBLE,
      'provider' => 'freelinking',
      'status' => FALSE,
      'settings' => [
        'default' => 'nodetitle',
        'global_options' => [
          'ignore_upi' => FALSE,
        'plugins' => [],
        'external_http_request' => FALSE,
      'weight' => 0,
    $configuration = [
      'settings' => [
        'plugins' => [
          'dummy' => [
            'plugin' => 'dummy',
            'enabled' => TRUE,
      'weight' => 0,
      'status' => TRUE,
    $this->filter = new Freelinking($configuration, 'freelinking', $definition, $container
      ->get('freelinking.manager'), $container

   * Asserts that a short tip is returned.
  public function testShortTip() {
    $expected = new TranslatableMarkup('Freelinking helps you easily create HTML links. Links take the form of <code>[[indicator:target|Title]].</code>', [], [], $this->translationInterfaceMock);
      ->assertEquals($expected, $this->filter

   * Asserts that a long tip is returned.
  public function testLongTip() {
    $expectedText = <<<EOF
<p>Freelinking helps you easily create HTML links. Links take the form of <code>[[indicator:target|Title]].</code><br />
Below is a list of available types of freelinks you may use, organized as <strong>Plugin Name</strong>: [<em>indicator</em>].</p>
<ul><li><strong>Dummy</strong> [<em>indicator</em>]: tip</li></ul>
    $expected = new TranslatableMarkup($expectedText, [], [], $this->translationInterfaceMock);
      ->assertEquals($expected, $this->filter



Namesort descending Description
FreelinkingTest Tests the freelinking plugin.