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9 calls to Fraction::getDenominator() in Fraction 2.x

Fraction::add in src/Fraction.php
Adds another fraction to this one.
Fraction::divide in src/Fraction.php
Divides this fraction by another one.
Fraction::gcd in src/Fraction.php
Calculate the fraction's greatest common divisor using Euclid's algorithm.
Fraction::multiply in src/Fraction.php
Multiplies this fraction with another one.
Fraction::reciprocate in src/Fraction.php
Reciprocates the fraction.
Fraction::reduce in src/Fraction.php
Reduces the fraction to its simplest form.
Fraction::subtract in src/Fraction.php
Subtracts another fraction from this one.
Fraction::toDecimal in src/Fraction.php
Calculates the decimal equivalent of the fraction.
Fraction::toString in src/Fraction.php
Return a string representation of the fraction.