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8 calls to forum_access_access() in Forum Access 6

forum_access_init in ./forum_access.module
Implementation of hook_init().
forum_access_preprocess_forums in ./forum_access.module
Implementation of $modulename_preprocess_$hook() for forums.
_forum_access_comment_form in ./
Remove the in-line 'Post new comment' form, if the user does not have the 'create' permission (see below). (This needs forum_access_preprocess_box() to clean up afterwards.)
_forum_access_forum_access_callback in ./forum_access.module
Access callback for the 'forum' menu path.
_forum_access_forum_form in ./
Rewrite the forum administration page with our new access rules.
_forum_access_forum_overview in ./
Remove unusable 'edit' links from overview form.
_forum_access_node_form in ./
Rewrite the taxonomy item on the node form.
_forum_access_preprocess_comment in ./
Recreate comment links (they've already been themed), and remove those that aren't accessible to the user (pre-D6.17).