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public function FormsStepsTest::testFormsSteps in Forms Steps 8

Tests the creation and use of a form step.


tests/src/Functional/FormsStepsTest.php, line 46


Tests for the Forms Steps module.




public function testFormsSteps() {

  // Create page content type.
    'type' => 'page',

  // Creation of all form display modes.
  foreach ($this->data['form_display_modes'] as $form_display_mode) {

    // Access form mode add page.
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.entity_form_mode.add_form', [
      'entity_type_id' => 'node',

    // Add a form mode.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      'label' => $form_display_mode['label'],
      'id' => $form_display_mode['id'],
    ], t('Save'));
      ->pageTextContains('Saved the ' . $form_display_mode['label'] . ' form mode.');
      ->grantPermission('use node.' . $form_display_mode['id'] . ' form mode')

  // Create Article content type.
    'type' => 'article',
    ->grantPermission("administer nodes")
    ->grantPermission("create article content")
    ->grantPermission("create page content")
    ->grantPermission("edit any article content")
    ->grantPermission("edit any page content")

  // Access article's form display page.
    ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.entity_form_display.node.default', [
    'node_type' => 'article',

  // Activate Test Form Modes as a custom display mode.
  foreach ($this->data['form_display_modes'] as $form_display_mode) {
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      "display_modes_custom[{$form_display_mode['id']}]" => $form_display_mode['id'],
    ], t('Save'));
      ->pageTextContains("The {$form_display_mode['label']} mode now uses custom display settings.");

  // TODO: seems that we have a bug in core, new form class not correctly
  // defined coz of cache.

  // Configure the visible fields.
    ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.entity_form_display.node.form_mode', [
    'node_type' => 'article',
    'form_mode_name' => $form_display_mode['id'],
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'fields[title][region]' => 'content',
    'fields[body][region]' => 'hidden',
    'fields[status][region]' => 'hidden',
    'fields[uid][region]' => 'hidden',
    'fields[created][region]' => 'hidden',
    'fields[promote][region]' => 'hidden',
    'fields[sticky][region]' => 'hidden',
  ], t('Save'));

  // Access forms steps add page.

  // Test the creation of a form step.
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'label' => $this->data['forms_steps']['label'],
    'id' => $this->data['forms_steps']['id'],
    'description' => $this->data['forms_steps']['description'],
  ], t('Save'));
    ->pageTextContains('Forms Steps ' . $this->data['forms_steps']['label'] . ' has been created.');

  // Perform steps creation.
  foreach ($this->data['forms_steps']['steps'] as $step) {

    // Access step add page of the form step.
      ->drupalGet(Url::fromRoute('entity.forms_steps.add_step_form', [
      'forms_steps' => 'test_form_step',

    // Test the creation of an add step.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      'label' => $step['label'],
      'id' => $step['id'],
      'target_form_mode' => $step['target_form_mode'],
      'target_entity_type' => $step['target_entity_type'],
      'target_entity_bundle' => $step['target_entity_bundle'],
      'url' => $step['url'],
    ], t('Save'));
      ->pageTextContains('Created ' . $step['label'] . ' step.');

  // TODO: seems that we have a bug in core, new form class not correctly
  // defined coz of cache.

  // Test the flow/
  // Access the step 1.

  // Check status code.
  $value = 'This is a Test Titre content';
    ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
    'title[0][value]' => $value,
  ], t('Save'));

  // Access step 2.
    ->assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase($this->data['forms_steps']['steps'][2]['url'], $this