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public static function Dazzler::preRenderForm in Formdazzle! 2.x

Adds template suggestions to forms.

Instead of using hook_form_alter or hook_theme_suggestions_alter, we delay adding suggestions until the form's pre_render phase.


array $form: A render array of the form.

Return value

array The modified form.

3 calls to Dazzler::preRenderForm()
DazzlerTest::testPreRenderForm in tests/src/Unit/DazzlerTest.php
@covers ::preRenderForm
DazzlerTest::testPreRenderFormNoDebugging in tests/src/Unit/DazzlerTest.php
@covers ::preRenderForm
DazzlerTest::testRepeatedPreRenderFormCalls in tests/src/Unit/DazzlerTest.php
@covers ::preRenderForm


src/Dazzler.php, line 71


A class providing methods to modify Drupal form elements.




public static function preRenderForm(array $form) {

  // We always set these properties in formAlter(). If this is missing, an
  // earlier call to preRenderForm() has already consumed the #formdazzle
  // data. So we don't need to run this function.
  if (isset($form['#formdazzle']['form_id'])) {
    $form_id = $form['#formdazzle']['form_id'];
    $form_id_suggestion = self::getFormIdSuggestion($form, $form_id);
    self::traverse($form, $form_id, $form_id_suggestion);

    // We unset the #formdazzle data to prevent repeated preRenderForm() calls
    // from altering the form again.

    // When #theme is set, Drupal ignores #markup, UNLESS none of the #theme
    // suggestions are implemented. Which means we can safely set #markup to
    // print out Twig debugging comments about the not-implemented #theme
    // suggestions.

    /** @var \Twig\Environment $twig_service */
    $twig_service = \Drupal::service('twig');
    if ($twig_service
      ->isDebug() && isset($form['#theme'])) {

      // Expand the list of theme suggestions.
      $suggestions = $form['#theme'];
      if (is_string($suggestions)) {
        $suggestions = [
      $hook = $suggestions[array_key_last($suggestions)];
      while ($pos = strrpos($hook, '__')) {
        $hook = substr($hook, 0, $pos);
        $suggestions[] = $hook;

      // Add an HTML comment that mimics the Twig debugging comments added by
      // twig.engine. @see twig_render_template()
      foreach ($suggestions as &$suggestion) {
        $suggestion = Html::escape(strtr($suggestion, '_', '-') . '.html.twig');
      $form['#markup'] = Markup::create("\n\n<!-- THEME DEBUG -->" . "\n<!-- THEME HOOK: No templates found. -->" . "\n<!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS:\n   * " . implode("\n   * ", $suggestions) . "\n-->");

  // #pre_render functions return the elements they are pre-rendering.
  return $form;