You are here in Form Builder 7

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 * This class is a wrapper around all the hooks used for getting pluigns.
 * Currently supported plugin-types are:
 * - form types: hook_form_builder_form_types().
 * - element types: hook_form_builder_types().
 * - properties: hook_form_builder_properties().
class FormBuilderLoader {
  protected static $instance = NULL;
  protected $formTypeInfo;
  protected $paletteGroupInfo = array();
  protected $elementTypeInfo = array();
  protected $propertyInfo = array();
  protected $formCache = array();

   * Get a singleton-like class instance.
  public static function instance() {
    if (!static::$instance) {
      static::$instance = new static();
    return static::$instance;
  public function __construct() {
    module_load_include('', 'form_builder', 'includes/form_builder');
  protected function loadFormTypeInfo() {
    $defaults = array(
      'class' => 'FormBuilderFormBase',
      'property class' => 'FormBuilderPropertyBase',
      'element class' => 'FormBuilderElementBase',
    $form_types = module_invoke_all('form_builder_form_types');
    foreach ($form_types as $form_type => &$info) {
      $info += $defaults;
    drupal_alter('form_builder_form_types', $form_types);
    $this->formTypeInfo = $form_types;
  public function getElementTypeInfo($form_type, $form_id) {
    if (!isset($this->elementTypeInfo[$form_type][$form_id])) {
      $element_types = module_invoke_all('form_builder_element_types', $form_type, $form_id);
      $groups = $this
        ->getPaletteGroupInfo($form_type, $form_id);

      // Add default values for undefined properties.
      foreach ($element_types as $key => &$type) {
        $type += array(
          'class' => $this->formTypeInfo[$form_type]['element class'],
          'configurable' => TRUE,
          'removable' => TRUE,
          'palette_group' => 'default',
          'properties' => array(),
        $type += array(
          'addable' => $type['removable'] && isset($type['default']),
        $type['unique'] = !empty($type['unique']);
        $type['palette_group'] = isset($groups[$type['palette_group']]) ? $type['palette_group'] : 'default';

        // All fields must support weight.
        if (!in_array('weight', $type['properties'])) {
          $type['properties'][] = 'weight';

        // Update the default elements with some defaults.
        // Note that if a field is not removable, it doesn't have a default.
        $type['default'] += array(
          '#form_builder' => array(),
        if ($type['addable']) {
          $type['default']['#form_builder'] += array(
            'element_type' => $key,
          if ($type['unique']) {
            $type['default']['#form_builder']['element_id'] = $key;

      // Sort fields by weight and title.
      uasort($element_types, '_form_builder_sort');
      drupal_alter('form_builder_element_types', $element_types, $form_type, $form_id);
      $this->elementTypeInfo[$form_type][$form_id] = $element_types;
    return $this->elementTypeInfo[$form_type][$form_id];
  public function getPaletteGroupInfo($form_type, $form_id, $reset = FALSE) {
    if (!isset($this->paletteGroupInfo[$form_type]) || $reset) {
      $this->paletteGroupInfo[$form_type] = module_invoke_all('form_builder_palette_groups', $form_type, $form_id);
    return $this->paletteGroupInfo[$form_type];
  public function getPropertyInfo($form_type, $reset = FALSE) {
    if (!isset($this->propertyInfo[$form_type]) || $reset) {

      // Don't use module_invoke_all here as it uses array_merge_recursive()
      // which creates sub-arrays for duplicate array keys.
      $properties = array();
      foreach (module_implements('form_builder_properties') as $module) {
        $new_properties = module_invoke($module, 'form_builder_properties', $form_type);
        $properties += $new_properties;
        foreach ($new_properties as $k => $v) {
          $properties[$k] = array_merge($properties[$k], $new_properties[$k]);
      drupal_alter('form_builder_properties', $properties, $form_type);
      $defaults['class'] = $this->formTypeInfo[$form_type]['property class'];
      foreach ($properties as $property => &$params) {
        $params += $defaults;
      $this->propertyInfo[$form_type] = $properties;
    return $this->propertyInfo[$form_type];

   * Get a form object.
  public function getForm($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $form = array()) {
    if (!isset($this->formTypeInfo[$form_type])) {
      return FALSE;
    $info = $this->formTypeInfo[$form_type];
    $class = $info['class'];
    return new $class($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $info, $form);

   * Load a form from storage.
  public function fromStorage($form_type, $form_id, $sid = NULL) {
    if (!isset($this->formTypeInfo[$form_type])) {
      return FALSE;
    $info = $this->formTypeInfo[$form_type];
    $class = $info['class'];
    return $class::loadFromStorage($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $info);

   * Load a form from the form_builder_cache.
  public function fromCache($form_type, $form_id, $sid = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
    if ($reset) {
      $this->formCache = array();
    if ($form_type && $form_id) {
      if (empty($this->formCache[$form_type][$form_id])) {
        $this->formCache[$form_type][$form_id] = FALSE;
        if (isset($this->formTypeInfo[$form_type])) {
          $info = $this->formTypeInfo[$form_type];
          $class = $info['class'];
          $sid = $sid ? $sid : session_id();
          if ($form = $class::load($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $info)) {
            $this->formCache[$form_type][$form_id] = $form;
      return $this->formCache[$form_type][$form_id];
    return NULL;

   * Get element instance.
  public function getElement($form_type, $form_id, $element_type, $form, &$element) {
    $infos = $this
      ->getElementTypeInfo($form_type, $form_id);
    $info = $infos[$element_type];
    $class = $info['class'];
    return new $class($form, $info, $element, $this);

interface FormBuilderFormInterface {

   * Load form data from the storage backend (ie. webform components).
   * @param string $form_type
   *   Name of the form_type.
   * @param mixed $form_id
   *   Primary identifier for the form. (ie. node id)
   * @param string $sid
   *   User session ID. If NULL session_id() is assumed.
   * @param array $params
   *   Additional parameters passed to hook_form_builder_form_types().
  public static function loadFromStorage($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $params);

   * Save form data to the storage backend.
  public function saveToStorage();

   * Load a form configuration cache.
   * @param string $form_type
   *   The type of form being edited.
   * @param mixed $form_id
   *   The unique identifier for the form (within the form_type).
   * @param string $sid
   *   User session ID. If NULL session_id() is assumed.
   * @param array $params
   *   Additional parameters passed to hook_form_builder_properties().
   * @return
   *   A FAPI array if a cache entry was found. Boolean FALSE if an entry does not
   *   yet exist. Note that an empty FAPI array may exist, so be sure to use
   *   strict comparison (===) when checking return values.
  public static function load($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $params);

   * Construct a new instance of this form type class..
   * @param string $form_type
   *   Name of the form_type.
   * @param array $params
   *   Additional parameters passed to hook_form_builder_properties().
  public function __construct($form_type, $params, $form);

   * Save a form builder cache based on the form structure.
  public function save();

   * Delete this cache entry from the form_builder_cache table.
  public function delete();

   * Get a specific element from the form.
   * @param string $elment_id
   *   Unique ID of the element.
   * @return FormBuilderElementInterface
   *   Object representing the form element.
  public function getElement($element_id);

   * Get the internal element array for an element.
   * @deprecated This is only here for backwards compatibility. It will be
   *   removed in 2.0.
   * @param string $element_id
   *   Unique ID of the element.
   * @return array
   *   The array representing the internal state of the element.
  public function getElementArray($element_id);

   * Get an array of element arrays.
   * @deprecated This is only here for backwards compatibility. It will be
   *   removed in 2.0.
   * @param array $element_ids
   *   Array of unique element IDs.
   * @return array
   *   The array representing the internal state of the element.
  public function getElementArrays($element_ids);

   * Get the complete form array (FORM_BUILDER_ROOT).
  public function getFormArray();

   * Set an element array.
   * @deprecated This is only here for backwards compatibility. It will be
   *   removed in 2.0.
  public function setElementArray($element_a, $parent_id = FORM_BUILDER_ROOT, $alter = FALSE);

   * Remove an element from the form.
   * @param string $element_id
   *   Unique ID of the element.
  public function unsetElement($element_id);

   * Get the list of currently used element ids.
   * @return array
   *   List of element ids.
  public function getElementIds();

   * Get the list of currently used element types.
   * @return array
   *   List of element types.
  public function getElementTypes();

class FormBuilderFormBase implements Serializable {
  const CACHE_NAME = 'form_builder_cache';
  protected $formType;
  protected $params;
  protected $properties;
  protected $form;
  protected $formId;
  protected $sid;
  protected $loader;
  protected $elementArrays = array();

   * Shortcut for creating a form object from a form array.
  public static function fromArray($form) {
    $fb = $form['#form_builder'] + array(
      'sid' => NULL,
    return FormBuilderLoader::instance()
      ->getForm($fb['form_type'], $fb['form_id'], $fb['sid'], $form);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function loadFromStorage($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $params) {
    $form = module_invoke_all('form_builder_load', $form_type, $form_id);
    drupal_alter('form_builder_load', $form, $form_type, $form_id);
    return new static($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $params, $form);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function saveToStorage() {
    module_invoke_all('form_builder_save', $this->form, $this->formType, $this->formId);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function load($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $params) {
    $obj = "{$form_type}:{$form_id}";
    $form = ctools_object_cache_get($obj, self::CACHE_NAME, FALSE, $sid);
    if ($form && is_array($form)) {
      $form = new static($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $params, $form);
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct($form_type, $form_id, $sid, $params, $form) {
    $this->formType = $form_type;
    $this->formId = $form_id;
    $this->sid = $sid ? $sid : session_id();
    $this->params = $params;
    $this->properties = NULL;
    $this->form =& $form;
    $this->elementArrays[FORM_BUILDER_ROOT] =& $this->form;

   * Serialize the form.
   * NOTE: This should only be used for short-term storage.
  public function serialize() {
    return serialize(array(
      'formType' => $this->formType,
      'formId' => $this->formId,
      'sid' => $this->sid,
      'params' => $this->params,
      'form' => $this->form,

   * Unserialize a stored version of this form.
  public function unserialize($data) {
    $data = unserialize($data);
    $this->formType = $data['formType'];
    $this->formId = $data['formId'];
    $this->sid = $data['sid'];
    $this->params = $data['params'];
    $this->form = $data['form'];
    $this->properties = array();
    $this->elementArrays[FORM_BUILDER_ROOT] =& $this->form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function save() {
    $obj = "{$this->formType}:{$this->formId}";
    ctools_object_cache_set($obj, self::CACHE_NAME, $this, $this->sid);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function delete() {
    $obj = "{$this->formType}:{$this->formId}";
    ctools_object_cache_clear($obj, self::CACHE_NAME, FALSE, $this->sid);

   * Purge old cache entries.
   * @param int $max_age
   *   All form_builder_cache entries older than $max_age seconds are purged.
  public static function purge($max_age = NULL) {
    $expire = isset($max_age) ? $max_age : ini_get('session.cache_expire');
    return db_delete('ctools_object_cache')
      ->condition('name', 'form_builder_cache')
      ->condition('updated', REQUEST_TIME - $max_age, '<')

   * Recurse through the form array and add defaults to their element arrays.
   * This function ensures the following properties:
   * $element['#pre_render'] includes 'form_builder_pre_render'
   * In $element['#form_builder']:
   *   - 'form_type'
   *   - 'form_id'
   *   - 'parent_id'
  protected function addDefaults(&$element, $parent_id = FORM_BUILDER_ROOT, $key = NULL, &$element_info = NULL) {
    if (!$element_info) {
      $element_info = FormBuilderLoader::instance()
        ->getElementTypeInfo($this->formType, $this->formId);
    if (isset($element['#form_builder']['element_id'])) {
      $element_id = $element['#form_builder']['element_id'];
      $element += array(
        '#key' => $key,
      $element['#form_builder']['form_type'] = $this->formType;
      $element['#form_builder']['form_id'] = $this->formId;
      $element['#form_builder']['parent_id'] = $parent_id;

      // Set defaults based on the form type.
      $settings = array();
      if (isset($element_info[$element_id]) && $element_info[$element_id]['unique']) {
        $element['#form_builder']['unique'] = TRUE;
        $element['#form_builder'] += array(
          'element_type' => $element_id,
        $settings = $element_info[$element_id];
      else {
        if (isset($element['#type'])) {
          $element['#form_builder'] += array(
            'element_type' => $element['#type'],
        if (isset($element_info[$element['#form_builder']['element_type']])) {
          $settings = $element_info[$element['#form_builder']['element_type']];
        else {

          // If the type cannot be found, prevent editing of this field.

      // Set defaults for configurable and removable.
      $settings += array(
        'configurable' => TRUE,
        'removable' => TRUE,
      $element['#form_builder'] += array(
        'configurable' => $settings['configurable'],
        'removable' => $settings['removable'],
      $parent_id = $element_id;
    foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
        ->addDefaults($element[$key], $parent_id, $key, $element_info);

   * Add the element and it's subelements to the elementd index.
   * The index is stored in $this->elementArrays and used by all element_id
   * based methods.
  protected function indexElements(&$element) {
    if (isset($element['#form_builder']['element_id'])) {
      $element_id = $element['#form_builder']['element_id'];
      $this->elementArrays[$element_id] =& $element;
    foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {

   * Remove an element and it's children from the index.
  protected function unindexElements($element) {
    if ($element instanceof FormBuilderElementInterface) {
    foreach ($element
      ->getChildren() as $child) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getElement($element_id) {
    if (!isset($this->elementArrays[$element_id])) {
      return NULL;
    $element =& $this->elementArrays[$element_id];
    return FormBuilderLoader::instance()
      ->getElement($this->formType, $this->formId, $element['#form_builder']['element_type'], $this, $element);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getElementArray($element_id) {
    if (isset($this->elementArrays[$element_id])) {
      return $this->elementArrays[$element_id];
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getElementArrays($element_ids) {
    $elements = array();
    foreach ($element_ids as $element_id) {
      if ($element = $this
        ->getElementArray($element_id)) {
        $elements[$element_id] = $element;
    return $elements;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormArray() {
    return $this->form;

   * (@inheritdoc}
  public function setElementArray($element, $parent_id = FORM_BUILDER_ROOT, $alter = FALSE) {
    $return = FALSE;
    $element_id = $element['#form_builder']['element_id'];
    $element['#form_builder'] += array(
      'parent_id' => $parent_id,
    $parent_id = $element['#form_builder']['parent_id'];
    if ($alter) {
      drupal_alter('form_builder_add_element', $element, $this->formType, $this->formId);

      // Save any element ID set by the hook_form_builder_add_element_alter().
      $element_id = $element['#form_builder']['element_id'];
      $parent_id = $element['#form_builder']['parent_id'];

      // Re-run addDefaults in case something has changed
      ->addDefaults($element, $parent_id);
    if (!isset($element['#form_builder'])) {
      return FALSE;
    if (isset($this->elementArrays[$parent_id])) {
      $parent =& $this->elementArrays[$parent_id];
    else {
      return FALSE;
    $old_element = FALSE;
    if (isset($this->elementArrays[$element_id])) {
      $old_element =& $this->elementArrays[$element_id];

      // Remove element from old parent if needed.
      if ($parent_id !== $old_element['#form_builder']['parent_id']) {
        $old_parent =& $this->elementArrays[$old_element['#form_builder']['parent_id']];
        $old_element = FALSE;
    if ($old_element && $old_element['#key'] != $element['#key']) {

      // Insert the (changed) element at the same position in the parent.
      $new_parent = array();
      foreach ($parent as $key => &$child) {
        if ($key == $old_element['#key']) {
          $new_parent[$element['#key']] =& $element;
        else {
          $new_parent[$key] =& $child;
      $parent = $new_parent;
    else {
      $parent[$element['#key']] =& $element;
    return $element_id;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function unsetElement($element_id) {
    $element = $this->elementArrays[$element_id];
    foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
      if (!empty($element[$key]['#form_builder']['element_id'])) {
    $parent =& $this->elementArrays[$element['#form_builder']['parent_id']];

   * Get list of element ids in depth-first pre-order.
  public function getElementIdsInPreOrder() {
    $ids = array();
      ->_recursiveElementIds($ids, $this->form);
    return $ids;
  private function _recursiveElementIds(&$ids, $e) {
    foreach (element_children($e, TRUE) as $key) {
      if (isset($e[$key]['#form_builder'])) {
        $ids[] = $e[$key]['#form_builder']['element_id'];
          ->_recursiveElementIds($ids, $e[$key]);

   * Get element objects in depth-first pre-order.
  public function getElementsInPreOrder() {
    $elements = array();
    foreach ($this
      ->getElementIdsInPreOrder() as $id) {
      $elements[$id] = $this
    return $elements;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getElementIds() {
    $ids = array();
    foreach (array_keys($this->elementArrays) as $id) {
      if ($id !== FORM_BUILDER_ROOT) {
        $ids[] = $id;
    return $ids;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getElementTypes() {
    $types = array();
    foreach ($this->elementArrays as $element) {
      if (isset($element['#form_builder']['element_type'])) {
        $types[$element['#form_builder']['element_type']] = TRUE;
    return array_keys($types);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getProperties($reset = FALSE) {
    if (!$this->properties || $reset) {
      $properties = FormBuilderLoader::instance()
        ->getPropertyInfo($this->formType, $reset);
      foreach ($properties as $property => $params) {
        $class = $params['class'];
        $this->properties[$property] = new $class($property, $params, $this->formType);
    return $this->properties;

   * Build form-tree from element objects.
  public function preview() {
    $form = array();
    $elements = array(
      FORM_BUILDER_ROOT => &$form,
    foreach ($this
      ->getElementsInPreOrder() as $id => $e) {
      $elements[$id] = $e
        ->key()] =& $elements[$id];
    $form['#tree'] = TRUE;
    $form['#form_builder'] = array(
      'form_type' => $this->formType,
      'form_id' => $this->formId,
      'sid' => $this->sid,
    return $form;

interface FormBuilderElementInterface {
  public function __construct($form_type, $params, &$element, $loader);

   * (Re-)Render an element.
   * @return array
   *   New FAPI array reflecting all the changes made prior to callig this
   *   method.
  public function render();

   * Get a list of properties available for this element.
   * @return
   *   An associative array of properties keyed by the property name.
   *   Property classes must implementing FormBuilderPropertyInterface.
  public function getProperties();

   * Get a list of properties that are supported in any way by this element.
   * This returns a list of all supported properties within an element, even
   * if some of those properties do not have an interface for editing or are
   * only used internally by the module providing the form type this element
   * is being saved in.
   * @return
   *   A non-indexed list of properties that may be saved for this element.
  public function getSaveableProperties();

   * Get the configuration form for this element.
  public function configurationForm($form, &$form_state);

   * Submit handler for the configuration form.
  public function configurationSubmit(&$form, &$form_state);

   * Get a human-readable title for this form element.
  public function title();

class FormBuilderElementBase implements FormBuilderElementInterface {
  protected $form;
  protected $params;
  protected $element;
  protected $loader;
  public function __construct($form, $params, &$element, $loader) {
    $this->form = $form;
    $this->params = $params;
    $this->element =& $element;
    $this->loader = $loader;

   * Add our pre-render function to the element-array.
  protected function addPreRender($element) {
    if (isset($element['#type']) && (!isset($element['#pre_render']) || !in_array('form_builder_pre_render', $element['#pre_render']))) {
      $element['#pre_render'] = array_merge(element_info_property($element['#type'], '#pre_render', array()), array(
    return $element;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function render() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getProperties() {
    $return = array();
    $properties = $this->form

    // Order of the properties is important because of a form-API bug.
    // See:
    foreach ($this->params['properties'] as $name) {
      if (isset($properties[$name])) {
        $return[$name] = $properties[$name];
    return $return;

   * Set the value of a property.
   * This method must update the $element for rendering as well as for
   * later storage.
   * @param string $property
   *   Key of the property.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   New value for the property.
  protected function setProperty($property, $value) {

    // Remove empty properties entirely.
    if ($value === '' || is_null($value)) {
      unset($this->element['#' . $property]);
    else {
      $this->element['#' . $property] = $value;
  public function getSaveableProperties() {
    return $this->params['properties'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function configurationForm($form, &$form_state) {
    $form['#_edit_element'] = $this->element;
    foreach ($this
      ->getProperties() as $property) {
      $form = array_merge($form, $property
        ->form($form_state, $this));
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function configurationSubmit(&$form, &$form_state) {

    // Allow each property to do any necessary submission handling.
    foreach ($this
      ->getProperties() as $property) {
        ->submit($form, $form_state);

    // Update the field according to the settings in $form_state['values'].
    $saveable = $this
    foreach ($form_state['values'] as $property => $value) {
      if (in_array($property, $saveable, TRUE)) {
          ->setProperty($property, $value);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function title() {
    return $this->element['#title'];
  public function parentId() {
    return $this->element['#form_builder']['parent_id'];
  public function key() {
    return $this->element['#key'];

interface FormBuilderPropertyInterface {

   * Construct a new instance of this property class.
   * @param string $property
   *   Name of the property to be manipulated by this object.
   * @param array $params
   *   Additional parameters passed to hook_form_builder_properties().
  public function __construct($property, $params, $form_type_name);

   * Generate form-API elements for editing this property.
   * @param array $form_state
   *   Form API form_state of the field configure form.
   * @param FormBuilderFormElement $element
   *   The currently stored element. Use this to get the "current" values.
   * @return array
   *   Form-API array that will be merged into the field configure form.
  public function form(&$form_state, $element);

   * Submit handler for the editing form().
   * This function is responsible to store the new value into the $form_state.
   * The value must be located at $form_state['values'][$property].
   * @param array $form_state
   *   Form API form_state of the field configure form.
  public function submit($form, &$form_state);

class FormBuilderPropertyBase implements FormBuilderPropertyInterface {
  protected $property;
  protected $params;
  protected $formTypeName;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct($property, $params, $form_type_name) {
    $this->property = $property;
    $this->params = $params;
    $this->formTypeName = $form_type_name;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function form(&$form_state, $element) {
    $e = $element
    if (isset($this->params['form']) && function_exists($this->params['form'])) {
      $function = $this->params['form'];
      $p = $this->property;

      // Set a default value on the property to avoid notices.
      $e['#' . $p] = isset($e['#' . $p]) ? $e['#' . $p] : NULL;
      return $function($form_state, $this->formTypeName, $e, $p);
    return array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submit($form, &$form_state) {
    if (isset($this->params['submit'])) {
      foreach ($this->params['submit'] as $function) {
        if (function_exists($function)) {
          $function($form, $form_state);



Namesort descending Description
FormBuilderLoader This class is a wrapper around all the hooks used for getting pluigns.
