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9 calls to RendererBase::removeChildren() in Forena Reports 7.5

FrxCrosstab::generate in src/Renderer/FrxCrosstab.php
Generate the template from the configuration.
FrxEmailMerge::generate in src/Renderer/FrxEmailMerge.php
Generate the template from the configuration.
FrxFieldTable::generate in src/Renderer/FrxFieldTable.php
Generate the template from the configuration.
FrxMergeDocument::generate in src/Renderer/FrxMergeDocument.php
Generate the template from the configuration.
FrxSection::generate in src/Renderer/FrxSection.php
Build the template
FrxSVGGraph::generate in src/Renderer/FrxSVGGraph.php
Generate the template from the configuration.
FrxTable::generate in src/Renderer/FrxTable.php
Generate the template from the configuration.
RendererBase::removeChildrenExcept in src/Renderer/RendererBase.php
Removes all chidren from the dome node expect those with a tagname specified by the the $tags argurment
RendererBase::resetTemplate in src/Renderer/RendererBase.php
Starting at the current report node, this function removes all child nodes. It aso removes any FRX attributes on the current as well.