public function FrxOracle::sqlData in Forena Reports 8
Get data based on file data block in the repository.
string $sql: Query to execute
array $options: key value pairs containing type information for parameters.
Return value
SimpleXMLElement | array Data from executed SQL query.
- src/
FrxPlugin/ Driver/ FrxOracle.php, line 84 - Oracle specific driver that takes advantage of oracles native XML support
- FrxOracle
- Class FrxOracle
public function sqlData($sql, $options = array()) {
// Load the block from the file
$db = $this->db;
$xml = '';
// Load the types array based on data
$this->types = isset($options['type']) ? $options['type'] : array();
if ($sql && $db) {
// See if this block matches a declare begin end; syntax.
if (stripos($sql, 'end;') >= stripos($sql, 'begin') && stripos($sql, 'begin') !== FALSE) {
$params = $this
->call($sql, $params, array(
'return' => 'clob',
$xml = $params['return'];
if (trim($xml)) {
$xml = new \SimpleXMLElement($xml);
else {
$sql = $this->te
if ($this->use_oracle_xml && @$options['return_type'] != 'raw') {
$xml = $this
->oracle_xml($sql, 'table');
else {
$xml = $this
->php_xml($sql, $options);
if ($this->debug) {
if (is_object($xml) && method_exists($xml, 'asXML')) {
$d = $xml ? htmlspecialchars($xml
->asXML()) : '';
else {
$d = $xml ? htmlspecialchars(print_r($xml, 1)) : '';
->debug('SQL: ' . $sql, '<pre> SQL:' . $sql . "\n XML: " . $d . "\n</pre>");
return $xml;
else {
return NULL;