18 calls to FrxAPI::pushData() in Forena Reports 8
- AReportTokenTest::testContextReplacement in tests/
src/ Unit/ AReportTokenTest.php - Verify that basic Context specific token replacement works.
- AReportTokenTest::testLinkGeneration in tests/
src/ Unit/ AReportTokenTest.php - basic test for field generation.
- AReportTokenTest::testReplacement in tests/
src/ Unit/ AReportTokenTest.php - BlockEditor::data in src/
Editor/ BlockEditor.php - Get data and working cache.
- FieldFormatterTest::testISODateFormatter in tests/
src/ Unit/ FieldFormatterTest.php - Test the ISO Date formatter.
- FrxCrosstab::render in src/
FrxPlugin/ Renderer/ FrxCrosstab.php - Render the crosstab
- FrxCrosstabTest::testFrxCrosstab in tests/
src/ Unit/ Renderer/ FrxCrosstabTest.php - Test Crosstab Renderer
- FrxSection::generate in src/
FrxPlugin/ Template/ FrxSection.php - Build document from the existing template.
- FrxSVGGraph::generateGraphData in src/
FrxPlugin/ Template/ FrxSVGGraph.php - Re-architect the data into something that the graphing engine can work with
- FrxSVGGraph::generateGraphData in src/
FrxPlugin/ Renderer/ FrxSVGGraph.php - Re-architect the data into something that the graphing engine can work with
- FrxSVGGraph::generateGroupGraphData in src/
FrxPlugin/ Renderer/ FrxSVGGraph.php - Re-architect the data into something that the graphing engine can work with
- FrxSVGGraphTest::testFrxSvgGraph in tests/
src/ Unit/ Renderer/ FrxSVGGraphTest.php - SVGGraph
- FrxTemplateTest::testFrxTemplate in tests/
src/ Unit/ Renderer/ FrxTemplateTest.php - Test FrxXML Renderer
- FrxXMLTest::testFrxXML in tests/
src/ Unit/ Renderer/ FrxXMLTest.php - Test FrxXML Renderer
- ParameterForm::buildForm in src/
Form/ ParameterForm.php - Form constructor.
- RendererBase::renderDomNode in src/
FrxPlugin/ Renderer/ RendererBase.php - Recursive report renderer Walks the nodes rendering the report.
- Report::compareFunction in src/
Report.php - Comparison fucntion for user defined sorts.
- Report::group in src/
Report.php - Iterate the data based on the provided path.