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7 files declare their use of DataContext in Forena Reports 8

ContextBase.php in src/FrxPlugin/Context/ContextBase.php
DataManager.php in src/DataManager.php Enter description here ... @author davidmetzler
FrxAPI.php in src/FrxAPI.php
FrxAPI.incL General Forena Reporting Class
FrxXML.php in src/FrxPlugin/Renderer/FrxXML.php
FrxXML Just render the XML source data. Look at the FrxRender class to see a full list of properties that can be used here.
RendererBase.php in src/FrxPlugin/Renderer/RendererBase.php
FrxRenderer.php Base class for FrxAPI custom Renderer @author davidmetzler
Report.php in src/Report.php
Basic report provider. Controls the rendering of the report.
TestingDataManager.php in tests/src/Unit/Mock/TestingDataManager.php