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8 calls to FrxRenderer::mergedAttributes() in Forena Reports 7.4

FrxCrosstab::render in renderers/
Render the crosstab
FrxCrosstab::scrapeConfig in renderers/
Extract table configuration from the HTML
FrxInclude::render in renderers/
Default Render action, which simply does normal forena rendering. You can use renderDomNode at any time to generate the default forena rendering methods.
FrxMyReports::render in renderers/
Default Render action, which simply does normal forena rendering. You can use renderDomNode at any time to generate the default forena rendering methods.
FrxRenderer::renderDomNode in renderers/
Recursive report renderer Walks the nodes rendering the report.
FrxSVGGraph::prepareGraph in renderers/
FrxSVGGraph::scrapeConfig in renderers/
Derive config variables from graph.
FrxXML::render in renderers/
Default Render action, which simply does normal forena rendering. You can use renderDomNode at any time to generate the default forena rendering methods.