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10 calls to forena_report_path() in Forena Reports 7.2

forena_add_report_form_validate in ./
forena_db_sync in ./
Syncronize the data
forena_delete_report in ./
Remove the report from the database and file system.
forena_get_report_editor in ./
Accepts the name of a file
forena_layout_form_submit in ./
builds a string of the xml document, submits it to forena_save_report.
forena_save_report in ./
Save the report file to disk
forena_settings in ./
Forena admin settings form
FrxHostApplication::report_css in ./
* Determines which css files need to be loaded. * *
_forena_copy_reports in ./
Recursively , all report files from the source directory to the destination directory
_forena_verify_directory in ./
Make sure a drectory exists in the report path prior to save.