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11 calls to FrxEditor::verifyHeaderElements() in Forena Reports 7.3

FrxEditor::getCategory in ./
FrxEditor::getMenu in ./
FrxEditor::getOptions in ./
Retrieve options element in array form
FrxEditor::setCategory in ./
Set the report category Enter description here ...
FrxEditor::setDocgen in ./
Set document generation types that apply to this report. Enter description here ...
FrxEditor::setFields in ./
Builds the fields from an array of elements. Enter description here ...
FrxEditor::setFrxHeader in ./
Genreal utility for setting data in the header of a reprot
FrxEditor::setMenu in ./
FrxEditor::setOptions in ./
Set the options list for the report Enter description here ...
FrxEditor::setParameters in ./
Set report parameters Enter description here ...
FrxEditor::__construct in ./
Create initial FRX report Enter description here ...