You are here in Forena Reports 7.3 Defines all the interface points between the host application and Forena. Each of these methods must be specified in order for Forena to function properly. The base class here is drupal, so those

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global $_forena_application_class;
$_forena_application_class = 'FrxDrupalApplication';
class FrxDrupalApplication {

   * @file
   * Defines all the interface points between the host application and Forena.
   * Each of these methods must be specified in order for Forena to function properly.
   * The base class here is drupal, so those
  private $default_config = array();
  public function __construct() {
    $this->default_config['report_repos'] = drupal_get_path('forena', 'module') . '/repos/reports';
    $this->default_config['default_form'] = 'letter';
    $this->default_config['doc_defaults'] = array();
    $this->default_config['library_path'] = 'sites/all/libraries';
    $this->default_config['doc_formats'] = array();

   * Configuration retrieval method
   * Returns configuration varialbes used by forena.
   * @param unknown_type $var_name
  public function configuration($var_name) {
    $v = variable_get('forena_' . $var_name, @$this->default_config[$var_name]);
    return $v;
  public function url($path, $options = array()) {
    return url($path, $options);

   * Theme the output of a css
   * Enter description here ...
   * @param unknown_type $output
   * @param unknown_type $doc_type
  public function theme($r, $title, $doc_type) {
    $output = $r->html;
    $output = check_markup($output, variable_get('forena_input_format', filter_default_format()));
    if (!$doc_type || ($doc_type = 'embed')) {

      // Set the title and return the output
      $f = drupal_get_form('forena_parameter_form', $r->rpt_xml
        ->asXML(), $r->blocks_loaded);
      if ($f) {
        $output = drupal_render($f) . $output;
      $output = '<div class="forena-report">' . $output . '</div>';
    else {

      //Build the doucment and theme the output
      print $output;
    return $output;

   * Add a css file for theming.
   * Enter description here ...
   * @param unknown_type $css_file
  public function add_css($css_file) {
    drupal_add_css($css_file, 'module');

   * Add a javascript file for theming css
   * Enter description here ...
   * @param unknown_type $js_file
  public function add_js($js_file) {

   * Convert the report name into a link to the report
   * Enter description here ...
   * @param unknown_type $report_name
  public function report_link($report_name, $title) {

   * What to do if we don't find a report
   * Enter description here ...
  public function not_found($name) {
    require_once '';
    return 'Report Not Found';
  public function forena_path() {
    return drupal_get_path('module', 'forena');

   * Accepts the name of a file
   * Returns a xml object of the file.
  function load_report($report_name) {
    $r = NULL;
    global $language;
    $r_text = '';
    if ($report_name) {
      $i_report_name = $report_name;
      $report_path = Frx::File()
      $int_filename = $language->language . '/' . $report_name . '.frx';
      $filename = $report_name . '.frx';
      if (Frx::File()
        ->exists($int_filename) && @$_GET['language'] != 'en') {
        $i_report_name = $language->language . '/' . $report_name;
        $r_text = file_get_contents($int_filename);
        $modified = filemtime($int_filename);
        $filename = $int_filename;
      elseif (Frx::File()
        ->exists($filename)) {
        $r_text = Frx::File()
        $modified = filemtime(Frx::File()
      $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {forena_reports} WHERE report_name=:report_name AND language=:language", array(
        ':report_name' => $report_name,
        ':language' => $language->language,
      $save = FALSE;
      if ($rpt = $result
        ->fetchObject()) {

        // If the file modification time has changed then save.
        if ($modified && $rpt->modified != $modified) {
          $save = TRUE;

        // If the report has been altered by a user then use that.
        if ($rpt->altered == -1) {
          if ($rpt->src) {
            $r_text = $rpt->src;
      elseif ($r_text) {
        $save = TRUE;
      if ($save) {
        require_once '';
        forena_save_report($i_report_name, $r_text, FALSE);
      return $r_text;

   * General wrapper procedure for reporting erros
   * @param string $short_message Message that will be displayed to the users
   * @param string $log Message that will be recorded in the logs.
  function error($short_message = '', $log = '') {
    if ($short_message) {
      drupal_set_message(check_markup($short_message), 'error');
    if ($log) {
      watchdog('forena', $log, NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR);

   * Debug handler
   * Enter description here ...
   * @param unknown_type $short_message
   * @param unknown_type $log
  function debug($short_message = '', $log = '') {
    if ($log) {
      watchdog('forena debug', $log, NULL);
    if ($short_message) {

   * Builds a global array of available controls
   * and returns the array.
  function controls() {
    static $controls = '';
    if (!$controls) {
      $controls = array();
      foreach (module_list() as $module) {
        $function = $module . '_forena_controls';
        if (function_exists($function)) {
          $returned_controls = $function();
          if ($returned_controls) {
            foreach ((array) $returned_controls as $c) {
              $c['module'] = $module;
              $c['file'] = drupal_get_path('module', $c['module']) . '/' . trim($c['file'], '/');
              $controls[] = $c;
    return $controls;

   * Return the repositories configured for this applicaiton.
  public function repositories() {
    global $_forena_repositories;
    $repos = array();

    // Load the repository list from the global settings.php file.
    if ($_forena_repositories) {
      $repos = $_forena_repositories;
    $path = $this

    // Overide difinitions of the sample and drupal repositories.
    $repos['forena_help'] = array(
      'path' => $path . '/repos/forena_help',
      'title' => 'Forena Help Reports',
    $repos['drupal'] = array(
      'path' => $path . '/repos/drupal',
      'title' => 'Drupal Reports',
    $repos['sampledb'] = array(
      'path' => $path . '/repos/sample',
      'title' => 'Sample DB Repository',

    // Retrieve the repositories defined in the database;
    $results = db_query('SELECT * FROM {forena_repositories}');
    foreach ($results as $r) {
      if ($r->config) {
        $new_r = unserialize($r->config);
      else {
        $new_r = array();
      $r_name = $r->repository;
      if (is_array(@$repos[$r_name])) {
        $new_r = array_merge($new_r, $repos[$r_name]);
      else {
        $new_r['source'] = 'user';
      $new_r['title'] = $r->title;
      $new_r['enabled'] = $r->enabled;
      $repos[$r_name] = $new_r;
    drupal_alter('forena_repos', $repos);
    return $repos;

   * Allow modules to alter the parameters of a report.
   * @param unknown_type $report_name
   * @param unknown_type $parms
  function alter_parameters($report_name, &$parms) {
    drupal_alter('forena_parameters', $report_name, $parms);


