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10 calls to Frx::error() in Forena Reports 7.5

DataManager::load_provider in src/DataManager.php
Load the data provider class based on the class name.
DataManager::repository in src/DataManager.php
Load repository
forena_save_report in ./
Save the report file to disk
forena_settings_validate in ./
FrxMSSQL::mssql_xml in src/Driver/FrxMSSQL.php
Generate xml from sql using the provided f_forena
FrxMSSQL::__construct in src/Driver/FrxMSSQL.php
Object constructor
RendererBase::addFragment in src/Renderer/RendererBase.php
Append a textual XHTML fragment to the dom. We do not use the DOMDocumentFragment optioin because they don't properly import namespaces. .
ReportEditor::load in src/Editor/ReportEditor.php
Load report from file system
ReportEditor::loadReport in src/Editor/ReportEditor.php
ReportEditor::setBody in src/Editor/ReportEditor.php
Set the value of the body of the report Will parse and set the value of the body of the report using XML