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17 files declare their use of Frx in Forena Reports 7.5

BlockEditor.php in src/Editor/BlockEditor.php
DataContext.php in src/Context/DataContext.php
DataContext.php The FrxData class holds all of the data contexts during the report rendering process. The general idea is that during the report render, data objects are pushed on the stack with the id's of the block or foreach objects that…
DataFile.php in src/File/DataFile.php
DataManager.php in src/DataManager.php Enter description here ... @author davidmetzler
DocRaptorPDF.php in src/DocumentFormats/DocRaptorPDF.php
PrincePDF PDF document via Prince XML @author davidmetzler
DocumentTypeBase.php in src/DocumentFormats/DocumentTypeBase.php Given a report, render the appropriate output given the document format. @author davidmetzler
DrupalPage.php in src/DocumentFormats/DrupalPage.php Standard web document manager @author metzlerd
FrxCrosstab.php in src/Renderer/FrxCrosstab.php
FrxDataSource.php in src/Driver/FrxDataSource.php
Class that defines default methods for access control in an FrxDataSource
FrxSVGGraph.php in src/Renderer/FrxSVGGraph.php
FrxSVGGraph php SVG Graph generator
FrxXML.php in src/Renderer/FrxXML.php
FrxXML Just render the XML source data. Look at the FrxRender class to see a full list of properties that can be used here.
Menu.php in src/Menu.php Drupal menu builder @author davidmetzler
MPDFDocument.php in src/DocumentFormats/MPDFDocument.php PDF document via MPDF Library @author davidmetzler
RendererBase.php in src/Renderer/RendererBase.php
FrxRenderer.php Base class for Frx custom Renderer @author davidmetzler
Report.php in src/Report.php
Basic report provider. Controls the rendering of the report.
ReportEditor.php in src/Editor/ReportEditor.php Wrapper XML class for working with DOM object. It provides helper Enter description here ... @author metzlerd
Skin.php in src/Skin.php Skinning