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README.txt in Footnotes 5.2

The Footnotes module can be used to create automatically numbered footnotes
within a text. In the place, where you want to add a footnote, enclose the
footnote text within an fn tag: [fn]like this[/fn]. 
NOTE: This version of Footnotes includes "Better URL filter". See below for 

The filter will take the text within the tag and move it to a footnote at 
the bottom of the page. In it's place it will place a number which is also 
a link to the footnote. As of version 2.0 Footnotes supports both 
[fn]square brackets[/fn] and <fn>angle brackets</fn>. Square brackets support 
was added in particular to support WYSIWYG editors like FCKEditor and TinyMCE.

Also supported in 2.0 is the use of a "value" attribute to a) set the numbering
to use as a label or b) to set an arbitrary text string as label. Ex:
 <fn value="5">This becomes footnote #5. Subsequent are #6, #7...</fn>
 <fn value="*">This footnote is assigned the label "*"</fn>


This version of Footnotes includes also a "Better URL filter". This is a fork of
the URL filter in Drupal core filter.module. The original URL filter is buggy
(or more accurately, very limited). If the enhancements in Better URL filter
are ever committed to Drupal core, this filter will (obviously) be deprecated.
(You can follow the bug in Drupal core URL filter here:

In particular Footnotes users have suffered from the Drupal URL filter not converting 
URL's inside footnotes to links, however, the Better URL filter can be used by
anyone wishing more correct URL filter functionality, even if you don't use footnotes.
(You don't even need to enable the Footnotes filters to use the Better URL filter.)


There is also another filter which does the same with a Textile markup style.
Use it together with the Textile module.

By default, footnotes are placed at the end of the text. You can also use a 
[footnotes] or [footnotes /] tag to position it anywhere you want. For Textile
use "footnotes." tag. 

Note: The Textile style filter is no longer actively developed and may become
deprecated. It is better to use the <fn>...</fn> or [fn]...[/fn] style footnotes 
with any markup you are using.


1. Copy the contents of this module to modules/footnotes folder.
2. Login as site administrator.
3. Activate footnotes on the administer->modules page.
4. To use the footnotes filter in some input formats, go to administer->input formats.
5. For selected input formats, select configure and activate a suitable footnotes filter. 

Note: Typically you want the footnotes filter to be pretty early in the chain. 
For instance the Footnotes Textile style filter outputs Textile markup, so it 
should definitively be before your Textile filter. If you need to lift the 
Footnotes filter higher up, click "rearrange".

Also see section about HTML filter below.


Footnotes.module is designed such that it can be used together with Drupal's html filter,
and in particular you should have footnotes first and html filter later.

This version of Footnotes has been redesigned so that it only outputs html tags that 
are allowed in a default installation of HTML filter. (Tags used are A, OL and LI.)


This version uses a new markup for the list of footnotes. It is an OL list with 
CSS taking away the browser generated list numbers and moving the link numbers 
towards the left. All IE versions have a bug that the numbers are slightly lower 
than the baseline of the footnote text. (If you know how to fix this, please tell.)
In addition IE 5.5 has a more serious bug that the footnote number will be on top of
the first letters of the footnote text. There doesn't seem to be a way to fix this.

The development version of Drupal7 has a bug in that CSS and JavaScript files added 
by modules are absent from the page. If you are hit by this bug, your footnote references
will not appear as supertext, and the list of footnotes will have duplicate numbering.
There is a workaround to empty Drupal's cache table in 
Administer > Site Configuration > Performance > Clear cached data
after which everything works again. 
To follow up on this bug:


Footnotes.module is copyrighted by Henrik Ingo and other contributors. It is licensed by 
the same conditions as Drupal itself. (GPL license)

Footnotes.module was originally created by ("hingo" on
in the summer of 2006.

The HTML footnotes were seriously enhanced by "beginner" (on
and later on by other users comments and code snippets.

Footnotes was originally developed for
Beginner was the second to use it on his site at

I wish to thank all contributors for letting me experience the miracle of maintaining an
Open Source module living its own life!


View source
  1. The Footnotes module can be used to create automatically numbered footnotes
  2. within a text. In the place, where you want to add a footnote, enclose the
  3. footnote text within an fn tag: [fn]like this[/fn].
  4. NOTE: This version of Footnotes includes "Better URL filter". See below for
  5. details.
  6. The filter will take the text within the tag and move it to a footnote at
  7. the bottom of the page. In it's place it will place a number which is also
  8. a link to the footnote. As of version 2.0 Footnotes supports both
  9. [fn]square brackets[/fn] and angle brackets. Square brackets support
  10. was added in particular to support WYSIWYG editors like FCKEditor and TinyMCE.
  11. Also supported in 2.0 is the use of a "value" attribute to a) set the numbering
  12. to use as a label or b) to set an arbitrary text string as label. Ex:
  13. This becomes footnote #5. Subsequent are #6, #7...
  14. This footnote is assigned the label "*"
  16. ----
  17. This version of Footnotes includes also a "Better URL filter". This is a fork of
  18. the URL filter in Drupal core filter.module. The original URL filter is buggy
  19. (or more accurately, very limited). If the enhancements in Better URL filter
  20. are ever committed to Drupal core, this filter will (obviously) be deprecated.
  21. (You can follow the bug in Drupal core URL filter here:
  22. In particular Footnotes users have suffered from the Drupal URL filter not converting
  23. URL's inside footnotes to links, however, the Better URL filter can be used by
  24. anyone wishing more correct URL filter functionality, even if you don't use footnotes.
  25. (You don't even need to enable the Footnotes filters to use the Better URL filter.)
  27. ----
  28. There is also another filter which does the same with a Textile markup style.
  29. Use it together with the Textile module.
  30. By default, footnotes are placed at the end of the text. You can also use a
  31. [footnotes] or [footnotes /] tag to position it anywhere you want. For Textile
  32. use "footnotes." tag.
  33. Note: The Textile style filter is no longer actively developed and may become
  34. deprecated. It is better to use the ... or [fn]...[/fn] style footnotes
  35. with any markup you are using.
  37. ----
  38. 1. Copy the contents of this module to modules/footnotes folder.
  39. 2. Login as site administrator.
  40. 3. Activate footnotes on the administer->modules page.
  41. 4. To use the footnotes filter in some input formats, go to administer->input formats.
  42. 5. For selected input formats, select configure and activate a suitable footnotes filter.
  43. Note: Typically you want the footnotes filter to be pretty early in the chain.
  44. For instance the Footnotes Textile style filter outputs Textile markup, so it
  45. should definitively be before your Textile filter. If you need to lift the
  46. Footnotes filter higher up, click "rearrange".
  47. Also see section about HTML filter below.
  49. ----
  50. Footnotes.module is designed such that it can be used together with Drupal's html filter,
  51. and in particular you should have footnotes first and html filter later.
  52. This version of Footnotes has been redesigned so that it only outputs html tags that
  53. are allowed in a default installation of HTML filter. (Tags used are A, OL and LI.)
  55. ----
  56. This version uses a new markup for the list of footnotes. It is an OL list with
  57. CSS taking away the browser generated list numbers and moving the link numbers
  58. towards the left. All IE versions have a bug that the numbers are slightly lower
  59. than the baseline of the footnote text. (If you know how to fix this, please tell.)
  60. In addition IE 5.5 has a more serious bug that the footnote number will be on top of
  61. the first letters of the footnote text. There doesn't seem to be a way to fix this.
  62. The development version of Drupal7 has a bug in that CSS and JavaScript files added
  63. by modules are absent from the page. If you are hit by this bug, your footnote references
  64. will not appear as supertext, and the list of footnotes will have duplicate numbering.
  65. There is a workaround to empty Drupal's cache table in
  66. Administer > Site Configuration > Performance > Clear cached data
  67. after which everything works again.
  68. To follow up on this bug:
  70. ----
  71. Footnotes.module is copyrighted by Henrik Ingo and other contributors. It is licensed by
  72. the same conditions as Drupal itself. (GPL license)
  73. Footnotes.module was originally created by ("hingo" on
  74. in the summer of 2006.
  75. The HTML footnotes were seriously enhanced by "beginner" (on
  76. and later on by other users comments and code snippets.
  77. Footnotes was originally developed for
  78. Beginner was the second to use it on his site at
  80. I wish to thank all contributors for letting me experience the miracle of maintaining an
  81. Open Source module living its own life!