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footermap.tpl.php in footermap: a footer site map 7


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 * variables:
 *   $footermap: The render array containing all items to be rendered. The
 *               top level is the "header" level. You can change this by
 *               calling element_children() and changing #theme to "footermap_header"
 *               of the child element you wish, and changing #children to 
 *               #items.
 *         e.g. <?php
 *              foreach (element_children($footermap['main-menu']) as $child) {
 *                $footermap['main-menu'][$child]['#theme'] = 'footermap_header';
 *                $footermap['main-menu'][$child]['#items'] = $footermap['main-menu'][$child]['#children'];
 *              }
 *              print render($footermap['main-menu']);
 *              ?>
 *       $title: An optional title that will be printed out. This is
 *               normally blank. You may also set a title via the block,
 *               if rendering in a block.
<div class="footermap">

if (!empty($title)) {

  print check_plain($title);



foreach ($footermap as $key => $header) {
  <div id="<?php

  print 'footermap-col-' . $key;
  ?>" class="footermap-col">

  print render($header);
