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kernest.module in @font-your-face 6

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 7 modules/kernest/kernest.module


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 * Implements hook_menu()
function kernest_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items['admin/build/themes/fontyourface/kernest/import'] = array(
    'title' => 'KERNEST Import',
    'page callback' => 'kernest_import',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer @font-your-face',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  return $items;

// kernest_menu

 * Callback for import.
function kernest_import() {

// kernest_import

 * Implements hook_cron().
function kernest_cron() {
  $last_updated = variable_get('kernest_last_api_update', 0);
  if (time() - 60 * 60 * 24 > $last_updated) {

    // update every 24 hours
    // KERNEST's Joyent server throws 500 error on Drupal's user agent
    $api_result = drupal_http_request('', array(
      'User-Agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3',
    if ($api_result->code == '200') {
      $decoded = json_decode(str_replace("\n", ' ', $api_result->data));
      if (is_array($decoded->fonts)) {
        foreach ($decoded->fonts as $font) {
          $select_results = db_query("SELECT * FROM {kernest} g WHERE name = '%s'", $font->name);
          if ($select_result = db_fetch_object($select_results)) {
            $changed = FALSE;
            if ($select_result->url != $font->url) {
              $select_result->url = $font->url;
              $changed = TRUE;

            // if
            if ($select_result->css != $font->{'recommended css'}) {
              $select_result->css = $font->{'recommended css'};
              $changed = TRUE;

            // if
            if ($select_result->foundry != $font->foundry) {
              $select_result->foundry = $font->foundry;
              $changed = TRUE;

            // if
            if ($select_result->license != $font->license->name) {
              $select_result->license = $font->license->name;
              $changed = TRUE;

            // if
            if ($select_result->license_url != $font->license->url) {
              $select_result->license_url = $font->license->url;
              $changed = TRUE;

            // if
            if ($changed) {
              drupal_write_record('kernest', $select_result, 'fid');

            // if
          else {
            $insert_sql = "INSERT INTO {kernest}\n            (name, url, css, foundry, license, license_url)\n            VALUES\n            ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')";
            db_query($insert_sql, $font->name, $font->url, $font->{'recommended css'}, $font->foundry, $font->license->name, $font->license->url);

          // else

        // foreach

      // if

    // if
    variable_set('kernest_last_api_update', time());

  // if

// kernest_cron

 * Implements hook_fontyourface_info().
function kernest_fontyourface_info() {
  $info = array(
    'kernest' => array(
      'name' => 'KERNEST',
      'url' => '',
      'fonts' => kernest_list(),
  return $info;

// kernest_fontyourface_info

 * Implements hook_fontyourface_preview().
function kernest_fontyourface_preview($font) {
  return '<span style="' . $font['css'] . ' font-size: 24px;">' . $font['name'] . '</span>';

// kernest_fontyourface_preview

 * Implements hook_fontyourface_view().
function kernest_fontyourface_view($font, $text) {
  $output = '';
  $sizes = array(
  foreach ($sizes as $size) {
    $output .= '<div style="' . str_replace("\n", ' ', $font['css']) . ' font-size: ' . $size . 'px; line-height: ' . $size . 'px;">' . $text . '</div>';

  // foreach
  return $output;

// kernest_fontyourface_view

 * Implements template_preprocess_page().
function kernest_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
  if (!empty($vars['fontyourface'])) {
    $links = array();
    $fonts = kernest_list();
    foreach ($vars['fontyourface'] as $used_font) {
      if ($used_font->provider == 'kernest') {
        fontyourface_add_css_in_preprocess($vars, $fonts[$used_font->group_name]['fonts'][$used_font->name]['url'] . '.css', TRUE);

      // if

    // foreach

  // if

// kernest_preprocess_page

 * Implements hook_fontyourface_css().
function kernest_fontyourface_css($used_font) {
  $css = array(
    '@font-face' => '',
    'font-family' => '',
  $list = kernest_list(FALSE);
  $font = $list[$used_font->group_name]['fonts'][$used_font->name];
  if (preg_match('#font-family:([^;]+)#', $font['css'], $match)) {
    $css['font-family'] = trim($match[1]);

  // if
  return $css;

// fontsquirrel_fontyourface_css

 * Implements hook_fontyourface_license().
function kernest_fontyourface_license($used_font) {
  $list = kernest_list();
  $font = $list[$used_font->group_name]['fonts'][$used_font->name];
  return $font['license'];

// kernest_fontyourface_license
function kernest_list($show_error = TRUE) {
  static $fonts = FALSE;
  if ($fonts === FALSE) {
    $fonts = array();
    $font_fid_to_name = array();
    $results = db_query('SELECT k.* FROM {kernest} k');
    while ($result = db_fetch_object($results)) {
      if (!isset($fonts[$result->foundry])) {
        $fonts[$result->foundry] = array(
          'path' => urlencode($result->foundry),
          'fonts' => array(),

      // if
      $fonts[$result->foundry]['fonts'][$result->name] = array(
        'name' => $result->name,
        'path' => urlencode($result->name),
        'css' => $result->css,
        'license' => array(
          'name' => $result->license,
          'url' => $result->license_url,
        'url' => $result->url,

    // while
    if (count($fonts) == 0 && $show_error) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The KERNEST font list has not yet been imported. !importlink or wait until the next cron run.', array(
        '!importlink' => l('Import now', 'admin/build/themes/fontyourface/kernest/import', array(
          'query' => drupal_get_destination(),

    // if

  // if
  return $fonts;

// kernest_list


Namesort descending Description
kernest_cron Implements hook_cron().
kernest_fontyourface_css Implements hook_fontyourface_css().
kernest_fontyourface_info Implements hook_fontyourface_info().
kernest_fontyourface_license Implements hook_fontyourface_license().
kernest_fontyourface_preview Implements hook_fontyourface_preview().
kernest_fontyourface_view Implements hook_fontyourface_view().
kernest_import Callback for import.
kernest_menu Implements hook_menu()
kernest_preprocess_page Implements template_preprocess_page().