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fontyourface.test in @font-your-face 6.2

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  1. 7.2 fontyourface.test
  2. 7 fontyourface.test

Provides tests for simpletest.


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 * @file
 * Provides tests for simpletest.
class FontyourfaceSaveFontTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Save font'),
      'description' => t('Saves new font and updates existing font.'),
      'group' => t('@font-your-face'),

  // getInfo
  public function setUp() {

  // setUp
  public function test() {

    // Save font.
    $best_font_ever = new stdClass();
    $best_font_ever->name = 'Best Font Ever';
    $best_font_ever->url = '';
    $best_font_ever->provider = 'best_font_provider';
    $best_font_ever->css_family = 'best-font-ever';
    $best_font_ever->foundry = 'Best Foundry';
    $best_font_ever->license = 'Best License Agreement';
    $best_font_ever->license_url = '';
    $best_font_ever->tags = array(

    // Check a font is inserted.
    $fids = array();
    $results = db_query('SELECT fid FROM {fontyourface_font}');
    while ($result = db_fetch_object($results)) {
      $fids[] = $result->fid;

    // while
      ->assertIdentical(count($fids), 1, '1 fid in database.');

    // Check font loads.
    $font = fontyourface_get_font($fids[0], TRUE);
      ->assertTrue($font, 'Font loaded.');

    // Check font matches.
      ->assertIdentical($font->name, $best_font_ever->name, 'Font name matches insert.');
      ->assertIdentical($font->fid, $best_font_ever->fid, 'Font fid matches insert.');

    // Save update.
    $updated_best_font_ever = new stdClass();
    $updated_best_font_ever->name = 'Updated Best Font Ever';
    $updated_best_font_ever->url = '';
    $updated_best_font_ever->provider = 'best_font_provider';
    $updated_best_font_ever->css_family = 'updated-best-font-ever';
    $updated_best_font_ever->foundry = 'Best Foundry';
    $updated_best_font_ever->license = 'Best License Agreement';
    $updated_best_font_ever->license_url = '';
    $updated_best_font_ever->tags = array(

    // Check font was not inserted.
    $fids = array();
    $results = db_query('SELECT fid FROM {fontyourface_font}');
    while ($result = db_fetch_object($results)) {
      $fids[] = $result->fid;

    // while
      ->assertIdentical(count($fids), 1, 'Still 1 fid in database.');

    // Check font loads.
    $font = fontyourface_get_font($fids[0], TRUE);
      ->assertTrue($font, 'Font loaded again.');

    // Check font matches.
      ->assertIdentical($font->name, $updated_best_font_ever->name, 'Font name matches update.');
      ->assertIdentical($font->fid, $updated_best_font_ever->fid, 'Font fid matches update.');


// FontyourfaceSaveFontTestCase


Namesort descending Description
FontyourfaceSaveFontTestCase @file Provides tests for simpletest.