6 calls to fontyourface_font_registry() in @font-your-face 7.2
- fontyourface_add_theme_info_fonts in ./
fontyourface.module - Load and display fonts that have been added through THEMENAME.info.
- fontyourface_generate_css in ./
fontyourface.module - Generates CSS.
- fontyourface_preprocess_html in ./
fontyourface.module - Implements template_preprocess_html().
- fontyourface_preview in ./
fontyourface.module - Gets preview from provider, if available.
- fontyourface_ui_admin_edit_form in modules/
fontyourface_ui/ fontyourface_ui.module - Edit form changes a single font, including CSS selector and enabled status.
- font_reference_field_formatter_view in modules/
font_reference/ font_reference.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_view().