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public static function Flot::preRenderPlot in Flot 8

PreRender Function.

Before rendering, we will scan the element's variables to see which libraries need to be included. Add the appropriate libraries, and add the necessary variables to drupalSettings so that the JS can access them.

1 call to Flot::preRenderPlot()
Overview::preRenderPlot in flot_examples/src/Element/Overview.php
Add these new variables to drupalSettings.
1 method overrides Flot::preRenderPlot()
Overview::preRenderPlot in flot_examples/src/Element/Overview.php
Add these new variables to drupalSettings.


src/Element/Flot.php, line 40


Provides a flot render element.




public static function preRenderPlot($element) {
  $element['#id'] = $element['#id'] === NULL ? Html::getUniqueId('flot-chart') : $element['#id'];

  // Initaialize with current library list in case some have already
  // been specified.
  $libraries = isset($element['#attached']['library']) ? $element['#attached']['library'] : [];

  // Add the main flot library.
  $libraries[] = 'flot/flot';

  // Add if user want to resize the chart.
  if ($element['#resizable']) {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/resize';

  // Examine the options variable to see what js files we need to include.
  if (isset($element['#options']['xaxis']['mode']) && $element['#options']['xaxis']['mode'] == 'categories') {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/categories';

  // Examine all the xaxes elements to see if any are time-series.
  $time_axis = FALSE;
  if (isset($element['#options']['xaxes']) && is_array($element['#options']['xaxes'])) {
    foreach ($element['#options']['xaxes'] as $xaxis) {
      if (isset($xaxis['mode']) && $xaxis['mode'] == 'time') {
        $time_axis = TRUE;
  if ($time_axis || isset($element['#options']['xaxis']['mode']) && $element['#options']['xaxis']['mode'] == 'time') {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/time';

  // Check if the selection option is set.
  if (isset($element['#options']['selection'])) {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/selection';

  // Check if the crosshair option is set.
  if (isset($element['#options']['crosshair'])) {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/crosshair';

  // Check if the pan or zoom options are set.
  if (isset($element['#options']['pan']) || isset($element['#options']['zoom'])) {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/navigate';

  // Check if the stack option is set.
  if (isset($element['#options']['series']['stack'])) {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/stack';

  // Check if the images option is set.
  if (isset($element['#options']['series']['images'])) {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/images';

  // Check if the chart is a pie chart.
  if (isset($element['#options']['series']['pie'])) {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/pie';

  // Check if the canvas option is set.
  if (isset($element['#options']['canvas']) && $element['#options']['canvas']) {
    $libraries[] = 'flot/canvas';

  // Examine the data to see what js files we need to include.
  $found_symbol = FALSE;
  foreach ($element['#data'] as $series) {
    if (isset($series['points']['symbol']) && !$found_symbol) {
      $libraries[] = 'flot/symbol';
      $found_symbol = TRUE;
    if (isset($series['threshold'])) {
      $libraries[] = 'flot/threshold';
    if (isset($series['fillBetween'])) {
      $libraries[] = 'flot/fillbetween';
    if (isset($series['points']['errorbars'])) {
      $libraries[] = 'flot/errorbars';

  // Create a collection of the data and options for the javascript files.
  $drupalsettings['flot'][$element['#id']] = [
    'data' => $element['#data'],
    'options' => $element['#options'],
  $element['#attached'] = [
    'drupalSettings' => $drupalsettings,
    'library' => $libraries,
  return $element;