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example.php in Flickr API 5

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  1. 6 phpFlickr/example.php


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/* Last updated with phpFlickr 1.3.2
 * This example file shows you how to call the 100 most recent public
 * photos.  It parses through them and prints out a link to each of them
 * along with the owner's name.
 * Most of the processing time in this file comes from the 100 calls to
 * flickr.people.getInfo.  Enabling caching will help a whole lot with
 * this as there are many people who post multiple photos at once.
 * Obviously, you'll want to replace the "<api key>" with one provided 
 * by Flickr:
require_once "phpFlickr.php";
$f = new phpFlickr("<api key>");
$recent = $f
foreach ($recent['photo'] as $photo) {
  $owner = $f
  echo "<a href='" . $photo['owner'] . "/" . $photo['id'] . "/'>";
  echo $photo['title'];
  echo "</a> Owner: ";
  echo "<a href='" . $photo['owner'] . "/'>";
  echo $owner['username'];
  echo "</a><br>";