You are here in Flickr 5

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 * Return a list of all possible photo sizes with the right
 * description and label
 * @return An array of photo sizes
function flickr_photo_sizes() {
  return array(
    's' => array(
      'label' => 'Square',
      'description' => t('75x75 pixel square'),
    't' => array(
      'label' => 'Thumbnail',
      'description' => t('100 pixels on longest side'),
    'm' => array(
      'label' => 'Small',
      'description' => t('240 pixels on longest side'),
    '-' => array(
      'label' => 'Medium',
      'description' => t('500 pixels on longest side'),
    'b' => array(
      'label' => 'Large',
      'description' => t('1024 pixels on longest side'),
    'o' => array(
      'label' => 'Original',
      'description' => t('Original image'),

 * Submit a request to Flickr.
 * @param $method
 *   string method name
 * @param $args
 *   associative array of arguments names and values
 * @param $cacheable
 *   boolean indicating if it's safe cache the results of this request
 * @param $return_errors
 *   boolean indicating if the caller will handle displaying error messages
 * @return
 *   an array with the the result of the request, or FALSE on error.
function flickr_request($method, $args, $cacheable = TRUE, $return_errors = FALSE) {

  // Add in additional parameters then sort them for signing.
  $args['api_key'] = trim(variable_get('flickr_api_key', ''));
  $args['method'] = $method;
  $args['format'] = 'php_serial';

  // Build an argument hash API signing (we'll also use it for the cache id)
  $arg_hash = '';
  foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
    $arg_hash .= $k . $v;

  // If we've got a secret, sign the arguments.
  if ($secret = trim(variable_get('flickr_api_secret', ''))) {
    $args['api_sig'] = md5($secret . $arg_hash);

  // Build the URL.
  foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
    $encoded_params[] = urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v);
  $url = FLICKR_REST_ENDPOINT . '?' . implode('&', $encoded_params);

  // If it's a cachable request, try to load a cached value.
  if ($cacheable) {
    if ($cache = cache_get("flickr_{$arg_hash}", 'cache')) {

      // Check that the value is still "fresh".
      if ($cache->expire > time()) {
        return unserialize($cache->data);

  // If a cached value wasn't suitable, attempt to connect and fetch a result.
  $result = drupal_http_request($url);
  if ($result->code != 200) {
    if ($return_errors) {
      return array(
        'stat' => 'error',
        //In Drupal <= 5.1, only HTTP errors are stored in $result->code correctly, not TCP/IP errors.

        //We can not count on this variable being correct until this module requires Drupal 5.2 or above.
        'code' => $result->code,
        'message' => $result->error,
    flickr_set_error(t("Could not connect to Flickr, Error: @error", array(
      '@error' => $result->error,
    return FALSE;

  // Make sure it unserializes.
  $response = unserialize($result->data);
  if (!$response) {
    if ($return_errors) {
      return array(
        'stat' => 'error',
        'code' => '-1',
        'message' => 'The response was corrupted, it could not be unserialized.',
    flickr_set_error(t("Flickr's response was corrupted and could not be unserialized."));
    return FALSE;

  // Check that the request was successful.
  if (flickr_response_has_error($response)) {
    if ($return_errors) {
      return $response;
    return FALSE;

  // Save cacheable results for future use.
  if ($cacheable) {
    cache_set("flickr_{$arg_hash}", 'cache', $result->data, time() + variable_get('flickr_cache_duration', 3600));
  return $response;

 * This function will try to create a html image tag referencing the Flickr
 * photo with the desired size if that size is available for this photo.
 * @param $photo
 *   the photo variable
 * @param $size
 *   the desired image size
 * @param $attribs
 *   an optional array of HTML attributes to pass to the image
 * @return
 *   a html image tag referencing the image of the desired
 *   size if it is available.
function flickr_img($photo, $size = NULL, $attributes = NULL) {
  $sizes = flickr_photo_sizes();
  if (!isset($size)) {
    $size = '-';
  if (!isset($sizes[$size])) {
  if (!isset($attributes) || !is_array($attributes)) {
    $attributes = array();

  // photoset's use primary instead of id to specify the image.
  if (isset($photo['primary'])) {
    $id = $photo['primary'];
    $attributes['class'] = implode(' ', array(
  else {
    $id = $photo['id'];
    $attributes['class'] = implode(' ', array(
  if ($size == 's') {
    $attributes['height'] = $attributes['width'] = 75;
    $img_url = flickr_photo_img($photo, $size);
  else {
    $image_sizes = flickr_photo_get_sizes($id);
    if ($image_sizes) {
      foreach ($image_sizes as $image_size) {
        if ($image_size['label'] == $sizes[$size]['label']) {
      if (isset($image_size)) {
        $img_url = $image_size['source'];
        $attributes['height'] = $image_size['height'];
        $attributes['width'] = $image_size['width'];
    else {
      $img_url = flickr_photo_img($photo, $size);
  $title = is_array($photo['title']) ? $photo['title']['_content'] : $photo['title'];
  return theme('image', $img_url, $title, $title, $attributes, FALSE);

 * Create the url to $photo with size $size using the correct image farm
 * from the $photo variable
 * @param $photo
 *   photo to which the url should point
 * @param $size
 *   size of the photo
 * @param $format
 *   format of the photo
 * @return
 *   url for $photo with the correct size and format
function flickr_photo_img($photo, $size = NULL, $format = NULL) {

  // early images don't have a farm setting so default to 1.
  $farm = isset($photo['farm']) ? $photo['farm'] : 1;
  $server = $photo['server'];

  // photoset's use primary instead of id to specify the image.
  $id = isset($photo['primary']) ? $photo['primary'] : $photo['id'];
  $secret = $photo['secret'];
  return "http://farm{$farm}{$server}/{$id}_{$secret}" . ($size ? "_{$size}." : '.') . ($size == 'o' ? $format : 'jpg');

 * @param $owner
 *   owner of the photo
 * @param $id
 *   id of the photo to reference in the url
 * @return
 *   url for the flickr photo page showing photo with $id of $owner
function flickr_photo_page_url($owner, $id = NULL) {
  $nsid = is_array($owner) ? $owner['nsid'] : $owner;
  if ($person = flickr_people_get_info($nsid)) {
    return $person['photosurl']['_content'] . $id;
  else {
    return "{$nsid}/{$id}";

 * @param $owner
 *   owner of the photoset
 * @param $id
 *   id of the photoset to which the url must lead
 * @return
 *   url for the photoset page of photoset $id of owner $owner
function flickr_photoset_page_url($owner, $id = NULL) {
  $nsid = is_array($owner) ? $owner['nsid'] : $owner;
  if ($person = flickr_people_get_info($nsid)) {
    return $person['photosurl']['_content'] . 'sets/' . $id;
  else {
    return "{$nsid}/sets/{$id}";

 * @param $photo_id
 *   id of the photo to get info about
 * @return
 *   response from the flickr method
 *   (
function flickr_photo_get_info($photo_id) {
  $response = flickr_request('', array(
    'photo_id' => $photo_id,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['photo'];
  return FALSE;

 * @param $photo_id
 *   id of the photo to get the available sizes of
 * @return
 *   response from the flickr method
 *   (
function flickr_photo_get_sizes($photo_id) {
  $response = flickr_request('', array(
    'photo_id' => $photo_id,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['sizes']['size'];
  return FALSE;

 * @param $photoset_id
 *   id of the photoset to get information about
 * @return
 *   response from the flickr method flickr.photosets.getInfo
 *   (
function flickr_photoset_get_info($photoset_id) {
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.photosets.getInfo', array(
    'photoset_id' => $photoset_id,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['photoset'];
  return FALSE;

 * @param $nsid
 *   nsid of the user whose photoset list you want
 * @return
 *   response from the flickr method flickr.photosets.getList
 *   (
function flickr_photoset_get_list($nsid) {
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.photosets.getList', array(
    'user_id' => $nsid,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['photosets']['photoset'];
  return FALSE;

 * @param $nsid The Flickr user's NSID
 * @return
 *   array with person's info from flickr.people.getInfo
 *   (
 *   or FALSE on error.
function flickr_people_get_info($nisd) {
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.people.getInfo', array(
    'user_id' => $nisd,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['person'];
  return FALSE;

 * Tries to match an 'identifier' onto a flickr nsid
 * This function will first see whether $identifier is allready
 * a nsid (format check only, no api call).  If it is not and the
 * identifier has the format of an email, an api call will be made to
 * check whether there is an nsid for that email.  If this is not the
 * case, the $identifier is treated as a username and an api call is
 * made to find the nsid for that username.
 * If none of these succees, the result will be false
 * @param $identifier
 *   identifier to find an nsid for
 * @return
 *   valid nsid or false if none can be found
function flickr_user_find_by_identifier($identifier) {
  if (flickr_is_nsid($identifier)) {

    //identifier is an NSID
    return $identifier;
  if (valid_email_address($identifier) && ($user = flickr_user_find_by_email($identifier))) {
    return $user['nsid'];
  if ($user = flickr_user_find_by_username($identifier)) {
    return $user['nsid'];
  return FALSE;
function flickr_is_nsid($id) {
  return preg_match('/^\\d+@N\\d+$/', $id);

 * Lookup an nsid for a username.
 * @param $username
 *   username to look for
 * @return
 *   response from the flickr method flickr.people.findByUsername
 *   (
function flickr_user_find_by_username($username) {
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.people.findByUsername', array(
    'username' => $username,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['user'];
  return FALSE;

 * Lookup an nsid for an email address
 * @param $email
 *   email to look for
 * @return
 *   response from the flickr method flickr.people.findByEmail
 *   (
function flickr_user_find_by_email($email) {
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.people.findByEmail', array(
    'find_email' => $email,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['user'];
  return FALSE;

 * @param $nsid
 *   nsid of the user whose tags will be returned
 * @param $count
 *   number of tags to return
 * @return
 *   response from the flickr method flickr.tags.getListUserPopular
 *   (
function flickr_tags_get_list_user_popular($nsid, $count = NULL) {
  $args = array(
    'user_id' => $nsid,
  if ($count != NULL) {
    $args['count'] = $count;
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.tags.getListUserPopular', $args);
  if ($response) {
    return $response['who']['tags']['tag'];
  return FALSE;

 * @param $nsid
 *   nsid of the user whose photoset tags will be returned
 * @return
 *   response from the flickr method flickr.tags.getListUser
 *   (
function flickr_tags_get_list_user($nsid) {
  $response = flickr_request('flickr.tags.getListUser', array(
    'user_id' => $nsid,
  if ($response) {
    return $response['who']['tags']['tag'];
  return FALSE;
function flickr_photos_search($nsid, $page = 1, $other_args = array()) {
  $args = array(
    'user_id' => $nsid,
    'page' => $page,

  //set per_page to flickr module default if it is not specified in $other_args
  if (!isset($other_args['per_page'])) {
    $args['per_page'] = variable_get('flickr_photos_per_page', 20);
  $response = flickr_request('', array_merge($args, $other_args));
  if ($response) {
    return $response['photos'];
  return FALSE;
function flickr_tag_request_args($tags = array(), $mode = 'all') {
  $args = array();
  if (!empty($tags)) {
    $args['tags'] = implode(',', $tags);
    $args['tag_mode'] = $mode == 'all' ? $mode : 'any';
  return $args;

 * Check if the response from the Flickr api call was an error
 * @param $response
 *   response to check
 * @return
 *    true if the response is an error message
function flickr_response_has_error($response) {
  return !(isset($response['stat']) && $response['stat'] == 'ok');

 * Display an error message to flickr administrators and write an error to
 * watchdog.
 * @param $mesageOrResposne
 *   message or error response to display
function flickr_set_error($messageOrResponse) {
  if (is_array($messageOrResponse)) {
    $message = t('Flickr error @error_id: %flickr_error', array(
      '@error_id' => $messageOrResponse['code'],
      '%flickr_error' => $messageOrResponse['message'],
  else {
    $message = $messageOrResponse;
  if (user_access('administer flickr')) {
    drupal_set_message($message, 'error');
  watchdog('flickr', $message, WATCHDOG_WARNING);


Namesort descending Description
flickr_img This function will try to create a html image tag referencing the Flickr photo with the desired size if that size is available for this photo.
flickr_photo_img Create the url to $photo with size $size using the correct image farm from the $photo variable
flickr_photo_sizes Return a list of all possible photo sizes with the right description and label
flickr_request Submit a request to Flickr.
flickr_response_has_error Check if the response from the Flickr api call was an error
flickr_set_error Display an error message to flickr administrators and write an error to watchdog.
flickr_user_find_by_email Lookup an nsid for an email address
flickr_user_find_by_identifier Tries to match an 'identifier' onto a flickr nsid
flickr_user_find_by_username Lookup an nsid for a username.
