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public static function FlexsliderDefaults::defaultOptions in Flex Slider 8.2

Returns default flexslider library options.

4 calls to FlexsliderDefaults::defaultOptions()
Flexslider::create in src/Entity/Flexslider.php
Constructs a new entity object, without permanently saving it.
FlexsliderForm::form in src/Form/FlexsliderForm.php
Gets the actual form array to be built.
FlexsliderTest::getTestOptions in tests/src/Functional/FlexsliderTest.php
Get the test configuration options.
template_preprocess_flexslider in templates/
Prepares variables for flexslider template.


src/FlexsliderDefaults.php, line 15


Class FlexsliderDefaults.




public static function defaultOptions() {
  return [
    // String Prefix string attached to the classes of all plugin elements.
    'namespace' => 'flex-',
    // Selector Must match a simple pattern. '{container} > {slide}'.
    'selector' => '.slides > li',
    // String Controls the animation type, "fade" or "slide".
    'animation' => 'fade',
    // String Determines the easing method used in jQuery transitions.
    'easing' => 'swing',
    // String Controls the animation direction, "horizontal" or "vertical".
    'direction' => 'horizontal',
    // Boolean Reverse the animation direction.
    'reverse' => FALSE,
    // Boolean Gives the slider a seamless infinite loop.
    'animationLoop' => TRUE,
    // Boolean Animate height of slider smoothly for slides of varying height.
    'smoothHeight' => FALSE,
    // Number The starting slide for the slider, in array notation.
    'startAt' => 0,
    // Boolean Setup a slideshow for the slider to animate automatically.
    'slideshow' => TRUE,
    // Number Set the speed of the slideshow cycling, in milliseconds.
    'slideshowSpeed' => 7000,
    // Number Set the speed of animations, in milliseconds.
    'animationSpeed' => 600,
    // Number Set an initialization delay, in milliseconds.
    'initDelay' => 0,
    // Boolean Randomize slide order, on load.
    'randomize' => FALSE,
    // Boolean Pause the slideshow when interacting with control elements.
    'pauseOnAction' => TRUE,
    // Boolean Pause the slideshow when hovering over slider,
    // then resume when no longer hovering.
    'pauseOnHover' => FALSE,
    // Boolean Slider will use CSS3 transitions, if available.
    'useCSS' => TRUE,
    // Boolean Allow touch swipe navigation of the slider on enabled devices.
    'touch' => TRUE,
    // Boolean Prevents use of CSS3 3D Transforms, avoiding graphical glitches.
    'video' => FALSE,
    // Boolean Create navigation for paging control of each slide.
    'controlNav' => TRUE,
    // Boolean Create previous/next arrow navigation.
    'directionNav' => TRUE,
    // String Set the text for the "previous" directionNav item.
    'prevText' => 'Previous',
    // String Set the text for the "next" directionNav item.
    'nextText' => 'Next',
    // Boolean Allow slider navigating via keyboard left/right keys.
    'keyboard' => TRUE,
    // Boolean Allow keyboard navigation to affect multiple sliders.
    'multipleKeyboard' => FALSE,
    // Boolean (Dependency) Allows slider navigating via mousewheel.
    'mousewheel' => FALSE,
    // Boolean Create pause/play element to control slider slideshow.
    'pausePlay' => FALSE,
    // String Set the text for the "pause" pausePlay item.
    'pauseText' => 'Pause',
    // String Set the text for the "play" pausePlay item.
    'playText' => 'Play',
    // jQuery Object/Selector Container the navigation elements should be
    // appended to.
    'controlsContainer' => '',
    // jQuery Object/Selector Define element to be used in lieu of dynamic
    // controlNav.
    'manualControls' => '',
    // Selector Mirror the actions performed on this slider with another slider.
    'sync' => '',
    // Selector Turn the slider into a thumbnail navigation for another slider.
    'asNavFor' => '',
    // Number Box-model width of individual carousel items,
    // including horizontal borders and padding.
    'itemWidth' => 0,
    // Number Margin between carousel items.
    'itemMargin' => 0,
    // Number Minimum number of carousel items that should be visible.
    'minItems' => 0,
    // Number Maximum number of carousel items that should be visible.
    'maxItems' => 0,
    // Number Number of carousel items that should move on animation.
    'move' => 0,
    'thumbCaptions' => FALSE,
    'thumbCaptionsBoth' => FALSE,