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public function FlexiformDisplayPageBase::hook_menu in Flexiform 7

Define the menu links

2 calls to FlexiformDisplayPageBase::hook_menu()
FlexiformDisplayEditPage::hook_menu in includes/display/
Define the menu links
FlexiformDisplayPageBase::getPath in includes/display/
Get the path, if applicable, for the display.
2 methods override FlexiformDisplayPageBase::hook_menu()
FlexiformDisplayCreateModal::hook_menu in includes/display/
Define the menu links
FlexiformDisplayEditPage::hook_menu in includes/display/
Define the menu links


includes/display/, line 15
Base definition for pages.


Base class for page displays.


public function hook_menu() {
  $items = array();
  $items[$this->configuration['path']] = array(
    'title callback' => 'flexiform_page_title',
    'title arguments' => $this
    'page callback' => 'flexiform_page_wrapper',
    'page arguments' => $this
    'access callback' => 'flexiform_page_access',
    'access arguments' => $this
    'file' => '',
    'weight' => isset($this->configuration['weight']) ? $this->configuration['weight'] : 0,

  // Add the menu name if we have one.
  if (isset($this->configuration['menu_name'])) {
    $items[$this->configuration['path']]['menu_name'] = $this->configuration['menu_name'];

  // Add the type if we have one.
  if (isset($this->configuration['type'])) {
    $items[$this->configuration['path']]['type'] = $this->configuration['type'];

    // @TODO: Deal properly with default local tasks.

  // Add the access settings.
  if (!empty($this->configuration['access']['permission'])) {
    $items[$this->configuration['path']]['access callback'] = 'user_access';
    $items[$this->configuration['path']]['access arguments'] = array(
  return $items;