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Functions in Flag Lists 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
flag_lists_schema ./flag_lists.install Implementation of hook_install().
flag_lists_settings_form ./ Flag lists settings page. 1
flag_lists_set_messages ./flag_lists.module Build a flag's messages. 3
flag_lists_template_exists ./flag_lists.module Checks for a list template for a content type. 2
flag_lists_template_submit ./flag_lists.module 1
flag_lists_template_validate ./flag_lists.module 1
flag_lists_theme ./flag_lists.module Implementation of hook_theme().
flag_lists_title_exists ./flag_lists.module Checks for a list title by node type. 2
flag_lists_tokens ./flag_lists.module Implements hook_tokens().
flag_lists_token_info ./flag_lists.module Implements hook_token_info().
flag_lists_uninstall ./flag_lists.install Implements hook_uninstall().
flag_lists_update ./flag_lists.module Saves an existing flag to the database. Better use save($flag). 2
flag_lists_update_7000 ./flag_lists.install Get rid of garbage list entries that are orphaned from a list
flag_lists_user_delete ./flag_lists.module Implementation of hook_user_delete().
flag_lists_user_list ./flag_lists.module List the contents of a user-defined list 2
flag_lists_user_page ./flag_lists.module User flag page. Display a list of user-created flag lists. 1 1
flag_lists_views_api ./flag_lists.module Implementation of hook_views_api().
flag_lists_views_data includes/ Implementation of hook_views_data().
flag_lists_views_data_alter includes/ Implementation of hook_views_data_alter().
flag_lists_views_default_views includes/ Implementation of hook_views_default_views().
flag_lists_views_form_substitutions ./flag_lists.module Implements hook_views_form_substitutions().
flag_lists_views_handlers includes/ Implementation of hook_views_handlers().
theme_flag_lists_admin_page ./ Theme the output for the main flag administration page.
theme_flag_lists_list ./flag_lists.module
theme_flag_lists_ops ./flag_lists.module Theme function to return edit, delete links.
theme_flag_lists_user_list ./flag_lists.module Theme the output of user-defined list page
theme_flag_lists_user_page ./flag_lists.module Theme the output for a user flag administration page.
_flag_lists_clear_cache ./flag_lists.module Clear the flag cache. 2
_flag_lists_flag ./flag_lists.module A low-level method to flag content. 1
_flag_lists_is_flagged ./flag_lists.module Returns TRUE if a certain user has flagged this content. 3
_flag_lists_ops_get_field ./flag_lists.module Gets the FLO field if it exists on the passed-in view. 1
_flag_lists_unflag ./flag_lists.module A low-level method to unflag content. 1
_flag_lists_update_count ./flag_lists.module Updates the flag count for this content 2


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