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function flag_clear_handler_field_unflag::get_parent_relationship in Flag clear 7

Return the the relationship we're linked to. That is, the alias for its table (which is suitbale for use with the various methods of the 'query' object).

1 call to flag_clear_handler_field_unflag::get_parent_relationship()
flag_clear_handler_field_unflag::query in includes/views/
Override base ::query(). The purpose here is to make it possible for the render() method to know two things: what's the content ID, and whether it's flagged.


includes/views/, line 35
Contains the flag clearing field handler.


Views field handler for the Flag clearing links.


function get_parent_relationship() {
  $parent = $this->view->relationship[$this->options['relationship']]->options['relationship'];
  if (!$parent || $parent == 'none') {
    return NULL;

    // Base query table.
  else {
    return $this->view->relationship[$parent]->alias;