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function flag_clear_handler_field_clear::query in Flag clear 7

Override base ::query(). The purpose here is to make it possible for the render() method to know two things: what's the content ID, and whether it's flagged.

Overrides views_handler_field::query


includes/views/, line 66
Contains the flag clearing field handler.


Views field handler for the Flag clearing links.


function query() {
  if (!($flag = $this
    ->get_flag())) {

    // Error message is printed in render().
  $info = $flag
  $parent = $this

  // Find out if the content is flagged. We can't just peek at some field in
  // our loaded table because it doesn't always reflect the user browsing the
  // page. So we explicitly add the flagging table to find this out.
  // If the relationship is created with 'Current User' checked, we probably
  // already have the appropriate join. We just need the appropriate table
  // alias for that join. We look in the relationship settings to see if
  // user_scope is set to 'current' to determine this.
  $relationship = $this->view->relationship[$this->options['relationship']];
  if (isset($relationship->options['user_scope']) && $relationship->options['user_scope'] == 'current') {
    $table_alias = $relationship->alias;
  else {
    $table_alias = 'flagging_current_user_' . $flag->fid;

  // Now that we have the table alias, let's see if it's already been joined
  // to. If it hasn't, we'll set up a join.
  if (!isset($this->query->table_queue[$table_alias])) {
    $join = new views_join();
      ->construct('flagging', $info['views table'], $info['join field'], 'entity_id');
    $join->extra[] = array(
      'field' => 'fid',
      'value' => $flag->fid,
      'numeric' => TRUE,
    if (!$flag->global) {
      $join->extra[] = array(
        'field' => 'uid',
        'value' => '***CURRENT_USER***',
        'numeric' => TRUE,
      $join->extra[] = array(
        'field' => 'sid',
        'value' => '***FLAG_CURRENT_USER_SID***',
        'numeric' => TRUE,
    $table_alias = $this->query
      ->add_table($table_alias, $parent, $join);
  $this->aliases['is_flagged'] = $this->query
    ->add_field($table_alias, 'entity_id');

  // Next, find out the content ID. We can't add_field() on this table
  // (flagging), because its entity_id may be NULL (in case no user has
  // flagged this content, and it's a LEFT JOIN). So we reach to the parent
  // relationship and add_field() *its* content ID column.
  $left_table = $this->view->relationship[$this->options['relationship']]->table_alias;
  $this->aliases['entity_id'] = $this->query
    ->add_field($left_table, $info['join field']);