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Functions in Flag 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_flag_delete ./flag.api.php Act on flag deletion.
hook_flag_javascript_info_alter ./flag.api.php Alter the javascript structure that describes the flag operation.
hook_flag_link ./flag.api.php Return the link for the link types this module defines.
hook_flag_link_types ./flag.api.php Define one or more flag link types.
hook_flag_link_types_alter ./flag.api.php Alter other modules' definitions of flag link types.
hook_flag_options_alter ./flag.api.php Alter a flag's default options.
hook_flag_reset ./flag.api.php Act when a flag is reset.
template_preprocess_flag ./flag.module A preprocess function for our theme('flag'). It generates the variables needed there.
theme_flag_actions_add_form ./flag_actions.module
theme_flag_actions_flag_form ./flag_actions.module
theme_flag_actions_page ./flag_actions.module Theme the list of actions currently in place for flags.
theme_flag_admin_listing includes/ Theme the output of the normal, database flags into a table.
theme_flag_admin_listing_disabled includes/ Theme the list of disabled flags into a table.
theme_flag_admin_page includes/ Theme the output for the main flag administration page.
theme_flag_form_roles includes/ Output the access options for roles in a table.
theme_flag_rules_radios includes/
theme_flag_tokens_browser includes/ This is a replacement for Token's theme_token_help().
_flag_clear_cache includes/ Clears various caches when a flag is modified. 4
_flag_compare_weight ./flag.module Comparison function for uasort(). 1
_flag_content_enabled ./flag.module Utility function: Checks whether a flag applies to a certain type, and possibly subtype, of content. 1
_flag_flag_content_installed ./flag.install Returns TRUE if the "Flag content" module, which we aren't compatible with, is installed. 1
_flag_flag_content_message ./flag.install 1
_flag_get_flag_names ./flag.module Return an array of flag names keyed by fid. 2
_flag_install_get_suggested_node_types ./flag.install Returns some node types to which the demonstration 'bookmarks' flag will apply. 1
_flag_is_views3 includes/ Returns TRUE if we're running under Views 3 and higher. FALSE otherwise. 2
_flag_link_type_descriptions ./flag.module Return an array of flag link type descriptions. 1
_flag_link_type_options ./flag.module Return an array of flag link types suitable for a select list or radios. 2
_flag_menu_title ./flag.module Menu title callback. 1
_flag_rules_flags_options includes/ 1
_flag_update_sql ./flag.install 1
_flag_url ./ A shortcut function to output the link URL. 3


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