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20 calls to flag_get_flags() in Flag 6

FlagTestCase::testFlagAdmin in tests/flag.test
Create a flag through the UI and ensure that it is saved properly.
flag_actions_add_form in ./flag_actions.module
Modified version of the Add action form that redirects back to the flag list.
flag_admin_page in includes/
Flag administration page. Display a list of existing flags.
flag_content_extra_fields in ./flag.module
Implementation of hook_content_extra_fields().
flag_form_alter in ./flag.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
flag_get_flag in ./flag.module
Load a single flag either by name or by flag ID.
flag_link in ./flag.module
Implementation of hook_link().
flag_nodeapi in ./flag.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
flag_node_operations in ./flag.module
Implementation of hook_node_operations().
flag_plugin_argument_validate_flaggability::flags_options in includes/
Returns form #options for the flags. Returns empty array if no flags were found.
flag_rules_event_info in includes/
Implementation of hook_rules_event_info().
flag_token_list in includes/
Implementation of hook_token_list().
flag_token_values in includes/
Implementation of hook_token_values().
flag_update_6003 in ./flag.install
Remove the previous default views that are no longer bundled with Flag.
flag_user in ./flag.module
Implementation of hook_user().
flag_views_flag_config_form in includes/
A helper function that creates a radio list of available flags.
flag_views_flag_default in includes/
Helper function that gets the first defined flag and returns its name.
_flag_clear_cache in includes/
Clears various caches when a flag is modified.
_flag_get_flag_names in ./flag.module
Return an array of flag names keyed by fid.
_flag_rules_flags_options in includes/