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public function DefaultContentTest::testDefaultContentExport in Fixed Block Content 8

Tests the default content export.

That is, copy contents from fixed block content configuration to its regular block content.

@covers ::exportDefaultContent


tests/src/Kernel/DefaultContentTest.php, line 21


Tests the fixed block default content management.




public function testDefaultContentExport() {

  // Test the block content creation on default content export. It must end
  // with the creation of a new (empty) block content even if trying to
  // update a non-existing linked block content.
  $block_content = $this->fixedBlock

  // Test that it is a new block content.
    ->id(), 1);

  // Tests that the default content export updates existing block content.
    ->setValue('To be overridden.');
  $block_content = $this->fixedBlock

  // Must be the same block content.
    ->id(), 1);

  // The body must be empty, as it is in the default content.

  // Tests that the default content is stored persistent.
  $test_content = 'To be restored.';
  $block_content = $this->fixedBlock

  // It must be a new block content.
    ->id(), 2);

  // Tests that the default content was correctly exported.
    ->getString(), $test_content);