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public function DefaultContentHandler::exportDefaultContent in Fixed Block Content 8

Export the default content stored in config to a new custom block.


\Drupal\fixed_block_content\FixedBlockContentInterface $fixed_block: The fixed block to work with.

Return value

\Drupal\block_content\BlockContentInterface The new custom block content (unsaved), NULL if no default content or there ware errors.

Overrides DefaultContentHandlerInterface::exportDefaultContent


src/DefaultContentHandler.php, line 82


Fixed block content default content handler.




public function exportDefaultContent(FixedBlockContentInterface $fixed_block) {
  if (empty($fixed_block
    ->get('default_content'))) {
    return NULL;
  $new_block_content = NULL;
  try {

    // Set the internal link domain.
    // @todo take this value from config

    // Invalidates type links cache.
    // @todo remove when #2928882 is solved

    /** @var \Drupal\block_content\BlockContentInterface $new_block_content */
    $new_block_content = $this->serializer
      ->get('default_content'), BlockContent::class, 'hal_json', [
      'fixed_block_content' => $fixed_block,
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
    try {
      $message = $e

      // Earlier versions stored the default content in plain JSON (not HAL).
      $new_block_content = $this->serializer
        ->get('default_content'), BlockContent::class, 'json', [
        'fixed_block_content' => $fixed_block,
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

      // Deserialization fails.
        ->error('Unable to export default content for fixed block %id, deserialization fails with message "%message"', [
        '%id' => $fixed_block
        '%message' => $message,

  // Updates the reusable mark according to the fixed block protected option.
  if ($new_block_content) {
      ->set('reusable', !$fixed_block

  // Restore HAL link domain to default.

  // Invalidates type links cache.
  // @todo remove when #2928882 is solved
  return $new_block_content;