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protected function FillPdfMergeTestCase::backendTest in FillPDF 7

Tests PDF merging.

2 calls to FillPdfMergeTestCase::backendTest()
FillPdfMergeTestCase::testLocalServicePdfMerging in tests/FillPdfMergeTestCase.test
Tests PDF merging using a local service.
FillPdfMergeTestCase::testPdftkPdfMerging in tests/FillPdfMergeTestCase.test
Tests PDF merging using a local install of pdftk.


tests/FillPdfMergeTestCase.test, line 594


Tests that PDF population and token replacement works.


protected function backendTest() {
  $fillpdf_form = fillpdf_load($this

  // Get the field definitions for the form that was created and configure
  // them.
  $fields = fillpdf_get_fields($fillpdf_form->fid);
    ->assertFalse(empty($fields), 'PDF contained actual fields.');
    ->mapFillPdfFieldsToEntityFields('node', $fields, $fillpdf_form->fid);

  // Hit the generation callback, and check the results from merging.
    ->drupalGet('fillpdf', array(
    'query' => array(
      'fid' => $fillpdf_form->fid,
      'nid' => $this->testNode->nid,
  $maybe_pdf = $this
  $finfo = new \finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
    ->assertEqual('application/pdf', $finfo