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public static function Attach::process in FileField Sources 8

Process callback for file field source plugin.


array $element: An associative array containing the properties and children of the generic input element.

\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The current state of the form.

array $complete_form: The complete form structure.

Return value

array The processed element.

Overrides FilefieldSourceInterface::process


src/Plugin/FilefieldSource/Attach.php, line 86


A FileField source plugin to allow use of files within a server directory.




public static function process(array &$element, FormStateInterface $form_state, array &$complete_form) {
  $settings = $element['#filefield_sources_settings']['source_attach'];
  $field_name = $element['#field_name'];
  $instance = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    ->load($element['#entity_type'] . '.' . $element['#bundle'] . '.' . $field_name);
  $element['filefield_attach'] = [
    '#weight' => 100.5,
    '#theme' => 'filefield_sources_element',
    '#source_id' => 'attach',
    // Required for proper theming.
    '#filefield_source' => TRUE,
  $path = static::getDirectory($settings);
  $options = static::getAttachOptions($path, $instance

  // If we have built this element before, append the list of options that we
  // had previously. This allows files to be deleted after copying them and
  // still be considered a valid option during the validation and submit.
  $triggering_element = $form_state
  $property = [
  if (!isset($triggering_element) && $form_state
    ->has($property)) {
    $attach_options = $form_state
    $options = $options + $attach_options;
  else {
    ], $options);
  $description = t('This method may be used to attach files that exceed the file size limit. Files may be attached from the %directory directory on the server, usually uploaded through FTP.', [
    '%directory' => realpath($path),

  // Error messages.
  if ($options === FALSE || empty($settings['path'])) {
    $attach_message = t('A file attach directory could not be located.');
    $attach_description = t('Please check your settings for the %field field.', [
      '%field' => $instance
  elseif (!count($options)) {
    $attach_message = t('There currently are no files to attach.');
    $attach_description = $description;
  if (isset($attach_message)) {
    $element['filefield_attach']['attach_message'] = [
      '#markup' => $attach_message,
    $element['filefield_attach']['#description'] = $attach_description;
  else {
    $validators = $element['#upload_validators'];
    if (isset($validators['file_validate_size'])) {
    $description .= '<br />' . filefield_sources_element_validation_help($validators);
    $element['filefield_attach']['filename'] = [
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#options' => $options,
    $element['filefield_attach']['#description'] = $description;
  $class = '\\Drupal\\file\\Element\\ManagedFile';
  $ajax_settings = [
    'callback' => [
    'options' => [
      'query' => [
        'element_parents' => implode('/', $element['#array_parents']),
    'wrapper' => $element['upload_button']['#ajax']['wrapper'],
    'effect' => 'fade',
  $element['filefield_attach']['attach'] = [
    '#name' => implode('_', $element['#parents']) . '_attach',
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Attach'),
    '#validate' => [],
    '#submit' => [
    '#limit_validation_errors' => [
    '#ajax' => $ajax_settings,
  return $element;