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protected function DisplayFileList::dbSync in Filebrowser 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/File/DisplayFileList.php \Drupal\filebrowser\File\DisplayFileList::dbSync()

Synchronizes what we seen on filesystem with what is stored in database We also build an access URL (link) for each file as it is why we stored this stuff in DB (have a unique ID for each file and path) to get rid of national character mess in URLS.


array $db_content:

array $files: List of DisplayFiles objects

integer $subdir_fid:

1 call to DisplayFileList::dbSync()
DisplayFileList::processServerFileList in src/File/DisplayFileList.php


src/File/DisplayFileList.php, line 293


Class FileDisplayList @package Drupal\filebrowser This class holds the list of files to be displayed on the filebrowser node. These files are retrieved from the filesystem and filtered for user and node access. The array produced by this class…




protected function dbSync(&$db_content, &$files, $subdir_fid = null) {

  /** @var DisplayFile $files[$key]  */
  $to_delete = [];

  // Build the fragment to be used with folders.
  $theme = \Drupal::theme()
  $fragment = 'block-' . str_replace('_', '-', $theme) . '-page-title';
  foreach ($db_content as $path => &$record) {
    if (!isset($record['nid'])) {
    if (!isset($record['exists'])) {
      $to_delete[] = $record['fid'];
    else {
      if (!isset($record['fid'])) {
        $record['fid'] = $this->storage
      $key = $record['display_name'];
      $files[$key]->fid = $record['fid'];
      $link = $this
        ->makeLink($files[$key], $record['fid'], $fragment);
      $files[$key]->link = $link
      $files[$key]->href = $link

      // fire an event so modules can create metadata for this file.

      /** @var MetadataEvent $event */
      $dispatcher = \Drupal::service('event_dispatcher');
      $e = new MetadataEvent($this->node
        ->id(), $record['fid'], $files[$key], $subdir_fid, $this->filebrowser->visibleColumns);
        ->dispatch('filebrowser.metadata_event', $e);

  // A quick way to drip obsolete records
  if (count($to_delete)) {