You are here in Filebrowser 7.2

Misc filebrowser common functions.

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/* This file is part of "filebrowser".
 *    Copyright 2009, arNuméral
 *    Author : Yoran Brault
 *    eMail  : (remove bad_ before sending an email)
 *    Site   :
 * "filebrowser" is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * "filebrowser" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with "filebrowser"; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
 * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:

 * @file
 * Misc filebrowser common functions.
define('FILEBROWSER_CREATE_DIRECTORY_LISTING', 'create directory listings');
define('FILEBROWSER_DELETE_OWN_DIRECTORY_LISTINGS', 'delete own directory listings');
define('FILEBROWSER_DELETE_ANY_DIRECTORY_LISTINGS', 'delete any directory listings');
define('FILEBROWSER_EDIT_OWN_DIRECTORY_LISTINGS', 'edit own directory listings');
define('FILEBROWSER_EDIT_ANY_DIRECORY_LISTINGS', 'edit any directory listings');
define('FILEBROWSER_VIEW_DIRECORY_LISTINGS', 'view directory listings');
define('FILEBROWSER_UPLOAD', 'upload files to directory misting');
define('FILEBROWSER_CREATE_FOLDER', 'create folders');
define('FILEBROWSER_DOWNLOAD_ARCHIVE', 'download archive files');
define('FILEBROWSER_DOWNLOAD', 'download files');
define('FILEBROWSER_DELETE_FILE', 'delete files');

 * Column indentifiers definition.
define('FILEBROWSER_DATA_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME', 'display-name');

 * Metadata access handler (see hook_menu).
function _filebrowser_metadata_access($fid) {
  $content = _filebrowser_node_content_load($fid);
  $node = node_load($content['nid']);
  return $node->type == 'dir_listing' && node_access("update", $node);

 * Helper function to get node folder with correct token replacements. Never
 * use $node->folder_path directly !!!
 * @param $node
 * @return folder path
function _filebrowser_get_node_root(&$node) {
  $result = $node->folder_path;

  // token_replace is in D7 core *** if (module_exists("token")) {
  $result = token_replace($result, array(
    'type' => 'global',
    'object' => NULL,
    'leading' => '[',
    $trailing = ']',
  return $result;

 * Prepare node record to be used. This is mainly about default stuff.
 * @param $node node to prepage
 * @param $load is this for loading (TRUE) or inserting/updating (FALSE)
function _filebrowser_prepare_record(&$node, $load = TRUE) {

  // Fix trailing slashes
  $node->folder_path = rtrim($node->folder_path, '/');

  // Process uploads
  $node->folder_uploads = (object) $node->folder_uploads;
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_uploads->enabled, FALSE);
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_uploads->allow_overwrite, FALSE);
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_uploads->accepted_uploaded_files, '');

  // Process handlers
  $node->folder_uploads = (object) $node->folder_uploads;
  foreach (module_implements("filebrowser_handler_info") as $module) {
    if (isset($node->{$module})) {
      $node->file_handlers->{$module} = $node->{$module};
    $node->file_handlers = (object) $node->file_handlers;
    $node->file_handlers->{$module} = (object) $node->file_handlers->{$module};

  // Fix rights
  $node->folder_rights = (object) $node->folder_rights;
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_rights->explore_subdirs, FALSE);
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_rights->create_folders, FALSE);
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_rights->download_archive, FALSE);
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_rights->forbidden_files, "descript.ion\nfile.bbs\n.git\nCSV\n.svn\n");
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_rights->filtered_files, "");
  if (!isset($node->folder_rights->download_manager) || !_filebrowser_externals('download_manager_info', $node->folder_rights->download_manager)) {
    $node->folder_rights->download_manager = 'public';

  // Fix presentation
  $node->folder_presentation = (object) $node->folder_presentation;
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_presentation->encoding, 'UTF8');
  if (!isset($node->folder_presentation->default_view) || !_filebrowser_externals('presentations', $node->folder_presentation->default_view)) {
    $node->folder_presentation->default_view = 'list-view';
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_presentation->hide_extension, FALSE);
  $columns = _filebrowser_externals('metadata_info');
  $node->folder_presentation->visible_columns = _filebrowser_filter_checkboxes_result($node->folder_presentation->visible_columns);
  foreach ($node->folder_presentation->visible_columns as $name => $value) {
    if (!isset($columns[$name])) {
  if (count($node->folder_presentation->visible_columns) == 0) {
    $node->folder_presentation->visible_columns = array(
  if (!isset($node->folder_presentation->default_sort)) {
    foreach ($node->folder_presentation->visible_columns as $name => $foo) {
      if (isset($columns[$name]['sortable']) && $columns[$name]['sortable']) {
        $node->folder_presentation->default_sort = $name;
  _filebrowser_set_default($node->folder_presentation->default_sort_order, 'asc');

  // Create serialized properties
  $data = new stdClass();
  $data->folder_rights = $node->folder_rights;
  $data->folder_presentation = $node->folder_presentation;
  $data->folder_uploads = $node->folder_uploads;
  $data->file_handlers = isset($node->file_handlers) ? $node->file_handlers : '';
  $node->properties = serialize($data);

 * This function is used to invoke filebrowser_$kind hooks. Difference with a direct
 * module_invoke_all is that result is cached in a static way (for now, real caching
 * perhaps later).
 * @param $kind name of the hook (complete hook will be filebrowser_$kind)
 * @param $name the name of the resource retreived by the hook (used as hook
 * parameter and cache index)
function _filebrowser_externals($kind, $name = NULL) {
  static $externals = array();
  if (!isset($externals[$kind])) {
    $externals[$kind] = module_invoke_all("filebrowser_{$kind}");
  if (!is_null($name)) {
    return isset($externals[$kind][$name]) ? $externals[$kind][$name] : NULL;
  return $externals[$kind];

 * Build an URL with current pager settings.
 * @param $href target href
 * @return URL
function _filebrowser_folder_url($href, $options = array()) {
  $options['query'] = _filebrowser_url_query($options);
  return url($href, $options);
function _filebrowser_url_query($options = array()) {
  $query = array();
  foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) {
    if ($key != 'q') {
      $query[$key] = urlencode(filter_xss($value));
  return $query;

 * Convert a string from FileSystem encoding to UTF-8.
 * @param $node which provide FileSystem encoding information.
 * @param $source source string
 * @return re-encoded string
function _filebrowser_encoding_from_fs(&$node, $source) {
  return strcasecmp($node->folder_presentation->encoding, 'UTF-8') == 0 ? $source : mb_convert_encoding($source, "UTF-8", $node->folder_presentation->encoding);

 * Convert a string from UTF-8 to FileSystem encoding.
 * @param $node which provide FileSystem encoding information.
 * @param $source source string
 * @return re-encoded string
function _filebrowser_encoding_to_fs(&$node, $source) {
  return strcasecmp($node->folder_presentation->encoding, 'UTF-8') == 0 ? $source : mb_convert_encoding($source, $node->folder_presentation->encoding, "UTF-8");

 * remove all content bits from parent node id.
function _filebrowser_node_content_delete($node) {
  db_query("\n    DELETE\n    FROM {node_dir_listing_content}\n    WHERE\n      nid = :nid", array(
    ':nid' => $node->nid,

 * Load a specific node content.
 * @param $fid content fid
 * @return content record
function _filebrowser_node_content_load($fid) {
  if (is_array($fid)) {
  static $contents = array();
  if (isset($contents[$fid])) {
    return $contents[$fid];
  $contents[$fid] = (array) db_query("\n     SELECT *\n     FROM {node_dir_listing_content}\n     WHERE fid = :fid", array(
    ':fid' => $fid,
  return $contents[$fid];

 * Load data from current path.
 * @param source node
function _filebrowser_load_files(&$node, $fid = NULL, $rebuild = FALSE) {
  global $user, $base_url;

  // folder path are node/NID/FID?QUERY
  if (!$fid && (arg(0) == 'node' && is_numeric(arg(2)))) {
    $fid = arg(2);

  // Select current file record according to fid
  if ($fid) {
    $content = _filebrowser_node_content_load($fid);
    if (!$content) {
    $relative_path = $content['path'];
  else {
    $relative_path = '/';
  $is_subdir = $relative_path != '/';

  // If we shouldn't be in a subdirectory, redirect to root_dir.
  if ($is_subdir && !_filebrowser_can_explore_subfolders($node)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('You\'re not allowed to browse sub folders.'), 'error');

  // More advanced check to make sure no parent directories match our files.
  // blacklist
  if (!empty($relative_path)) {
    $dirs = explode('/', $relative_path);
    foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
      if (!empty($dir)) {
        if (_filebrowser_cant_view_file($node, $dir)) {
          drupal_set_message(t("You're not allowed to view '%dir'.", array(
            '%dir' => $dir,
          )), 'error');

  // If this folder has already been processed, take it result
  static $cache = array();
  $cid = "{$node->nid}::{$relative_path}";
  if ($rebuild) {
  if (isset($cache[$cid])) {
    return $node->file_listing = $cache[$cid];

  // Load database folder content
  $db_content = array();
  $query = db_query("SELECT * FROM {node_dir_listing_content} where nid = :nid and root = :root", array(
    ':nid' => $node->nid,
    ':root' => $relative_path,
  foreach ($query as $data) {
    $db_content[$data->path] = (array) $data;

  // Build full path
  $fs_root = _filebrowser_encoding_to_fs($node, _filebrowser_get_node_root($node));
  $fs_root = realpath($fs_root);
  if ($fs_root === FALSE) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Configured folder is not readable or is not a directory.'), 'error');
  $fs_root = realpath($fs_root . "/" . _filebrowser_encoding_to_fs($node, $relative_path)) . "/";

  // Load meta-data
  $file_metadata = array();

  // Iterate over files
  $files = array();
  $files_count = 0;
  $total_size = 0;
  $folder_count = 0;
  if (is_dir($fs_root) && ($handler = opendir($fs_root))) {
    while (($fs_filename = readdir($handler)) !== FALSE) {
      $fs_file_full_path = $fs_root . $fs_filename;

      // Check FS reading rights
      if (!is_readable($fs_file_full_path)) {

      // First file filtering
      if ($fs_filename == '.' || $fs_filename == '..') {

        // We are in the root folder, so we don't need an "up" entry
        if ($fs_filename == '..' && !$is_subdir) {
      else {

        // Check subfolder rights
        if (is_dir($fs_file_full_path) && !_filebrowser_can_explore_subfolders($node)) {

        // This file is not filtered
        if (is_file($fs_file_full_path) && !_filebrowser_can_view_file($node, $fs_filename)) {

        // This file is not allowed
        if (_filebrowser_cant_view_file($node, $fs_filename)) {

      // Build file relative path
      $filename = _filebrowser_encoding_from_fs($node, $fs_filename);
      if ($filename == '.') {
        $file_relative_path = $relative_path;
      elseif ($filename == '..') {
        $file_relative_path = _filebrowser_safe_dirname($relative_path);
        $content = (array) db_query("\n            SELECT *\n            FROM {node_dir_listing_content}\n            WHERE nid=:nid and path=:path", array(
          ':nid' => $node->nid,
          ':path' => $file_relative_path,
        if ($content) {
          $db_content[$file_relative_path] =& $content;
      else {
        $file_relative_path = $relative_path . ($relative_path != '/' ? '/' : '') . $filename;

      // Build database file record
      if (!isset($db_content[$file_relative_path])) {
        $db_content[$file_relative_path] = array(
          'exists' => TRUE,
          'nid' => $node->nid,
          'root' => $relative_path,
          'path' => $file_relative_path,
      $db_content[$file_relative_path]['exists'] = TRUE;
      $db_content[$file_relative_path]['display-name'] = $filename;
      $files[$filename] = array(
        'nid' => $node->nid,
        'display-name' => $filename,
        'relative-path' => $file_relative_path,
        'full-path' => rtrim($fs_root, '/') . "/" . $fs_filename,
        'status' => MARK_READ,
      $result = module_invoke_all('filebrowser_metadata_get', $files[$filename]);
      if ($result && is_array($result)) {
        $files[$filename] = array_merge($files[$filename], $result);
      if ($files[$filename]['kind'] == 0) {
        $total_size += $files[$filename]['size'];
      else {
        if ($fs_filename != '.') {
      if ($user->uid) {
        if ($user->access < $files[$filename]['created']) {
          $files[$filename]['status'] = MARK_NEW;
        elseif ($user->access < $files[$filename]['modified']) {
          $files[$filename]['status'] = MARK_UPDATED;
      if ($fs_filename == '..') {
        $files[$filename]['mime-type'] .= "/parent";
        $files[$filename]['kind'] = 2;
      $file_path = array();
      if ($fs_filename == '..') {
        $parent_folder = dirname($relative_path);
        if ($parent_folder != "/") {
          $file_path['path'] = $parent_folder;
      else {
        $file_path['path'] = $relative_path . $fs_filename;

    // Set global folder properties
    $files['.']['size'] = $total_size;
    $files['.']['files_count'] = $files_count;
    $files['.']['folders_count'] = $folder_count;
    $files['.']['relative-path'] = $relative_path;

  // Synchronize what we seen on filesystem with what is stored in database
  // We also build an access URL for each file as it is why we stored this stuff
  // in DB (have a unique ID for each file and path) to get rid of nationnal character
  // mess in URLS.
  $to_delete = array();
  foreach ($db_content as $path => &$record) {
    if (!isset($record['exists'])) {
      $to_delete[] = $record['fid'];
    else {
      if (!isset($record['fid'])) {
        drupal_write_record('node_dir_listing_content', $record);
      $key = $record['display-name'];
      $files[$key]['fid'] = $record['fid'];
      if ($files[$key]['kind'] != 0) {
        $files[$key]['url'] = _filebrowser_folder_url("node/{$node->nid}" . ($record['path'] != '/' ? "/{$record['fid']}" : ""), array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,
      else {
        $files[$key]['url'] = url('filebrowser/download/' . $record['fid'], array(
          'absolute' => TRUE,

  // A quick way to drip obsolete records (FIXME not quite sure there is no limit in the number of
  // items in the list
  if (count($to_delete)) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {node_dir_listing_content} WHERE fid IN (" . implode(",", $to_delete) . ")");

  // Cache update
  // FIXME : what of two nodes point to the same folder ?
  $cache[$relative_path] =& $files;

  // Add all this data to the node
  $node->file_listing = $files;
function _filebrowser_read_description($file_path) {
  $base_path = _filebrowser_safe_dirname($file_path);
  $data = _filebrowser_load_description_file($base_path);
  $name = _filebrowser_safe_basename($file_path);
  if (isset($data['data'][$name])) {
    return $data['data'][$name];
  else {
    return '';
function _filebrowser_save_description_file($data) {
  $output = array();
  foreach ($data['data'] as $key => $value) {
    $value = str_replace(array(
    ), array(
    ), $value);
    $output[] = "\"{$key}\"\t{$value}";
  file_put_contents($data['file'], implode("\n", $output));
function _filebrowser_load_description_file($path, $replace = NULL) {
  static $descriptions = array();
  if ($replace) {
    $descriptions[$path] = $replace;

  //echo(print_r($descriptions) . '<br> path '. $path . '<br>');
  if (!isset($descriptions[$path])) {
    $descriptions[$path] = array(
      'data' => array(),
    $description_file = $path . '/descript.ion';
    if (!file_exists($description_file)) {
      $description_file = $path . '/file.bbs';
    if (file_exists($description_file)) {
      $descriptions[$path]['file'] = $description_file;
      foreach (file($description_file) as $line) {
        if (trim($line) == '' || strpos(trim($line), '#') === 0) {
        $matches = array();
        preg_match('/"([^"]+)"\\s+(.*)|(\\S+)\\s+(.*)/', $line, $matches);
        $name = !empty($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : $matches[3];

        // FIXME JSJ Changed to matches[1] because 4 givers error
        $description = !empty($matches[2]) ? $matches[2] : $matches[1];
        $description = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $description);
        if (isset($descriptions[$path][$name])) {
          $descriptions[$path]['data'][$name] .= ' ' . trim($description);
        else {
          $descriptions[$path]['data'][$name] = trim($description);
  return $descriptions[$path];

 * Check if user can download ZIP archives.
function _filebrowser_can_download_archive(&$node) {
  return node_access('view', $node) && $node->folder_rights->download_archive && user_access(FILEBROWSER_DOWNLOAD_ARCHIVE);

 * Check if user can download files.
function _filebrowser_can_download_file(&$node) {
  return node_access('view', $node) && user_access(FILEBROWSER_DOWNLOAD);

 * Check if user can view a specific file.
function _filebrowser_can_view_file(&$node, $file) {
  return trim($node->folder_rights->filtered_files) == '' || _filebrowser_match_path($file, $node->folder_rights->filtered_files);

 * Check if user should not view a specific file.
function _filebrowser_cant_view_file(&$node, $file) {
  return trim($node->folder_rights->forbidden_files) != '' && _filebrowser_match_path($file, $node->folder_rights->forbidden_files);

 * Check if user can explore sub-folders.
function _filebrowser_can_explore_subfolders(&$node) {
  return $node->folder_rights->explore_subdirs;

 * Create a thumbnail and the associated XHTML code for a specific file.
 * @param $node source node
 * @param $file source file
 * @return XHTML code
function _filebrowser_thumbnails_generate(&$node, &$file) {
  static $thumbnailers = NULL;
  if (!$thumbnailers) {
    $thumbnailers = module_implements("filebrowser_thumbnailer_get");
  if (count($thumbnailers) != 0) {
    foreach ($thumbnailers as $thumbnailer) {
      if ($node->file_handlers->{$thumbnailer}->enabled_thumbnailer) {
        $thumbnail = module_invoke($thumbnailer, "filebrowser_thumbnailer_get", $file, $node->file_handlers->{$thumbnailer});
        if ($thumbnail) {
          return $thumbnail;
  $main_type = dirname($file['mime-type']);
  $mime_type = str_replace("/", "-", $file['mime-type']);
  $module_path = drupal_get_path("module", "filebrowser") . "/icons/";
  $theme_path = drupal_get_path('theme', $GLOBALS['theme']) . "/filebrowser/";
  $icons = array(
    $theme_path . $mime_type . ".png",
    $theme_path . $main_type . ".png",
    $module_path . $mime_type . ".png",
    $module_path . $main_type . ".png",
  $elligible = $module_path . "unknown.png";
  foreach ($icons as $icon) {
    if (file_exists($icon)) {
      $elligible = $icon;
  return theme('image', array(
    'path' => $icon,
    'alt' => 'alt text',

 * @param form_state
 * @param i
 * @param path_info_new
 * @param path_info_old
function _filebrowser_build_new_upload_file_name($node, $form_state, $i) {
  $file_name = $_FILES['files']['name']["file_{$i}"];
  if (!empty($form_state['values']["file_name_{$i}"])) {
    $path_info_new = pathinfo($form_state['values']["file_name_{$i}"]);
    $path_info_old = pathinfo($file_name);
    $file_name = $path_info_new['filename'];
    if (isset($path_info_old['extension'])) {
      $file_name .= ".{$path_info_old['extension']}";
  $target = _filebrowser_encoding_to_fs($node, $node->file_listing['.']['full-path'] . "/" . $file_name);
  return $target;

function debugPrintCallingFunction() {
  $file = 'n/a';
  $func = 'n/a';
  $line = 'n/a';
  $debugTrace = debug_backtrace();
  if (isset($debugTrace[1])) {
    $file = $debugTrace[1]['file'] ? $debugTrace[1]['file'] : 'n/a';
    $line = $debugTrace[1]['line'] ? $debugTrace[1]['line'] : 'n/a';
  if (isset($debugTrace[2])) {
    $func = $debugTrace[2]['function'] ? $debugTrace[2]['function'] : 'n/a';
  echo "<pre>\n{$file}, {$func}, {$line}\n</pre>";


Namesort descending Description
_filebrowser_cant_view_file Check if user should not view a specific file.
_filebrowser_can_download_archive Check if user can download ZIP archives.
_filebrowser_can_download_file Check if user can download files.
_filebrowser_can_explore_subfolders Check if user can explore sub-folders.
_filebrowser_can_view_file Check if user can view a specific file.
_filebrowser_encoding_from_fs Convert a string from FileSystem encoding to UTF-8.
_filebrowser_encoding_to_fs Convert a string from UTF-8 to FileSystem encoding.
_filebrowser_externals This function is used to invoke filebrowser_$kind hooks. Difference with a direct module_invoke_all is that result is cached in a static way (for now, real caching perhaps later).
_filebrowser_folder_url Build an URL with current pager settings.
_filebrowser_get_node_root Helper function to get node folder with correct token replacements. Never use $node->folder_path directly !!!
_filebrowser_load_files Load data from current path.
_filebrowser_metadata_access Metadata access handler (see hook_menu).
_filebrowser_node_content_delete remove all content bits from parent node id.
_filebrowser_node_content_load Load a specific node content.
_filebrowser_prepare_record Prepare node record to be used. This is mainly about default stuff.
_filebrowser_thumbnails_generate Create a thumbnail and the associated XHTML code for a specific file.
