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15 calls to file_entity_access() in File Entity (fieldable files) 7.3

FileEntityAccessTestCase::assertFileEntityAccess in ./file_entity.test
Asserts file_entity_access correctly grants or denies access.
file_entity_add_upload_multiple_submit in ./
Submit handler for the multiple upload form.
file_entity_admin_files in ./
Form builder: Builds the file administration overview.
file_entity_edit in ./
Page callback: Form constructor for the file edit form.
file_entity_field_formatter_view in ./
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
file_entity_file_download in ./file_entity.module
Implements hook_file_download().
file_entity_get_filetype_candidates in ./
Get the candidate filetypes for a given file.
file_entity_upload_archive_form_submit in ./
Upload a file.
page_manager_file_view_access_check in plugins/tasks/
Callback to determine if a page is accessible.
PanelizerEntityFile::entity_access in plugins/entity/PanelizerEntityFile.class.php
views_handler_field_file_link::render_link in views/
views_handler_field_file_link_delete::render_link in views/
Renders the link.
views_handler_field_file_link_download::render_link in views/
Renders the link.
views_handler_field_file_link_edit::render_link in views/
Renders the link.
views_handler_field_file_link_usage::render_link in views/
Renders the link.