fieldset_helper.module in Fieldset helper 6
Same filename and directory in other branches
Saves the collapsed state of a Drupal collapsible fieldset.
Besided saving the state of collapsible fieldsets this module improves the usability of Drupal's main module page (admin/build/modules) by adding expand and collapse all links to top of the page.
- Fieldset ids are generated based on the FAPI form's associated array keys or the id is generated from the fieldset's title.
- All generated fieldset ids will be pre-pended with 'fieldset-'.
- All collaspible fieldsets should be generated using theme('fieldset', $element); but you can also use static html.
- This module attempts to override some fieldset related theme functions. These functions include 'phptemplate_fieldset', 'phptemplate_fieldgroup_fieldset', and 'theme_system_modules'.
Fieldset helper state manager:
- The 'state manager' stores the state of all collapsible fieldsets in a session cookie.
- The state manager dramatically reduces the cookie's size, by converting the fieldset's element_id and page path to an auto incremented numeric id.
- The state management is controlled by the fieldset_helper_state_manager php functions and the FieldsetHelperStateManager JavaScript object which isolates the API so that it can copied, renamed, and re-used.
- Currently every collapsible fieldset's state is being saved, should this be something that developers can control via admin settings and/or a fieldset's properties?
I think the functionality of any reusable widget should the same, whenever possible, across all instances. So, I don't think this is something that should be customizable on a per instance basis.
Related discussions
- Is it possible to get Fieldset Collapsed/Collapsible to remember settings?
- would be nice to save/show fieldset states
- In modules listing: collapse fieldsets
- Give fieldsets an id
- Adding a collapsible fieldset to your nodes
- Use Drupal JS Libraries : Your own collapsible fieldset
Similar modules
fieldset_helper.moduleView source
* @file
* Saves the collapsed state of a Drupal collapsible fieldset.
* Besided saving the state of collapsible fieldsets this module improves
* the usability of Drupal's main module page (admin/build/modules) by adding
* expand and collapse all links to top of the page.
* Notes:
* - Fieldset ids are generated based on the FAPI form's associated array
* keys or the id is generated from the fieldset's title.
* - All generated fieldset ids will be pre-pended with 'fieldset-'.
* - All collaspible fieldsets should be generated using theme('fieldset', $element);
* but you can also use static html.
* - This module attempts to override some fieldset related theme functions. These
* functions include 'phptemplate_fieldset', 'phptemplate_fieldgroup_fieldset',
* and 'theme_system_modules'.
* Fieldset helper state manager:
* - The 'state manager' stores the state of all collapsible fieldsets in a
* session cookie.
* - The state manager dramatically reduces the cookie's size, by converting the
* fieldset's element_id and page path to an auto incremented numeric id.
* - The state management is controlled by the fieldset_helper_state_manager
* php functions and the FieldsetHelperStateManager JavaScript object which
* isolates the API so that it can copied, renamed, and re-used.
* Questions/Issues
* - Currently every collapsible fieldset's state is being saved, should this be
* something that developers can control via admin settings and/or a
* fieldset's properties?
* I think the functionality of any reusable widget should the same, whenever
* possible, across all instances. So, I don't think this is something that
* should be customizable on a per instance basis.
* Related discussions
* - @link Is it possible to get Fieldset Collapsed/Collapsible to remember settings? @endlink
* - @link would be nice to save/show fieldset states @endlink
* - @link In modules listing: collapse fieldsets @endlink
* - @link Give fieldsets an id @endlink
* - @link Adding a collapsible fieldset to your nodes @endlink
* - @link Use Drupal JS Libraries : Your own collapsible fieldset @endlink
* Similar modules
* - @link Autosave @endlink
* - @link Utility @endlink
* Implementation of hook_perm().
function fieldset_helper_perm() {
return array(
'save fieldset state',
'administer fieldset state',
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function fieldset_helper_menu() {
$items['admin/settings/fieldset_helper'] = array(
'title' => 'Fieldset helper',
'description' => 'Settings to save FAPI collapsible fieldset state',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'file' => '',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer fieldset state',
$items['admin/settings/fieldset_helper/test'] = array(
'title' => 'Fieldset helper test',
'description' => 'Test page for saving FAPI collapsible fieldset state',
'page callback' => 'fieldset_helper_test',
'file' => '',
'access callback' => TRUE,
'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_form_alter().
function fieldset_helper_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
// Check if user can save fieldset state
// and confirm that the form is not the test form.
if (!user_access('save fieldset state') && $form_id != 'fieldset_helper_test') {
// If the $form object has an id, which will be used in the <form> tag,
// then replace the $form_id variable.
$form_id = isset($form['#id']) ? $form['#id'] : $form_id;
// Check the auto_exclude list of forms that do not have collapsible fieldset.
// This insures that all the below recursive code is only executed on forms that
// have collapsible fieldsets.
$auto_exclude = variable_get('fieldset_helper_auto_exclude', array());
if (array_key_exists($form_id, $auto_exclude)) {
// Set collapsible fieldset ids and get a boolean for whether the form had collapsible fieldsets.
$has_collapsible_fieldset = _fieldset_helper_set_collapsible_fieldset_ids($form, $form_id);
// If the form does not have a collapsible fieldset then save this information
// so that we know not to bother recursing this form in the future.
if (!$has_collapsible_fieldset) {
$auto_exclude[$form_id] = 1;
variable_set('fieldset_helper_auto_exclude', $auto_exclude);
else {
// Add js
* Adds 'fieldset_helper.js' and related settings to a page only once.
function fieldset_helper_add_js() {
static $js_loaded;
// Check if js has already been loaded.
if (isset($js_loaded)) {
// Add js file
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'fieldset_helper') . '/fieldset_helper.js');
$js_loaded = TRUE;
* Set a collapsible fieldset's id based on the associated array keys.
* All fieldset id's will begin with 'fieldset-' to insure their uniqueness.
* @param &$form
* Nested array of form elements that comprise the form.
* @param $form_id
* String representing the id of the form.
* @param $id
* Based id for collapsible fieldsets.
* @return
* TRUE if a form contains a collapsible fieldset.
function _fieldset_helper_set_collapsible_fieldset_ids(&$form, $form_id, $id = 'fieldset') {
static $has_collapsible_fieldset;
foreach ($form as $key => $value) {
// If $key is a property (begins with a hash (#) then continue.
if (strpos($key, '#') === 0) {
// If this element has no type or it is not a fieldset then continue.
if (!isset($form[$key]['#type']) || $form[$key]['#type'] != 'fieldset') {
// Add key, as valid DOM id, to fieldset id.
$fieldset_id = _fieldset_helper_format_id($id . '-' . $key);
// Handle collapsible fieldset.
if (isset($form[$key]['#collapsible']) && $form[$key]['#collapsible']) {
// Add id to the collapsible fieldset if an id is not defined.
if (!isset($form[$key]['#attributes']['id'])) {
$form[$key]['#attributes']['id'] = $fieldset_id;
// Store that the form has a collapsible fieldset in a lookup table.
$has_collapsible_fieldset[$form_id] = TRUE;
// Recurse downward
_fieldset_helper_set_collapsible_fieldset_ids($form[$key], $form_id, $fieldset_id);
// Return if the form has a collapsible fieldset.
return isset($has_collapsible_fieldset[$form_id]) && $has_collapsible_fieldset[$form_id] ? TRUE : FALSE;
// Using an include file insures that if the phptemplate_fieldset(),
// phptemplate_fieldgroup_fieldset(), or phptemplate_system_modules() function
// already exists, then the below include will not be loaded, throwing a
// 'Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _phptemplate_fieldset()'
if (!function_exists('phptemplate_fieldset') && !function_exists('phptemplate_fieldgroup_fieldset') && !function_exists('phptemplate_system_modules')) {
include_once '';
else {
* Formats any string as a valid fieldset id.
* @param $text
* A string to be converted to a valid fieldset id.
* @return
* The string format as a fieldset id.
function _fieldset_helper_format_id($text) {
return form_clean_id(preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/', '-', drupal_strtolower($text)));
* Implementation of hook_theme().
function fieldset_helper_theme() {
return array(
'fieldset_helper_toggle_all' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'selector' => NULL,
'id' => NULL,
* Theme 'Expand all | Collapse all' links that toggle a page or selected fieldsets
* state.
* @param $selector
* A jQuery selector that restricts what fieldset will be toggle by link.
* @return
* Html output
function theme_fieldset_helper_toggle_all($selector = NULL, $id = NULL) {
if (!user_access('save fieldset state')) {
return '';
// Wrap selector string in single quotes
if ($selector != NULL) {
$selector = "'" . $selector . "'";
$output = '';
$output .= '<div class="fieldset-helper-toggle-all"' . ($id != NULL ? ' id="' . $id . '"' : '') . '>';
$output .= '<a href="javascript:Drupal.FieldsetHelper.expandFieldsets(' . $selector . ');">' . t('Expand all') . '</a>';
$output .= ' | ';
$output .= '<a href="javascript:Drupal.FieldsetHelper.collapseFieldsets(' . $selector . ');">' . t('Collapse all') . '</a>';
$output .= '</div>';
return $output;
* Theme related function that is used by the phptemplate_fieldset() function
* (in to alter the fieldset so that its
* collapsible state can be saved.
* If an enabled theme overrides fieldset theme then those theme functions and/or
* files should call the below function.
* @param $element
* A FAPI fieldset element.
* @return
* The fieldset element. Collapsible fieldsets will have a unique id and
* a default collapsed state set from the user's 'fieldset_helper' cookie.
function fieldset_helper_alter_theme_fieldset($element) {
// Exit if fieldsets state is not save or the fieldset is not collapsible.
if (!user_access('save fieldset state') || empty($element['#collapsible'])) {
return $element;
// Add js
// Set id for fieldsets without them.
if (empty($element['#attributes']['id'])) {
// Fieldsets without titles can not have an id automatically generated.
if (empty($element['#title'])) {
return $element;
$element['#attributes']['id'] = _fieldset_helper_format_id('fieldset-' . $element['#title']);
// Set fieldset's default collapsed state
$element['#collapsed'] = isset($element['#collapsed']) ? $element['#collapsed'] : FALSE;
// Set fieldset state
$element['#collapsed'] = fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_state($element['#attributes']['id'], $element['#collapsed']);
return $element;
* Theme related function used by the included phptemplate_theme_system() to prepend
* 'Expand all | Collapse all' to the system modules page.
* @param $output
* The output from the theme_system_modules() function.
* @return
* The output prepended with 'Expand all | Collapse all' from the
* theme_fieldset_helper_toggle_all() function.
function fieldset_helper_alter_theme_system_modules($output) {
// Only toggle first level of system modules.
// Modules like add a second level of fieldsets
// to the system modules page.
return theme('fieldset_helper_toggle_all', '#system-modules > div > fieldset.collapsible', 'system-modules-toggle-all') . $output;
* Fieldset helper state manager functions.
* Get the lookup id for the $element_id in the current path.
* @param $element_id
* The DOM element id.
* @return
* The numeric auto generated look up id for the $element_id. If $element_id
* is not set then the entire lookup id table for the current page will returned.
function fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_lookup_id($element_id = NULL) {
static $lookup_id_table;
$current_path = $_GET['q'];
// Load existing lookup ids for the current path from the database.
if (!isset($lookup_id_table)) {
// Fetch lookup records for the current path
$query = "SELECT id, element_id FROM {fieldset_helper_state_manager} WHERE path='%s'";
$result = db_query($query, $current_path);
while ($data = db_fetch_array($result)) {
$lookup_id_table[$data['element_id']] = $data['id'];
// Initialize state manager js ids
$settings['fieldset_helper_state_manager']['ids'] = $lookup_id_table;
$settings['fieldset_helper_cookie_duration'] = variable_get('fieldset_helper_cookie_duration', 0);
drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
// Create a new lookup id for element_id's not associated with the current path in the lookup id table.
if ($element_id != NULL && !isset($lookup_id_table[$element_id])) {
// Get id for path and element_id combination.
$sql = "INSERT INTO {fieldset_helper_state_manager} (path, element_id) VALUES ('%s', '%s')";
db_query($sql, $current_path, $element_id);
$lookup_id = db_last_insert_id('fieldset_helper_state_manager', 'id');
$lookup_id_table[$element_id] = $lookup_id;
// Add lookup id to state manager js ids
$settings['fieldset_helper_state_manager']['ids'][$element_id] = $lookup_id;
drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
// Return the look up id for the element id.
return $element_id == NULL ? $lookup_id_table : $lookup_id_table[$element_id];
* Clear all the store lookup id for every form.
function fieldset_helper_state_manager_clear_lookup_ids() {
db_query("DELETE FROM {fieldset_helper_state_manager}");
* Get an associated array for lookup id and the element's state (1 or 0) from $_COOKIE['fieldset_helper_state_manager'].
* @param $clear
* Optional boolean when set to TRUE will clear any cached cookie states.
function fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_cookie_states($clear = FALSE) {
static $states;
if (isset($states) && $clear == FALSE) {
return $states;
$states = array();
if (!isset($_COOKIE['fieldset_helper_state_manager'])) {
return $states;
else {
$values = explode('_', $_COOKIE['fieldset_helper_state_manager']);
foreach ($values as $value) {
$params = explode('.', $value);
$states[$params[0]] = $params[1] == '1' ? TRUE : FALSE;
return $states;
* Get fieldset's collapsed state.
* @param $element_id
* The DOM element id.
* @param $default_value
* Boolean for default state value
function fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_state($element_id, $default_value = FALSE) {
// Get fieldset states and lookup ids
$states = fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_cookie_states();
$lookup_id = fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_lookup_id($element_id);
// Return collapsed boolean value.
if (isset($states[$lookup_id])) {
return $states[$lookup_id] ? TRUE : FALSE;
else {
return $default_value ? TRUE : FALSE;
Name![]() |
Description |
fieldset_helper_add_js | Adds 'fieldset_helper.js' and related settings to a page only once. |
fieldset_helper_alter_theme_fieldset | Theme related function that is used by the phptemplate_fieldset() function (in to alter the fieldset so that its collapsible state can be saved. |
fieldset_helper_alter_theme_system_modules | Theme related function used by the included phptemplate_theme_system() to prepend 'Expand all | Collapse all' to the system modules page. |
fieldset_helper_form_alter | Implementation of hook_form_alter(). |
fieldset_helper_menu | Implementation of hook_menu(). |
fieldset_helper_perm | Implementation of hook_perm(). |
fieldset_helper_state_manager_clear_lookup_ids | Clear all the store lookup id for every form. |
fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_cookie_states | Get an associated array for lookup id and the element's state (1 or 0) from $_COOKIE['fieldset_helper_state_manager']. |
fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_lookup_id | Get the lookup id for the $element_id in the current path. |
fieldset_helper_state_manager_get_state | Get fieldset's collapsed state. |
fieldset_helper_theme | Implementation of hook_theme(). |
theme_fieldset_helper_toggle_all | Theme 'Expand all | Collapse all' links that toggle a page or selected fieldsets state. |
_fieldset_helper_format_id | Formats any string as a valid fieldset id. |
_fieldset_helper_set_collapsible_fieldset_ids | Set a collapsible fieldset's id based on the associated array keys. |