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public function FppFileAccessTest::createTestFppObject in Fieldable Panels Panes (FPP) 7

Create a test FPP object that contains a generated image.

Return value

object An FPP object.

3 calls to FppFileAccessTest::createTestFppObject()
FppFileAccessTest::testFileAccessWithCorrectAuth in tests/fpp.file_access.test
Confirm private file access works when the visitor DOES have access.
FppFileAccessTest::testFileAccessWithIncorrectAuth in tests/fpp.file_access.test
Confirm private file access works when the visitor does NOT have access.
FppFileAccessTest::testFileAccessWithoutAuth in tests/fpp.file_access.test
Confirm that the private file access works when no auth is defined.


tests/fpp.file_access.test, line 181
Tests for the Fieldable Panels Panes module to ensure file access works.


Tests for the Fieldable Panels Panes module to ensure file access works.


public function createTestFppObject() {

  // Generate a suitable private image file.
  $image = $this
    ->generateImageFile(NULL, NULL, 'private');
  $fpp = new StdClass();
  $fpp->bundle = $this->bundle;
  $fpp->title = $this->title;
  $fpp->field_fpp_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['fid'] = $image->fid;
  $saved_fpp = fieldable_panels_panes_save($fpp);

  // Force a reload of this object, just to be sure.
  $saved_fpp = fieldable_panels_panes_load($saved_fpp->fpid);
    ->assertEqual($saved_fpp->title, $this->title, 'The FPP object was saved.');
    ->assertEqual($saved_fpp->field_fpp_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['fid'], $image->fid, 'The FPP object contains the image.');
    ->drupalGet('admin/structure/fieldable-panels-panes/' . $this->bundle);
  return $saved_fpp;