You are here in Fieldable Panels Panes (FPP) 7

name = "Fieldable Panels Panes"
description = "Allow the creation of fieldable panels pane entities."
package = "Panels"
core = "7.x"
dependencies[] = ctools
dependencies[] = panels
dependencies[] = views

configure = admin/structure/fieldable-panels-panes

files[] = includes/PanelsPaneController.class.php
files[] = includes/
files[] = includes/

files[] = plugins/views/

files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/

files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/

files[] = plugins/views/
files[] = plugins/views/

; Entity API integration.
files[] =

; Inline Entity Form integration.
files[] = includes/FieldablePanelsPaneInlineEntityFormController.class.php

; Tests.
test_dependencies[] = devel
files[] = tests/fpp.helper.test
files[] = tests/fpp.permissions.test
files[] = tests/fpp.file_access.test
files[] = tests/fpp.locale.test
files[] = tests/fpp.entity_form.test

; Test the interaction with the Panels module.
test_dependencies[] = panels
files[] = tests/fpp.with_panels.test

; Test the interaction with the Panels and Entity API modules.
test_dependencies[] = entity
files[] = tests/fpp.with_panels_and_entity.test

; Test the interaction with the Panelizer module.
test_dependencies[] = panelizer
files[] = tests/fpp.with_panelizer.test

; Test the interaction with the Pathauto module.
test_dependencies[] = pathauto
files[] = tests/fpp.with_pathauto.test

; Test the interaction with the Services module. Note: the rest_service
; submodule that the test depends upon also requires libraries, hence why it is
; listed here too.
test_dependencies[] = libraries
test_dependencies[] = services
files[] = tests/

; Test the node revisions workflow with Revisioning module.
test_dependencies[] = revisioning
files[] = tests/fpp.with_revisioning.test

View source
  1. name = "Fieldable Panels Panes"
  2. description = "Allow the creation of fieldable panels pane entities."
  3. package = "Panels"
  4. core = "7.x"
  5. dependencies[] = ctools
  6. dependencies[] = panels
  7. dependencies[] = views
  8. configure = admin/structure/fieldable-panels-panes
  9. files[] = includes/PanelsPaneController.class.php
  10. files[] = includes/
  11. files[] = includes/
  12. files[] = plugins/views/
  13. files[] = plugins/views/
  14. files[] = plugins/views/
  15. files[] = plugins/views/
  16. files[] = plugins/views/
  17. files[] = plugins/views/
  18. files[] = plugins/views/
  19. files[] = plugins/views/
  20. files[] = plugins/views/
  21. files[] = plugins/views/
  22. files[] = plugins/views/
  23. files[] = plugins/views/
  24. files[] = plugins/views/
  25. files[] = plugins/views/
  26. ; Entity API integration.
  27. files[] =
  28. ; Inline Entity Form integration.
  29. files[] = includes/FieldablePanelsPaneInlineEntityFormController.class.php
  30. ; Tests.
  31. test_dependencies[] = devel
  32. files[] = tests/fpp.helper.test
  33. files[] = tests/fpp.permissions.test
  34. files[] = tests/fpp.file_access.test
  35. files[] = tests/fpp.locale.test
  36. files[] = tests/fpp.entity_form.test
  37. ; Test the interaction with the Panels module.
  38. test_dependencies[] = panels
  39. files[] = tests/fpp.with_panels.test
  40. ; Test the interaction with the Panels and Entity API modules.
  41. test_dependencies[] = entity
  42. files[] = tests/fpp.with_panels_and_entity.test
  43. ; Test the interaction with the Panelizer module.
  44. test_dependencies[] = panelizer
  45. files[] = tests/fpp.with_panelizer.test
  46. ; Test the interaction with the Pathauto module.
  47. test_dependencies[] = pathauto
  48. files[] = tests/fpp.with_pathauto.test
  49. ; Test the interaction with the Services module. Note: the rest_service
  50. ; submodule that the test depends upon also requires libraries, hence why it is
  51. ; listed here too.
  52. test_dependencies[] = libraries
  53. test_dependencies[] = services
  54. files[] = tests/
  55. ; Test the node revisions workflow with Revisioning module.
  56. test_dependencies[] = revisioning
  57. files[] = tests/fpp.with_revisioning.test