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CHANGELOG.txt in Fieldable Panels Panes (FPP) 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 1.0.x CHANGELOG.txt
Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx
#3039610 by DamienMcKenna: Prefix admin title with bundle label.
#3039612 by DamienMcKenna: Don't show "reusable" in pane admin title if
  can't be loaded.
#3087902 by cboyden, ruyakhokhar, wstocker, DamienMcKenna: PHP 7.2 compatibility
  warning in fieldable_panels_pane.class.php.
#3064054 by cboyden, DamienMcKenna, Michelle: Link path field cuts off at 128

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.13, 2019-03-12
#3039427 by DamienMcKenna: Failure if an FPP can't be loaded in a Panelizer
#3039174 by junaidpv: FPP cause to redirect to non existing path like
  "admin/structure/fieldable-panels-panes/article/fields" when taking "Manage
  Fields" paths like "admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields".

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.12, 2019-03-04
#2826182 by Arrow: Inversed logic for checking if the title should be used.
#2825835 by Pol: Avoid errors with Panels when a FPP was deleted or otherwise
  doesn't exist.
By DamienMcKenna: Remove the CTools/Panels version requirenents.
#2826205 by DamienMcKenna, ron_s, Postovan Dumitru, wilei, dat deaf drupaler,
  potassiumchloride, Rudi Teschner, Pol, Arrow, ec-adam, maxplus, arosboro,
  kmonty, wylbur, langelhc, smaz, Manuel Garcia, dan.munn, Nitebreed, vkakani,
  Bram Esposito: Broken links for Fieldable Panels Panes in admin menu after
#2936307 by cboyden, DamienMcKenna: View functions handle langcode argument
#2867561 by Chris Burge, DamienMcKenna: Allow CTools Content Type plugin access
  to be altered.
#2865462 by Chris Burge, DamienMcKenna: Allow CTools content type to be altered.
#2889278 by cboyden, dsnopek: On the Views link fields, allow hiding links if
  the FPP is not reusable.
#2982204 by DamienMcKenna, shaysmith: Database updates may not complete for
#2962952 by DamienMcKenna, dsnopek, cboyden: Implement
#3019270 by Asacolips, wildhostile, Anybody: Can't access to drupal 7 admin
#3028536 by DamienMcKenna: Add 'use strict' to the JS.
#2916627 by DamienMcKenna, Manuel Garcia: Add a composer.json file to document
  the dependencies.
#3029146 by Manuel Garcia: Add test dependency for services module integration.
#3036702 by DamienMcKenna: Fix tests for 7.x-1.x branch.
#3036701 by DamienMcKenna: Coding standards fixes for FPP.
#3035271 by DamienMcKenna, featherbelly: Remove `composer.json`.
#3037423 by Mixologic, DamienMcKenna: Add libraries as a test dependency for
#2163581 by Manuel Garcia, DamienMcKenna, indytechcook, timaholt, dww,
  Mixologic: Add Services resources.
#3037380 by DamienMcKenna: List dependencies in the tests, tidy up setUp()

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.11, 2016-11-05
#2688577 by rigoucr: Wrong function name for update 7114.
#2778265 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed tests due to permission changes in core.
#2233363 by DamienMcKenna: Removed some legacy paths that were causing problems
  on some sites.
#2798963 by tbfisher: Typo on Migrate integration could lead to dataloss.
#2798965 by tbfisher: Migrate class for use as a data source.
#2730465 by joelpittet: Fixed integration with Panel Nodes.
#2548883 by Ahmad Abbad: Title field was shown twice in certain circumstances.
#2637740 by joelstein, Chris Burge: Add the entity's bundle name, to make some
  of the hooks easier to work with.
#2494733 by DamienMcKenna: Added a test dependency on Pathauto.
#2494733 by DamienMcKenna: Added a test for path handling when Pathauto is
#2801605 by scuba_fly, DamienMcKenna, mrmikedewolf: Allow 'reuseable' option to
  be changed after initial FPP creation.
#2814117 by cboyden, lucas.constantino, dsnopek: Added
  hook_fieldable_panels_panes_access() to allow other modules to control access
  to Fieldable Panels Pane objects.
#2801353 by ChaseOnTheWeb, DamienMcKenna: Duplicate logic of update_7112 and
  update_7113 for when using UUID.
#2723655 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed usage of POSITION() in update_7112 and

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.10, 2016-05-04
By cboyden, DamienMcKenna, dsnopek: Admin title formatting.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.9, 2016-05-03
#2487888 by coenvanvliet, DamienMcKenna, joelstein: Clear an object's cache
  after it is saved or updated.
#1910934 by jlapp, thrnio, Chris Burge, MiroslavBanov: Allow all FPP objects to
  be used as blocks, controllable from the new settings page.
#1986334 by David_Rothstein, grndlvl, EclipseGc, ruloweb, vilepickle, heddn,
  MiroslavBanov, brantwynn, mairi, danieltome, azinck, DamienMcKenna, slucero:
  Optionally allow each FPP pane to be referenced by revision ID, allowing for
  editorial workflows when used with Panelizer.
#2691577 by DamienMcKenna: Added placeholders for more tests.
#2713699 by joelstein: Add pane-fpid-[FPID] class when FPPs referenced by
  revision ID.
#2695499 by DamienMcKenna, ttamniwdoog, azinck, heddn: On new sites,
  non-reusable FPPs must now be referenced by revision ID, includes update
  scripts to update sites as needed. FPPs may not have their reusability
  changed after the initial creation. Non-reusable FPPs are always saved as a
  new revision.
#2493899 by Upchuk, DamienMcKenna: Language selector on FPP entity form.
#2688577 by rigoucr, DamienMcKenna: Recover the default FPP type if it was
  deleted in update 7108.
#2541184 by DamienMcKenna, Andrew Edwards, solipsist: Make the admin title
  always available so it can always be used. Also, make the FPP category
  editable for saved objects and the revision field available when editing
  non-reusable FPPs.
#2717609 by dsnopek: Use the standard entity_label() function to get the FPP's
  title if no admin title is provided for the admin UI.
#1724394 by DamienMcKenna: Hide some links if Field UI is not installed.
#2374577 by grasmash, DamienMcKenna, walangitan: Cache the FPPs list for CTools.
#2508629 by malik.kotob, DamienMcKenna: Properly handle HTML entities in titles
  when the field is a link.
#2718091 by DamienMcKenna: Reverted #2622808 and #2718035, added test for
  Entity API and for title links.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.8, 2016-03-02
#2534200 by bwood, cboyden: Disable support for the Redirect module.
#2207625 by Chris Burge, casaran, Peacog, AndersNielsen: Added permission for
  listing FPPs.
#2416065 by DamienMcKenna: Added a bunch of tests to confirm permissions work
#2678696 by DamienMcKenna: Devel added as a test dependency.
#2531038 by DamienMcKenna: Noted related modules in the README.txt.
#2618904 by milodesc: Fixed URLs to field/display pages in the README.txt.
#2233363 by DamienMcKenna: Added more test assertions to show that the admin
  paths are correct.
#2562717 by dsnopek, cboyden: Resuable FPPs with no admin title did not have a
  label in the CTools 'Add Content' dialog.
#2614888/#2653510 by joelstein, muschpusch: Use bundle description as plugin
#2571981 by dgtlmoon: hook_fieldable_panels_pane_insert() was missing the
  entity argument.
#2550809 by fago: Fixed integration with inline_entity_form.
By DamienMcKenna, gmercer: File access not working correctly for FPP objects.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.7, 2015-09-02
By Chris Burge, dsnopek, DamienMcKenna: Added "check editable" callback for
  CTools pane definition, refactored FPP object loading.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.6, 2015-05-29
#2427275 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed line_entity_form integration.
#2463965 by dsnopek: PHP notice when FPP is hidden via visibility rules.
#2457995 by B-Prod: Fixed compatibility with the Title module.
#1985894 by DamienMcKenna, tanc: Return FALSE in load function if no entities.
#2493749 by dsnopek: FPP title always shown as link, even if not requested!
#2483335 by dsnopek: Improved label in File Entity file usage report.
#2483335 by DamienMcKenna: Made default labels less technical.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.6-beta1, 2015-02-02
#2283165 by DamienMcKenna: Incorrect variable usage broke 'create' permission.
#2268531 by DamienMcKenna: Ensure variable exists before running strpos() on it.
#2204837 by Kirby: Fixed call to undefined function ctools_cleanstring().
#2250293 by DamienMcKenna: Revisions support for Panelizer.
#1911176 by Dave Reid: Edit form improvements.
#2237097 by DamienMcKenna: Inline_Entity_Form support.
#2237137 by DamienMcKenna: Entity API support.
#1618308 by DamienMcKenna: Follow-up to fix menu paths.
#2247179 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed Panelizer admin path.
#1618308 by helior, acrollet, realityloop, magicmyth, DamienMcKenna: UI for
  managing FPP bundles.
#2146479: Fixed conflict with recent change to admin_menu
#2074735 by rogical: Added configure link to admin/structure/fieldable-panels
  -panes in the info file.
#2250383 by DamienMcKenna: Require CTools 1.4 or newer.
#2145209 by primozsusa, eft, DamienMcKenna: Support for the Migrate module.
#2287015 by eft, DamienMcKenna: Missing deletion callback in hook_entity_info.
#2283263 by cboyden, DamienMcKenna: Allow FPP description to be overridden.
#1588882 by jlapp, mcarbone, DamienMcKenna: Use title as the entity label when
  admin_title isn't present.
#2246893 by mglaman: Does not properly set pane subtype on content edit form
#2318033 by mongolito404: Increase FPP 'name' field length to 255 characters.
#2280457 by magicmyth: Entity API support is broken.
#2389873 by mkhamash: Add pane config to the entity object.
#2233363 by mongolito404: Incorrect paths to some FPP admin pages.
#2098041 by Placinta: Don't call hook_entity_presave twice in one save process.
#2092477 by rrrob, DamienMcKenna: Make the pane title use the current view mode.
#2398301 by mglaman: Add hook_fieldable_panels_pane_insert/update/save hooks.
#2302931 by Adrian Richardson, DamienMcKenna: Fixed PanelsPaneController
#2304921 by plopesc: Normalized the entity output.
#2244541 by DamienMcKenna: The default FPP type can be skipped during
  installation by assigning a variable, see README.txt for details.
#2398759 by mglaman: Documented some basic CRUD APIs.
#2399623 by mglaman: Include original entity when saving an FPP.
By DamienMcKenna: Document when hook_entity_view_mode_alter() is triggered.
#2256503 by DamienMcKenna, dsnopek: Title field logic improved, new 'preview'
  view mode used by default on standalone entity page.
#2415427 by dsnopek: Avoid loading FPP from database in
#2415427 by dsnopek: Follow-up on last commit.
#2390145 by mrmikedewolf: Add default access callback for admin views.
#2416001 by DamienMcKenna: Requires the latest releases of CTools and Panels.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.5, 2013-05-07
#1989478 by tim.plunkett: Added Implement the new 'create content access'
  callback for content types.
Follow-up #1900528: Fixed hook_entity_view_alter() did not have the correct
  second parameter passed to it.
#1911926: Move the 'View access' and 'Edit access' tabs under one 'Access
  control' tab.
#1911074: Added support for the entitycache module.
#1900528: Fixed PanelsPaneController::buildContent() invokes
  hook_entity_view_alter() but not hook_entity_view().
By Dave Reid: Add an access check for setting current revision that can be

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.4, 2013-01-25
#1724394 by swentel, Dave Reid: Dropped dependency on Field UI.
#1864956 by mrfelton, Dave Reid: Fixed contextual link support for rendered
  fieldable panel panes.
#1864950: Increased default pager limit to 50 items in default views.
  Re-exported for most recent Views updates.
By Dave Reid: Make the 'Add' tab on the panel pane listing a local action to
  comply with UX standards.
#1860484: Added title module support for fieldable panel pane titles.
#1707852: Fixed compatability with the 'Rendered entity' View row plugin in
  Entity API.
#1536944: Ensure that language is added as form element in
By Dave Reid: Fixed 'Delete' tab had the same weight as 'Edit' meaning it could
  show up before 'Edit'.
#1766182 by cweagans, webflo, Dave Reid: Fixed
  fieldable_panels_panes_preprocess_panels_pane() does not gracefully fail if
  fieldable_panels_panes_load_entity() fails.
#1876724: Added support for hook_entity_view_mode_alter().
Follow-up #1536944: Fixed language not actually saved on fieldable panel pane
#1862130: Fixed rollback() does not accept arguments. Standardized watchdog type

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.3, 2012-12-07
Follow-up #1618152: Removed accidental css class.
#1707852 by zuuperman, theunraveler: Fixed undefined function error when entity
  API view callback is used.
#1618152 by Dave Reid, grndlvl, dalin: Fixed unable to change classes or
  attributes using preprocess_fieldable_panels_pane.
#1536944 by Dave Reid, jucallme, mrfelton, stylus, helior: Enabled entity
  translation for fieldable panel pane entities.
#1857096: Fixed incorrect argument for access callback.
#1762362: Fixed incorrect bundle argument position in example code.
#1818132 by beeradb: entity_uuid_load() is not reliable.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.2, 2012-08-16
#1719798 by acrollet: Added Informational text should be displayed on the 'list'
  tab when no fieldable panels pane entities have been created.
#1715918 by populist: Added Allow Fieldable Panel Panes to be Loaded by VID in
#1616764 by swentel, zuuperman: Implement PLUGIN_content_type_admin_info().

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.1, 2012-07-27
#1702050 by mstrelan: Link pane title to another page/url
#1702050 by mstrelan: Link pane title to another page/url
#1630892 by helior: Add devel support to reusable panes.
#1607028 by helior: Move admin path up a level because we are constantly running
  into menu depth issues.
Remove old code and replace with newer simpler CTools function call.
#1548980: Add view mode selector for fieldable panel panes.
#1616764 by swentel: Implement plugin_content_type_admin_info so that fieldable
  panes show more information in the Panels backend editor.
#1598056: Create fieldable pane permission does not work.
#1533628 by Alan D and mcarbone: Provide template suggestion for pane bundle.
#1621886 by helior: Use proper name for preprocess function.
#1555414 by bangpound and helior: Do not call drupal_render() on pane view
#1555400 by bangpound: Remove unneeded and potentially buggy "variables"
  declaration from hook_theme() implementation.
Clean up the panelizer integration.
Pass coder review
added admin_menu hook to display entities #1607086
Initial support for panelizer 3.x so that you can panelize pane view modes.
Applied patch from #1549634 to delete revisions
#1423994 update UUID support for newest uuid api.
#1444778 by populist: Allow fieldable panel panes to specify top level and icon.
commited patch from #1411664

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.0, 2012-01-15
#1377636: Add a class for the pane bundle in the panel pane template.
#1369398 by John Morahan: Allow deletion of revision which has a link that does
  not work.
#1346096: Make new entities created outside of panels add modal default to
Remove hook_modules_installed() as uuid now handles adding the field itself.
  However we also need to ensure the uuid flag is always set in
  hook_entity_info() so that it is available at uuid uninstall time.
#1328966: Error in README.txt.
#1340984: add UUID support.
#1363820: Fix rebuilding the form via AJAX before it's been saved.
Add a comment about renaming the default bundle to README.txt.
Add a readme describing how to add multiple bundles.
Fix some minor bugs with entity editing.
Properly utilize hook_entity_insert and hook_entity_update
Fix notices.
Make title adhear to entity display settings
#1328932: $plugin = array() notation causes new panes to not work right with
  #ajax operations.
Fixed php notice when creating new entities
Change revision wording to match node revision form fields.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.0-beta2, 2011-10-27
Ensure that adding an already reusable entity as a pane to a display does not
  create a new revision.
Fully implement revision control on the entities.
Improvements to revisions, make sure that #ajax (such as with image fields)
  works properly within the pane editor.
More work on the revision integration. Revisions seem to load and save now.
Update for revisions; remove unneeded upgrade path, nobody is currently using
  this module.
Implement per bundle permission setting.
Misc cleanup, plus implement access control. update.php required.

Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.0-beta1, 2011-10-19
Add all database operations, views support, list page.
More menu path completed.
Fix entity view.
Remove dsms.
Initial commit.


View source
  1. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx
  2. ----------------------------------------------
  3. #3039610 by DamienMcKenna: Prefix admin title with bundle label.
  4. #3039612 by DamienMcKenna: Don't show "reusable" in pane admin title if
  5. can't be loaded.
  6. #3087902 by cboyden, ruyakhokhar, wstocker, DamienMcKenna: PHP 7.2 compatibility
  7. warning in fieldable_panels_pane.class.php.
  8. #3064054 by cboyden, DamienMcKenna, Michelle: Link path field cuts off at 128
  9. characters.
  10. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.13, 2019-03-12
  11. -------------------------------------------
  12. #3039427 by DamienMcKenna: Failure if an FPP can't be loaded in a Panelizer
  13. page.
  14. #3039174 by junaidpv: FPP cause to redirect to non existing path like
  15. "admin/structure/fieldable-panels-panes/article/fields" when taking "Manage
  16. Fields" paths like "admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields".
  17. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.12, 2019-03-04
  18. -------------------------------------------
  19. #2826182 by Arrow: Inversed logic for checking if the title should be used.
  20. #2825835 by Pol: Avoid errors with Panels when a FPP was deleted or otherwise
  21. doesn't exist.
  22. By DamienMcKenna: Remove the CTools/Panels version requirenents.
  23. #2826205 by DamienMcKenna, ron_s, Postovan Dumitru, wilei, dat deaf drupaler,
  24. potassiumchloride, Rudi Teschner, Pol, Arrow, ec-adam, maxplus, arosboro,
  25. kmonty, wylbur, langelhc, smaz, Manuel Garcia, dan.munn, Nitebreed, vkakani,
  26. Bram Esposito: Broken links for Fieldable Panels Panes in admin menu after
  27. update.
  28. #2936307 by cboyden, DamienMcKenna: View functions handle langcode argument
  29. differently.
  30. #2867561 by Chris Burge, DamienMcKenna: Allow CTools Content Type plugin access
  31. to be altered.
  32. #2865462 by Chris Burge, DamienMcKenna: Allow CTools content type to be altered.
  33. #2889278 by cboyden, dsnopek: On the Views link fields, allow hiding links if
  34. the FPP is not reusable.
  35. #2982204 by DamienMcKenna, shaysmith: Database updates may not complete for
  36. fieldable_panels_panes_update_7108.
  37. #2962952 by DamienMcKenna, dsnopek, cboyden: Implement
  38. hook_panelizer_clone_panelizer().
  39. #3019270 by Asacolips, wildhostile, Anybody: Can't access to drupal 7 admin
  40. (err_too_many_redirects).
  41. #3028536 by DamienMcKenna: Add 'use strict' to the JS.
  42. #2916627 by DamienMcKenna, Manuel Garcia: Add a composer.json file to document
  43. the dependencies.
  44. #3029146 by Manuel Garcia: Add test dependency for services module integration.
  45. #3036702 by DamienMcKenna: Fix tests for 7.x-1.x branch.
  46. #3036701 by DamienMcKenna: Coding standards fixes for FPP.
  47. #3035271 by DamienMcKenna, featherbelly: Remove `composer.json`.
  48. #3037423 by Mixologic, DamienMcKenna: Add libraries as a test dependency for
  49. #2163581.
  50. #2163581 by Manuel Garcia, DamienMcKenna, indytechcook, timaholt, dww,
  51. Mixologic: Add Services resources.
  52. #3037380 by DamienMcKenna: List dependencies in the tests, tidy up setUp()
  53. methods.
  54. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.11, 2016-11-05
  55. -------------------------------------------
  56. #2688577 by rigoucr: Wrong function name for update 7114.
  57. #2778265 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed tests due to permission changes in core.
  58. #2233363 by DamienMcKenna: Removed some legacy paths that were causing problems
  59. on some sites.
  60. #2798963 by tbfisher: Typo on Migrate integration could lead to dataloss.
  61. #2798965 by tbfisher: Migrate class for use as a data source.
  62. #2730465 by joelpittet: Fixed integration with Panel Nodes.
  63. #2548883 by Ahmad Abbad: Title field was shown twice in certain circumstances.
  64. #2637740 by joelstein, Chris Burge: Add the entity's bundle name, to make some
  65. of the hooks easier to work with.
  66. #2494733 by DamienMcKenna: Added a test dependency on Pathauto.
  67. #2494733 by DamienMcKenna: Added a test for path handling when Pathauto is
  68. installed.
  69. #2801605 by scuba_fly, DamienMcKenna, mrmikedewolf: Allow 'reuseable' option to
  70. be changed after initial FPP creation.
  71. #2814117 by cboyden, lucas.constantino, dsnopek: Added
  72. hook_fieldable_panels_panes_access() to allow other modules to control access
  73. to Fieldable Panels Pane objects.
  74. #2801353 by ChaseOnTheWeb, DamienMcKenna: Duplicate logic of update_7112 and
  75. update_7113 for when using UUID.
  76. #2723655 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed usage of POSITION() in update_7112 and
  77. update_7113.
  78. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.10, 2016-05-04
  79. -------------------------------------------
  80. By cboyden, DamienMcKenna, dsnopek: Admin title formatting.
  81. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.9, 2016-05-03
  82. ------------------------------------------
  83. #2487888 by coenvanvliet, DamienMcKenna, joelstein: Clear an object's cache
  84. after it is saved or updated.
  85. #1910934 by jlapp, thrnio, Chris Burge, MiroslavBanov: Allow all FPP objects to
  86. be used as blocks, controllable from the new settings page.
  87. #1986334 by David_Rothstein, grndlvl, EclipseGc, ruloweb, vilepickle, heddn,
  88. MiroslavBanov, brantwynn, mairi, danieltome, azinck, DamienMcKenna, slucero:
  89. Optionally allow each FPP pane to be referenced by revision ID, allowing for
  90. editorial workflows when used with Panelizer.
  91. #2691577 by DamienMcKenna: Added placeholders for more tests.
  92. #2713699 by joelstein: Add pane-fpid-[FPID] class when FPPs referenced by
  93. revision ID.
  94. #2695499 by DamienMcKenna, ttamniwdoog, azinck, heddn: On new sites,
  95. non-reusable FPPs must now be referenced by revision ID, includes update
  96. scripts to update sites as needed. FPPs may not have their reusability
  97. changed after the initial creation. Non-reusable FPPs are always saved as a
  98. new revision.
  99. #2493899 by Upchuk, DamienMcKenna: Language selector on FPP entity form.
  100. #2688577 by rigoucr, DamienMcKenna: Recover the default FPP type if it was
  101. deleted in update 7108.
  102. #2541184 by DamienMcKenna, Andrew Edwards, solipsist: Make the admin title
  103. always available so it can always be used. Also, make the FPP category
  104. editable for saved objects and the revision field available when editing
  105. non-reusable FPPs.
  106. #2717609 by dsnopek: Use the standard entity_label() function to get the FPP's
  107. title if no admin title is provided for the admin UI.
  108. #1724394 by DamienMcKenna: Hide some links if Field UI is not installed.
  109. #2374577 by grasmash, DamienMcKenna, walangitan: Cache the FPPs list for CTools.
  110. #2508629 by malik.kotob, DamienMcKenna: Properly handle HTML entities in titles
  111. when the field is a link.
  112. #2718091 by DamienMcKenna: Reverted #2622808 and #2718035, added test for
  113. Entity API and for title links.
  114. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.8, 2016-03-02
  115. ------------------------------------------
  116. #2534200 by bwood, cboyden: Disable support for the Redirect module.
  117. #2207625 by Chris Burge, casaran, Peacog, AndersNielsen: Added permission for
  118. listing FPPs.
  119. #2416065 by DamienMcKenna: Added a bunch of tests to confirm permissions work
  120. correctly.
  121. #2678696 by DamienMcKenna: Devel added as a test dependency.
  122. #2531038 by DamienMcKenna: Noted related modules in the README.txt.
  123. #2618904 by milodesc: Fixed URLs to field/display pages in the README.txt.
  124. #2233363 by DamienMcKenna: Added more test assertions to show that the admin
  125. paths are correct.
  126. #2562717 by dsnopek, cboyden: Resuable FPPs with no admin title did not have a
  127. label in the CTools 'Add Content' dialog.
  128. #2614888/#2653510 by joelstein, muschpusch: Use bundle description as plugin
  129. description.
  130. #2571981 by dgtlmoon: hook_fieldable_panels_pane_insert() was missing the
  131. entity argument.
  132. #2550809 by fago: Fixed integration with inline_entity_form.
  133. By DamienMcKenna, gmercer: File access not working correctly for FPP objects.
  134. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.7, 2015-09-02
  135. ------------------------------------------
  136. By Chris Burge, dsnopek, DamienMcKenna: Added "check editable" callback for
  137. CTools pane definition, refactored FPP object loading.
  138. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.6, 2015-05-29
  139. ------------------------------------------
  140. #2427275 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed line_entity_form integration.
  141. #2463965 by dsnopek: PHP notice when FPP is hidden via visibility rules.
  142. #2457995 by B-Prod: Fixed compatibility with the Title module.
  143. #1985894 by DamienMcKenna, tanc: Return FALSE in load function if no entities.
  144. #2493749 by dsnopek: FPP title always shown as link, even if not requested!
  145. #2483335 by dsnopek: Improved label in File Entity file usage report.
  146. #2483335 by DamienMcKenna: Made default labels less technical.
  147. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.6-beta1, 2015-02-02
  148. ------------------------------------------------
  149. #2283165 by DamienMcKenna: Incorrect variable usage broke 'create' permission.
  150. #2268531 by DamienMcKenna: Ensure variable exists before running strpos() on it.
  151. #2204837 by Kirby: Fixed call to undefined function ctools_cleanstring().
  152. #2250293 by DamienMcKenna: Revisions support for Panelizer.
  153. #1911176 by Dave Reid: Edit form improvements.
  154. #2237097 by DamienMcKenna: Inline_Entity_Form support.
  155. #2237137 by DamienMcKenna: Entity API support.
  156. #1618308 by DamienMcKenna: Follow-up to fix menu paths.
  157. #2247179 by DamienMcKenna: Fixed Panelizer admin path.
  158. #1618308 by helior, acrollet, realityloop, magicmyth, DamienMcKenna: UI for
  159. managing FPP bundles.
  160. #2146479: Fixed conflict with recent change to admin_menu
  161. (
  162. #2074735 by rogical: Added configure link to admin/structure/fieldable-panels
  163. -panes in the info file.
  164. #2250383 by DamienMcKenna: Require CTools 1.4 or newer.
  165. #2145209 by primozsusa, eft, DamienMcKenna: Support for the Migrate module.
  166. #2287015 by eft, DamienMcKenna: Missing deletion callback in hook_entity_info.
  167. #2283263 by cboyden, DamienMcKenna: Allow FPP description to be overridden.
  168. #1588882 by jlapp, mcarbone, DamienMcKenna: Use title as the entity label when
  169. admin_title isn't present.
  170. #2246893 by mglaman: Does not properly set pane subtype on content edit form
  171. submit.
  172. #2318033 by mongolito404: Increase FPP 'name' field length to 255 characters.
  173. #2280457 by magicmyth: Entity API support is broken.
  174. #2389873 by mkhamash: Add pane config to the entity object.
  175. #2233363 by mongolito404: Incorrect paths to some FPP admin pages.
  176. #2098041 by Placinta: Don't call hook_entity_presave twice in one save process.
  177. #2092477 by rrrob, DamienMcKenna: Make the pane title use the current view mode.
  178. #2398301 by mglaman: Add hook_fieldable_panels_pane_insert/update/save hooks.
  179. #2302931 by Adrian Richardson, DamienMcKenna: Fixed PanelsPaneController
  180. ->access().
  181. #2304921 by plopesc: Normalized the entity output.
  182. #2244541 by DamienMcKenna: The default FPP type can be skipped during
  183. installation by assigning a variable, see README.txt for details.
  184. #2398759 by mglaman: Documented some basic CRUD APIs.
  185. #2399623 by mglaman: Include original entity when saving an FPP.
  186. By DamienMcKenna: Document when hook_entity_view_mode_alter() is triggered.
  187. #2256503 by DamienMcKenna, dsnopek: Title field logic improved, new 'preview'
  188. view mode used by default on standalone entity page.
  189. #2415427 by dsnopek: Avoid loading FPP from database in
  190. fieldable_panels_panes_preprocess_panels_pane().
  191. #2415427 by dsnopek: Follow-up on last commit.
  192. #2390145 by mrmikedewolf: Add default access callback for admin views.
  193. #2416001 by DamienMcKenna: Requires the latest releases of CTools and Panels.
  194. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.5, 2013-05-07
  195. ------------------------------------------
  196. #1989478 by tim.plunkett: Added Implement the new 'create content access'
  197. callback for content types.
  198. Follow-up #1900528: Fixed hook_entity_view_alter() did not have the correct
  199. second parameter passed to it.
  200. #1911926: Move the 'View access' and 'Edit access' tabs under one 'Access
  201. control' tab.
  202. #1911074: Added support for the entitycache module.
  203. #1900528: Fixed PanelsPaneController::buildContent() invokes
  204. hook_entity_view_alter() but not hook_entity_view().
  205. By Dave Reid: Add an access check for setting current revision that can be
  206. re-used.
  207. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.4, 2013-01-25
  208. ------------------------------------------
  209. #1724394 by swentel, Dave Reid: Dropped dependency on Field UI.
  210. #1864956 by mrfelton, Dave Reid: Fixed contextual link support for rendered
  211. fieldable panel panes.
  212. #1864950: Increased default pager limit to 50 items in default views.
  213. Re-exported for most recent Views updates.
  214. By Dave Reid: Make the 'Add' tab on the panel pane listing a local action to
  215. comply with UX standards.
  216. #1860484: Added title module support for fieldable panel pane titles.
  217. #1707852: Fixed compatability with the 'Rendered entity' View row plugin in
  218. Entity API.
  219. #1536944: Ensure that language is added as form element in
  220. fieldable_panels_panes_entity_edit_form().
  221. By Dave Reid: Fixed 'Delete' tab had the same weight as 'Edit' meaning it could
  222. show up before 'Edit'.
  223. #1766182 by cweagans, webflo, Dave Reid: Fixed
  224. fieldable_panels_panes_preprocess_panels_pane() does not gracefully fail if
  225. fieldable_panels_panes_load_entity() fails.
  226. #1876724: Added support for hook_entity_view_mode_alter().
  227. Follow-up #1536944: Fixed language not actually saved on fieldable panel pane
  228. entities.
  229. #1862130: Fixed rollback() does not accept arguments. Standardized watchdog type
  230. argument.
  231. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.3, 2012-12-07
  232. ------------------------------------------
  233. Follow-up #1618152: Removed accidental css class.
  234. #1707852 by zuuperman, theunraveler: Fixed undefined function error when entity
  235. API view callback is used.
  236. #1618152 by Dave Reid, grndlvl, dalin: Fixed unable to change classes or
  237. attributes using preprocess_fieldable_panels_pane.
  238. #1536944 by Dave Reid, jucallme, mrfelton, stylus, helior: Enabled entity
  239. translation for fieldable panel pane entities.
  240. #1857096: Fixed incorrect argument for access callback.
  241. #1762362: Fixed incorrect bundle argument position in example code.
  242. #1818132 by beeradb: entity_uuid_load() is not reliable.
  243. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.2, 2012-08-16
  244. ------------------------------------------
  245. #1719798 by acrollet: Added Informational text should be displayed on the 'list'
  246. tab when no fieldable panels pane entities have been created.
  247. #1715918 by populist: Added Allow Fieldable Panel Panes to be Loaded by VID in
  248. _fieldable_panels_panes_load_entity().
  249. #1616764 by swentel, zuuperman: Implement PLUGIN_content_type_admin_info().
  250. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.1, 2012-07-27
  251. ------------------------------------------
  252. #1702050 by mstrelan: Link pane title to another page/url
  253. #1702050 by mstrelan: Link pane title to another page/url
  254. #1630892 by helior: Add devel support to reusable panes.
  255. #1607028 by helior: Move admin path up a level because we are constantly running
  256. into menu depth issues.
  257. Remove old code and replace with newer simpler CTools function call.
  258. #1548980: Add view mode selector for fieldable panel panes.
  259. #1616764 by swentel: Implement plugin_content_type_admin_info so that fieldable
  260. panes show more information in the Panels backend editor.
  261. #1598056: Create fieldable pane permission does not work.
  262. #1533628 by Alan D and mcarbone: Provide template suggestion for pane bundle.
  263. #1621886 by helior: Use proper name for preprocess function.
  264. #1555414 by bangpound and helior: Do not call drupal_render() on pane view
  265. prematurely.
  266. #1555400 by bangpound: Remove unneeded and potentially buggy "variables"
  267. declaration from hook_theme() implementation.
  268. Clean up the panelizer integration.
  269. Pass coder review
  270. added admin_menu hook to display entities #1607086
  271. Initial support for panelizer 3.x so that you can panelize pane view modes.
  272. Applied patch from #1549634 to delete revisions
  273. #1423994 update UUID support for newest uuid api.
  274. #1444778 by populist: Allow fieldable panel panes to specify top level and icon.
  275. commited patch from #1411664
  276. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.0, 2012-01-15
  277. ------------------------------------------
  278. #1377636: Add a class for the pane bundle in the panel pane template.
  279. #1369398 by John Morahan: Allow deletion of revision which has a link that does
  280. not work.
  281. #1346096: Make new entities created outside of panels add modal default to
  282. resuable.
  283. Remove hook_modules_installed() as uuid now handles adding the field itself.
  284. However we also need to ensure the uuid flag is always set in
  285. hook_entity_info() so that it is available at uuid uninstall time.
  286. #1328966: Error in README.txt.
  287. #1340984: add UUID support.
  288. #1363820: Fix rebuilding the form via AJAX before it's been saved.
  289. Add a comment about renaming the default bundle to README.txt.
  290. Add a readme describing how to add multiple bundles.
  291. Fix some minor bugs with entity editing.
  292. Properly utilize hook_entity_insert and hook_entity_update
  293. Fix notices.
  294. Make title adhear to entity display settings
  295. #1328932: $plugin = array() notation causes new panes to not work right with
  296. #ajax operations.
  297. Fixed php notice when creating new entities
  298. Change revision wording to match node revision form fields.
  299. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.0-beta2, 2011-10-27
  300. ------------------------------------------------
  301. Ensure that adding an already reusable entity as a pane to a display does not
  302. create a new revision.
  303. Fully implement revision control on the entities.
  304. Improvements to revisions, make sure that #ajax (such as with image fields)
  305. works properly within the pane editor.
  306. More work on the revision integration. Revisions seem to load and save now.
  307. Update for revisions; remove unneeded upgrade path, nobody is currently using
  308. this module.
  309. Implement per bundle permission setting.
  310. Misc cleanup, plus implement access control. update.php required.
  311. Fieldable Panels Panes 7.x-1.0-beta1, 2011-10-19
  312. ------------------------------------------------
  313. Add all database operations, views support, list page.
  314. More menu path completed.
  315. Fix entity view.
  316. Remove dsms.
  317. Initial commit.