You are here in Field Validation 7.2


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 * @file
 * Property validation pattern validator.
$plugin = array(
  'label' => t('Pattern(regex lite)'),
  'description' => t('Verifies that a user-entered value conforms to a specified pattern.'),
  'handler' => array(
    'class' => 'property_validation_pattern_validator',
class property_validation_pattern_validator extends property_validation_validator {

   * Validate property.
  public function validate() {

    // Following code was copied from, thanks to DrewMathers
    if ($this->value != '') {
      $pattern = $this->rule->settings['pattern'];
      $pattern = preg_quote($pattern, "/");

      // Escape regex control characters
      if (PHP_VERSION < 5.3) {
        $pattern = preg_replace('/-/', '\\-', $pattern);

        // PHP bug #47229
      $pattern = preg_replace('/a/', '[a-zA-Z]', $pattern);
      $pattern = preg_replace('/9/', '[0-9]', $pattern);
      $pattern = preg_replace('/#/', '[a-zA-Z0-9]', $pattern);
      if (!preg_match('/^(' . $pattern . ')$/', $this->value)) {

   * Provide settings option
  function settings_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
    $default_settings = $this
      ->get_default_settings($form, $form_state);

    //print debug($default_settings);
    $form['settings']['pattern'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Pattern'),
      '#description' => t("Specify a pattern where:") . theme('item_list', array(
        'items' => array(
          t('a - Represents an alpha character [a-zA-Z]'),
          t('9 - Represents a numeric character [0-9]'),
          t('# - Represents an alphanumeric character [a-zA-Z0-9]'),
      )) . t('Example, North American phone number: (999) 999-999'),
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#default_value' => isset($default_settings['pattern']) ? $default_settings['pattern'] : '',
    parent::settings_form($form, $form_state);
