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README.txt in Field Validation 7.2

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  1. 8 README.txt
This module adds an extra tab to each field instance, allowing you to specify validation rules for your field instances.

The following validators are currently included (7.x-2.x):

Regular expression
Numeric values (optionally specify min and / or max value)
length (optionally specify min and / or max length)
number of words (optionally specify min and / or max words )
Plain text (disallow tags)
Must be empty (Anti-Spam: Hide with CSS)
Words blacklist
number of selections (optionally specify min and / or max selections )
Match against a field
Match against a property
Specific value(s)
Require at least one of several fields
Equal values on multiple fields
Unique values on multiple fields
PHP Code (powerfull but dangerous)
URL (support internal path and external url validation)
Pattern (Regular expression lite)
Date range2
Following validators are included in sub module field validation extras:

EAN number
Field collection unique
Integer values
IP Address
Numeric(HTML5, with the option to specify min/max/step)
Regular expression (Perl-Compatible)
Required field
Require some of several fields
Postal code(depend on Postal Code Validation, support Address Field)
Since 7.x-2.1, we add another sub module property validation which could solve validation issues for property(non-field), such as title, Ubercat SKU, list_price.


Entity API ( Property validation)

Lullabot write a doc for this module:Write complex validation rules for your fields,

Docs on
Date range document:
PHP code validator document:

related modules

clientside validation
field validation deprecated

Mr Zhang need a validation module which could add regular expression validation rules for Field, and he think Webform Validation is simple and powerfull. But we can not find such a module. That is why original code of the Field validation 1.x module was copy from Webform Validation . Thanks to svendecabooter.


This module was sponsored by FLTRP
Date validation module was sponsored by cgdrupalkwk
This module was sponsored by Think in Drupal
Token and basic conditional support was develped for

Howard Ge

The author can be contacted for paid customizations of this module as well as Drupal consulting and development.


View source
  1. This module adds an extra tab to each field instance, allowing you to specify validation rules for your field instances.
  2. The following validators are currently included (7.x-2.x):
  3. Regular expression
  4. Numeric values (optionally specify min and / or max value)
  5. length (optionally specify min and / or max length)
  6. number of words (optionally specify min and / or max words )
  7. Plain text (disallow tags)
  8. Must be empty (Anti-Spam: Hide with CSS)
  9. Words blacklist
  10. number of selections (optionally specify min and / or max selections )
  11. Unique
  12. Match against a field
  13. Match against a property
  14. Specific value(s)
  15. Require at least one of several fields
  16. Equal values on multiple fields
  17. Unique values on multiple fields
  18. PHP Code (powerfull but dangerous)
  19. URL (support internal path and external url validation)
  20. Email
  21. Pattern (Regular expression lite)
  22. Date range2
  23. Following validators are included in sub module field validation extras:
  24. Color(HTML5)
  25. Date(ISO)
  26. EAN number
  27. Field collection unique
  28. Integer values
  29. IP Address
  30. Numeric(HTML5, with the option to specify min/max/step)
  31. Regular expression (Perl-Compatible)
  32. Phone
  33. Required field
  34. Require some of several fields
  35. Postal code(depend on Postal Code Validation, support Address Field)
  36. Since 7.x-2.1, we add another sub module property validation which could solve validation issues for property(non-field), such as title, Ubercat SKU, list_price.
  37. Requirements
  38. Ctools
  39. Entity API ( Property validation)
  40. Documentation
  41. Lullabot write a doc for this module:Write complex validation rules for your fields,
  42. Docs on
  43. Date range document:
  44. PHP code validator document:
  45. related modules
  46. clientside validation
  47. field validation deprecated
  48. Acknowledgements
  49. Mr Zhang need a validation module which could add regular expression validation rules for Field, and he think Webform Validation is simple and powerfull. But we can not find such a module. That is why original code of the Field validation 1.x module was copy from Webform Validation . Thanks to svendecabooter.
  50. Sponsors:
  51. This module was sponsored by FLTRP
  52. Date validation module was sponsored by cgdrupalkwk
  53. This module was sponsored by Think in Drupal
  54. Token and basic conditional support was develped for
  55. Authour:
  56. Howard Ge
  57. The author can be contacted for paid customizations of this module as well as Drupal consulting and development.