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protected function FieldRedirectionResultBuilder::shouldDeny in Field Redirection 8.2

Determine whether we should deny redirecting.


\Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface $items: The field items.

\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request: The request.

\Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $account: The account.

array $settings: The field settings.

Return value

bool TRUE if we should deny redirecting.

1 call to FieldRedirectionResultBuilder::shouldDeny()
FieldRedirectionResultBuilder::buildResult in src/FieldRedirectionResultBuilder.php
Builds a redirection result for a given set of values.


src/FieldRedirectionResultBuilder.php, line 84


Defines a service for evaluating the intended action for a field redirection.




protected function shouldDeny(FieldItemListInterface $items, Request $request, AccountInterface $account, array $settings = []) {

  // Return early if account has bypass permission.
  if ($account
    ->hasPermission('bypass redirection')) {
    return TRUE;
  $current_url = Url::fromRoute('<current>');
  $current_path = $current_url

  // Optionally control the list of pages this works on.
  if (!empty($settings['page_restrictions']) && !empty($settings['pages'])) {

    // Remove '1' from this value so it can be XOR'd later on.
    $page_restrictions = $settings['page_restrictions'] - 1;

    // Do raw token replacements.
    $pages = $this->token
      ->replace($settings['pages'], [], [
      'clear' => TRUE,

    // Normalise all paths to lower case.
    $pages = mb_strtolower($pages);
    $page_match = $this->pathMatcher
      ->matchPath($current_path, $pages);
    $requestUri = $request
    if ($current_path != $requestUri) {
      $page_match = $page_match || $this->pathMatcher
        ->matchPath($requestUri, $pages);

    // Stop processing if the page restrictions have matched.
    if (!($page_restrictions xor $page_match)) {
      return TRUE;

  // Don't do anything if the current page is running the normal cron script;
  // this also supports Elysia Cron.
  if (mb_strpos($current_path, '/cron') === 0) {
    return TRUE;

  // Don't do anything if the cron script is being executed from the admin
  // status page.
  if ($current_path === '/admin/reports/status/run-cron') {
    return TRUE;

  // Don't do anything if site is in maintenance mode.
  if (defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE') || $this->state
    ->get('system.maintenance_mode')) {
    return TRUE;

  // Only redirect based on the first value of a field. Ignore other values.
  if (!$items
    ->isEmpty()) {

    /** @var \Drupal\link\Plugin\Field\FieldType\LinkItem $item */
    $item = $items
  elseif (isset($settings['404_if_empty']) && $settings['404_if_empty']) {
    throw new NotFoundHttpException();
  else {
    return TRUE;
  $redirect_url = $item

  // We need to check if the redirect URL is the same as:
  // 1. The current (possibly an alias) path (relative).
  // 2. The current path's internal path (relative). Url->toString()
  // always returns an alias, so this is covered by point 1 above.
  // 3. The current path's internal path (absolute).
  // 4. The current path, which is also the home page.
  // If any of these cases are true, then do not redirect.
  // Current path (relative) and current internal path (relative).
  if ($current_path == $redirect_url
    ->toString()) {
    return TRUE;

  // Current path (absolute).
  if ($current_url
    ->toString() === $redirect_url
    ->toString()) {
    return TRUE;

  // Current path is the home page.
  if (!$redirect_url
    ->isExternal() && $redirect_url
    ->getRouteName() == '<front>' && $this->pathMatcher
    ->isFrontPage()) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;