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i18n_field_placeholder.test in Field placeholder 7

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  1. 7.2 i18n_field_placeholder/i18n_field_placeholder.test

File that holds multilingual tests for Field placeholder module.


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 * @file
 * File that holds multilingual tests for Field placeholder module.
class I18nFieldPlaceholderTestCase extends Drupali18nTestCase {

   * The getInfo() method provides information about the test.
   * In order for the test to be run, the getInfo() method needs
   * to be implemented.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Field placeholder translation'),
      'group' => 'Field placeholder',
      'description' => t('Field placeholder translation functions'),

   * Prepares the testing environment.
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('i18n_field', 'i18n_field_placeholder');
    $this->translator = $this
      'translate interface',
      'translate user-defined strings',

    // Create content type, with underscores.
    $type_name = strtolower($this
      ->randomName(8)) . '_test';
    $type = $this
      'name' => $type_name,
      'type' => $type_name,
    $this->type = $type->type;

    // Store a valid URL name, with hyphens instead of underscores.
    $this->hyphen_type = str_replace('_', '-', $this->type);

   * Creates a new field through the Field UI.
   * @param string $bundle_path
   *   Admin path of the bundle that the new field is to be attached to.
   * @param string $initial_edit
   *   $edit parameter for drupalPost() on the first step ('Manage fields'
   *   screen).
   * @param array $field_edit
   *   $edit parameter for drupalPost() on the second step ('Field settings'
   *   form).
   * @param array $instance_edit
   *   $edit parameter for drupalPost() on the third step ('Instance settings'
   *   form).
  protected function fieldUIAddNewField($bundle_path, $initial_edit, $field_edit = array(), $instance_edit = array()) {

    // Use 'test_field' field type by default.
    $initial_edit += array(
      'fields[_add_new_field][type]' => 'test_field',
      'fields[_add_new_field][widget_type]' => 'test_field_widget',
    $label = $initial_edit['fields[_add_new_field][label]'];
    $field_name = $initial_edit['fields[_add_new_field][field_name]'];

    // First step : 'Add new field' on the 'Manage fields' page.
      ->drupalPost("{$bundle_path}/fields", $initial_edit, t('Save'));
      ->assertRaw(t('These settings apply to the %label field everywhere it is used.', array(
      '%label' => $label,
    )), t('Field settings page was displayed.'));

    // Second step : 'Field settings' form.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $field_edit, t('Save field settings'));
      ->assertRaw(t('Updated field %label field settings.', array(
      '%label' => $label,
    )), t('Redirected to instance and widget settings page.'));

    // Third step : 'Instance settings' form.
      ->drupalPost(NULL, $instance_edit, t('Save settings'));
      ->assertRaw(t('Saved %label configuration.', array(
      '%label' => $label,
    )), t('Redirected to "Manage fields" page.'));

    // Check that the field appears in the overview form.
      ->assertFieldByXPath('//table[@id="field-overview"]//td[1]', $label, t('Field was created and appears in the overview page.'));

   * Test the translation of text fields.
  public function testFieldPlaceholderTranslation() {
    $field_name = drupal_strtolower($this
    $label = $this
    $placeholder = $this
    $bundle_path1 = 'admin/structure/types/manage/' . $this->hyphen_type;

    // Create a basic text field.
    $edit = array(
      'fields[_add_new_field][type]' => 'text',
      'fields[_add_new_field][widget_type]' => 'text_textfield',
      'fields[_add_new_field][label]' => $label,
      'fields[_add_new_field][field_name]' => $field_name,
    $instance_settings = array(
      'instance[placeholder]' => $placeholder,
      ->fieldUIAddNewField($bundle_path1, $edit, array(), $instance_settings);

    // Refresh i18n_strings.
    $edit = array(
      'groups[field]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/config/regional/translate/i18n_string', $edit, t('Refresh strings'));

    // Save translations for each attribute.
    $label_translation = $this
      ->createStringTranslation('field', $label);
    $placeholder_translation = $this
      ->createStringTranslation('field', $placeholder);

    // Test untranslated values in default language.
      ->drupalGet('node/add/' . $this->hyphen_type);
      ->assertText($label, 'Field label is not translated');
      ->assertRaw('placeholder="' . $placeholder, 'Field description is not translated');

    // Test translated values in secondary language.
      ->drupalGet($this->secondary_language . '/node/add/' . $this->hyphen_type);
      ->assertText($label_translation[$this->secondary_language], 'Field label is translated');
      ->assertRaw('placeholder="' . $placeholder_translation[$this->secondary_language], 'Field description is translated');



Namesort descending Description
I18nFieldPlaceholderTestCase @file File that holds multilingual tests for Field placeholder module.