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protected function FieldPermissionsCommentTest::checkCustomCommentField in Field Permissions 8

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  1. 8.2 tests/src/Functional/FieldPermissionsCommentTest.php \Drupal\Tests\field_permissions\Functional\FieldPermissionsCommentTest::checkCustomCommentField()

Tests the comment field with custom permissions.

1 call to FieldPermissionsCommentTest::checkCustomCommentField()
FieldPermissionsCommentTest::testFieldPermissionComment in tests/src/Functional/FieldPermissionsCommentTest.php
Test field permissions on comments.


tests/src/Functional/FieldPermissionsCommentTest.php, line 258


Test field permissions with the comment module and fields.




protected function checkCustomCommentField() {
  $path = 'admin/structure/comment/manage/comment/fields/comment.comment.' . $this->fieldName;
  $permission = [];

  // Change custom permission view own field body.
  $perm = [
    'view own ' . $this->fieldName,
  $permission = $this
    ->grantCustomPermissions($this->limitUserRole, $perm, $permission);
    ->setCommentFieldPermissions(FieldPermissionTypeInterface::ACCESS_CUSTOM, $permission, $path);

  // View your comment but not view field body comment post by admin.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node

  // Hide body comment post by Adminuser.
    ->pageTextContains('Limit User comment subject');
    ->pageTextContains('Limit User comment body');

  // Edit your comment not accesss to body field.
    ->pageTextNotContains('Limit User comment body');

  // Custom permission add edit_own field body.
  $perm = [
    'edit own ' . $this->fieldName,
  $permission = $this
    ->grantCustomPermissions($this->limitUserRole, $perm, $permission);
    ->setCommentFieldPermissions(FieldPermissionTypeInterface::ACCESS_CUSTOM, $permission, $path);

  // Test edit your comment edit field body.
    ->pageTextContains('Limit User comment body');

  // Add edit and view all comment.
  $perm = [
    'edit ' . $this->fieldName,
    'view ' . $this->fieldName,
  $permission = $this
    ->grantCustomPermissions($this->adminUserRole, $perm, $permission);
    ->setCommentFieldPermissions(FieldPermissionTypeInterface::ACCESS_CUSTOM, $permission, $path);

  // view.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $this->node
    ->pageTextContains('Limit User comment body');

  // edit.
    ->pageTextContains('Limit User comment body');