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6 calls to FieldGroupFormatterBase::preRender() in Field Group 8

Accordion::preRender in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/Accordion.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters rendering element.
AccordionItem::preRender in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/AccordionItem.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters rendering element.
Details::preRender in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/Details.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters rendering element.
HtmlElement::preRender in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/HtmlElement.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters rendering element.
Tab::preRender in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/Tab.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters rendering element.
Tabs::preRender in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/Tabs.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters rendering element.