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public function FieldGroupFormatterBase::process in Field Group 8.3

Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters elements. The process method is called in the #process part of theme layer, and is currently used for forms. The preRender method is called in the #pre_render part of the theme layer, and is currently used for entity displays.


array $element: The field group render array.

object $processed_object: The object / entity beïng processed.

Overrides FieldGroupFormatterInterface::process

7 methods override FieldGroupFormatterBase::process()
Accordion::process in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/Accordion.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters elements. The process method is called in the #process part of theme layer, and is currently used for forms. The preRender method is called in the…
AccordionItem::process in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/AccordionItem.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters elements. The process method is called in the #process part of theme layer, and is currently used for forms. The preRender method is called in the…
Details::process in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/Details.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters elements. The process method is called in the #process part of theme layer, and is currently used for forms. The preRender method is called in the…
Fieldset::process in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/Fieldset.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters elements. The process method is called in the #process part of theme layer, and is currently used for forms. The preRender method is called in the…
HtmlElement::process in src/Plugin/field_group/FieldGroupFormatter/HtmlElement.php
Allows the field group formatter to manipulate the field group array and attach the formatters elements. The process method is called in the #process part of theme layer, and is currently used for forms. The preRender method is called in the…

... See full list


src/FieldGroupFormatterBase.php, line 200


Base class for 'Fieldgroup formatter' plugin implementations.




public function process(&$element, $processed_object) {
  $element['#group_name'] = $this->group->group_name;
  $element['#entity_type'] = $this->group->entity_type;
  $element['#bundle'] = $this->group->bundle;

  // BC: Call the pre render layer to not break contrib plugins.
  return $this
    ->preRender($element, $processed_object);