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FieldUiTest.php in Field Formatter Filter 2.0.x

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  1. 8 tests/src/Functional/FieldUiTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\field_formatter_filter\Kernel;

use Drupal\KernelTests\Core\Entity\EntityKernelTestBase;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewDisplay;
use Drupal\filter\Entity\FilterFormat;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Tests applying the filter formatter to a node.
 * Exercise the field UI method of configuring the formatter settings.
 * @group field_formatter_filter
class FieldUiTest extends BrowserTestBase {

   * Modules to install.
   * Dependencies should be enabled automatically.
   * @var string[]
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Need to mock more bootstrap stuff.

   * Tests creating and configuring a bundle.
   * Just an internal self-test here.
  public function testCreateContentType() {
      'type' => 'fff_article',

   * Test enabling the filter formatter. Check before, during and after.
  public function testConfiguringFilter() {
    $entity_type = 'node';
    $bundle = 'fff_article';
    $view_mode = 'default';
      'type' => $bundle,
    $node = $this

    // Verify that rendering the page initially shows unwanted text.
    // We use the browser page fetch to look at the page.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->pageTextContains('the real content of the body text');
      ->responseContains('<li>troublesome lists</li>');

    // Now enable the module.
    ], TRUE);

    // Log in as a content manager.
    $permissions = [
      'access administration pages',
      'administer site configuration',
      "access content",
      "create {$bundle} content",
    $account = $this
      ->createUser($permissions, 'manager', TRUE);

    // Open, edit and re-save the field UI, then
    // Re-check that all is well, issue #2868519 implies leaving it unconfigured
    // may damage normal display.

    // To edit the field formatter settings, can do it by submitting the
    // fields 'cog' button. This is js/no-js safe.
    $edit = [];

    // Take care of these button identifiers. Unsure how volatile they are.
      ->submitForm($edit, 'body_settings_edit');

    // At this point we should be seeing the field UI edit form with our
    // widget options displayed open.
      ->pageTextContains(t('Additional Text Filter/Format'));

    // And the default current value of it should be '<none>'
    // The SELECT actually has that as '0' - which is part of our problem.

    # $this->assertSession()->fieldValueEquals(t('Additional Text Filter/Format'), '0');

    // Save without deliberately making any change.
      ->submitForm($edit, 'body_plugin_settings_update');

    // OMG, I forgot this annoying extra step even when automating!
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->pageTextContains(t('Your settings have been saved.'));

    // After that field UI update, we ensure the the node display
    // has not been corrupted as reported in #2868519.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->pageTextContains('the real content of the body text');
      ->responseContains('<li>troublesome lists</li>');

    // Proceed with the proper configurations.
    // Return to the field UI, choose our option, and check results again.
      ->submitForm($edit, 'body_settings_edit');

    // Retrieving the element is the way to set it. Its ID is ridiculous.
    $select = $this
      ->selectExists(t('Additional Text Filter/Format'));

    // fields[body][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][field_formatter_filter][format]
      ->submitForm($edit, 'body_plugin_settings_update');
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
      ->pageTextContains(t('Your settings have been saved.'));

    // Now go and see the results.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->pageTextContains('the real content of the body text');

    // Markup should be stripped now!
      ->responseNotContains('<li>troublesome lists</li>');

   * Create our test content type.
   * Extend ContentTypeCreationTrait.
   * I'm not sure, but it seems this is not expected to be a thing we use
   * in Kernel tests - is it  based around assuming a simpletest environment?
   * @inheritdoc
  public function createContentType(array $values = []) {

    // From ContentTypeCreationTrait.
    $content_type = $this

    // To avoid too many dependencies,
    // -- just toggle off the 'display user' for view modes.
      ->set('display_submitted', FALSE);

   * Create a node with sample content.
   * @param $bundle
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
  private function createTestNode($bundle) {

    // Sample markup is in an external file - just to keep HTML out of code.
    $path = __DIR__ . '/../..';
    $body = file_get_contents($path . '/sample-markup.txt');
    $settings = [
      'type' => $bundle,
      'title' => 'Test this is filtered',
      'uid' => 1,
      'body' => [
        'value' => $body,
        'format' => 'full_html',
    return $this

   * We need to set up two text formats.
  private function createTextFormats() {

    // Add a text format with no restrictions.
    $format = FilterFormat::create([
      'format' => 'full_html',
      'name' => 'Full HTML',

    // Add another text format with very limited markup.
    $format = FilterFormat::create([
      'format' => 'teaser_safe_text',
      'name' => 'Teaser safe text',
      ->setFilterConfig('filter_html', [
      'status' => 1,
      'settings' => [
        'allowed_html' => '<p> <br> <a href hreflang> <em> <strong>',



Namesort descending Description
FieldUiTest Tests applying the filter formatter to a node.